Effects of the Age of the Ortet on Oxidize-Resistant Physiology of Young Forest of Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla Transformation and Expression of Two Insect-Resistant Genes to Hybrid Triploid of Chinese White Poplar RESISTANT PLANTS BREEDING BY MEANS OF CELL/TISSUE CULTURE DROUGHT-RESISTANT MECHANISM OF TWO EDIFICATOS IN HORQIN SANDY LAND OF NORTHEAST CHINA Response of photosynthetic characteristics to water stress of maize leaf in seeding Microsatellite Markers for A Yellow Rust Resistant Gene in Wheat Cultivar Guinong 21 Mapping of a Novel Anthracnose Resistance Gene Using SSR Markers in Common Bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Transgenic of Ramie with Synthetic CryIA+CpTI Gene by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-Mediated 黄土高原丘陵沟壑区抗侵蚀植物叶表皮的生态适应性 Ecological safety of transgenic Cry1Ab/Ac rice on zoobenthos community in paddy fields Resistance identification of the liquor-feedstock sorghum varieties, hybrids and parents to sorghum head smut Comparison for activities of antioxidant enzymes in imidacloprid resistant-and susceptible symbiotic strains in rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) Biological characteristics of metalaxyl-resistant isolates of Phytophthora capsici Glyphosate-tolerant mechanisms in field bindweed Convolvulus arvensis Current knowledge and future challenges of non-genetically modified herbicide-resistant crops Resistant evaluation of rice bacterial leaf streak and virulence differentiation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzicola in Jiangsu Association of infected wild sour jujube Zizyphus spinosa Hu by phytoplasma with occurrence of cultivated Chinese jujube Zizyphus jujuba Mill witches’ broom disease Isolation and identification of INA bacteria in hybrid ‘Skiranui tangerine’ citrus cultivars and their indoor control Analysis on resistant genes and new-breeding wheat cultivars Comparison of methods for identification of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and screening of resistant materials in rapeseed Research Advances of Resistant Genes in Forest Trees Study on validity of genes for leaf rust resistance of wheat in Shanxi Advances in Mlo gene resistant to powdery mildew in barley Study on Characteristics of Soil in Mining Abandoned Lands in Xiangtan, Hunan Province Screening and Evaluation of Eggplant Rootstock for Resistance to Meloidogyne incognita Screening and Evaluation of Eggplant Rootstock for Resistance to Meloidogyne incognita Genetic analysis and Specific Fragments Linked to Powdery Mildew Resistant Gene Pm-2F in Melon Comparison of Amino Acid Sequences on Resistant Gene Tm-22and its Alleles Comparison of Amino Acid Sequences on Resistant Gene Tm-22and its Alleles Analysis of Early Expression Genes Resistance to Root Knot Nema tode in NGene Pepper by SSH Effect of Nematode Resistant Rootstocks on Growth Characteristics and Yields of Tomato Effect and Action Analysis of qSB-9Tq Conferring Resistance to Rice Sheath Blight Effects of Population Density on Stalk Lodging Resistant Mechanism and Agronomic Characteristics of Maize An Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation System Applicable for Four Genotypes of Maize Primary Study on Gene Differential Expression of Pest-resistant Cotton Hybrids between Different Heterosis Crosses Effects of sika pilose antler type I collagen on osteoclast and its molecular mechanism Advances in studies on anti-MRSA effects of Chinese materia medica compounds combined with antibiotics Control of herbicide resistant Echinochloacrusgalli indirect-seeded rice crops Comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance of Reaumuria soongorica from four geographical populations Photosynthesis Characteristic, Yield and Fiber Quality of Insect-resistant Hybrid Cotton with Different Potassium Application Types ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF AN IRRADIATIONRESISTANT BACTERIUM STRAIN OF Kocuria SCREENING OF RESISTANT MUTANT INDUCED BY γ-RAYS IRRADIATION TO RICE BLAST SCREENING OF RESISTANT Trichoderma STRAINS AND THE Co-INTERACTION WITH CARBENDAZIM ANTI-RADIATION MICROBE SEPARATED FROM TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE CUCUMBER MOSAIC VIRUS RESISTANT MUTANT FROM TOBACCO‘S ANTHERS TREATED WITH γ RAY THROUGH ANTHER CULTURE Impact of tomato resistant rootstock on the root-knot and soil free-living nematodes dynamics and community composition Physiological and biochemical responses to different soil drought stress in three tree species Influence of oxytetracycline exposure on antibiotic resistant bacteria and enzyme activities in wheat rhizosphere soil PRELIMINARY RESULTS ON IDENTIFYING OF TRANSGENIC COLOR COTTON AGAINST APHID(Aphis gossypii GLOVER) Resistance to Insect of Transgenic Populus tomentosa Clone-85 plants with Two Insect-resistant Genes Research Advances in the Structure and Function of Alternative Oxidase Effectiveness of Tree Functional Trait-Based Approach for Reconstructing Typhoon- and Frost-Resistant Plantations in the Low Hills of Coastland in Eastern Zhejiang Province A New Poplar Variety ‘purui’ of Resistant to SO2 Progress on the Molecular Biology of the Cladosporium fulvum and Its Resistance Genes in Tomato Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism and Signal Transduction under Cold Stressin Plants POPLAR BREEDING FOR RESISTANCE TO BATOCER HORSFIELDI (HOPE.) IDENTIFICATION OF RAPD MOLECULAR MARKERS FOR RESISTANCE AGAINST ALTERNARIA ALTERNATA IN POPLAR STUDIES ON RAISING THE EFFECT OF CASUARINA EQUISETIFOLIA AFFORESTATION ON THE SANDY LAND IN THE DRAUGHT IN THE COASTAL ZONE Identification and Analysis of Resistance of NAU 92R Wheat Lines Relationship between Some Enzyme Activity and Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum of Rapeseed Cultivars Research status of natural compounds combine with antifungal agents against drug-resistent Candida albicans PCR Detection of Nematode Resistant Gene in Sugarcane Durability of Resistance to Aspergillus flavus Infection and Effect of Intact Testa without Injury on Aflatoxin Production in Peanut Effect of Huanglian Jiedu decoction in combination with fluconazole on ergosterol of fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans Analysis of the relationship between cyanide-resistant respiration and photosynthesis under light in Phaseolus vulgaris leaves Effects of planting density and spraying PP333 on winter wheat lodging-resistance and grain yield. STUDIES ON THE INSECTICIDAL RESISTANCE MECHANISMS OF COTTON SPIDER MITE APPLICATION OF OXALIC ACID FOR SCREENING RESISTANCE OILSEED RAPE TO SCLEROTINIA SCLEROTIORUM AND ITS AFFECTING FACTORS Study on Volatile Constituents of Populus deltoides with Different Resistant Ability to Batocera horsfieldi The Effect of Ground Covering by Litter of Larix principis-rupprechtii to Reducing Velocity of Surface Runoff Exogenous Gene Expression on Transgenic Populus×euramericana cv. ‘74/76‘ Carrying Bivalent Insect-Resistant Genes An Improved Variety for Heavy Costal Saline Soil Landscaping Use: Tamarix chinensis ‘Haicheng 1’ THE EFFECT OF ENHANCED UV B RADIATION ON THE ACTIVITIES OF SOD,CAT AND POX IN WHEAT LEAVES A survey of microbial contamination for ten processed pieces of Chinese materia medica in Shanghai Fatty Acids from Ranunculus ternatus Relationship between Total Phenol in White Birch Wood and Wood Rot Fungi Research Progress of DREB/CBF Transcription Factor in Response to Abiotic-Stresses in Plants Differences Responses of Ornamental Crabapple Cultivars to Soil Drought Stress Study on Sorghum sudanese × S.propinguum interspecies hybridization Feasibility Study on Domestic Rupture Disk Replaced Imported One in Particle Bombardment

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