Physiological Reactions of Tomato after Late Blight Inoculation Cyanide-resistantalternative pathway was involved in the compatibleinteraction between potato tuber (Salonum tuberosum L.) and softrot bacteria (Erwinia carotovora pv.Carotovora) Studies of Transgenic Hybrid Poplar 741 Carrying Two Insect-resistant Genes The Relationship Between the Activity of Cyanide-resistant Respiration and the Expression of Alternative Oxidase in Different Organs of Mung Bean Seedlings The Cyanide-resistant Respiration in Callus of Nicotiana rustica cv. Gansu Yellow Flower Under Low Temperature Creation and Cytological, Biochemical, Molecular Identification of Alien Disomic Substitution Lines with BYDV-resistance from Triticum aestivum-Agropyron intermedium Hybrids Effect of MeJA on Storage Quality and Disease-resistant Enzymes of Blueberries Identification of a Radiation Resistant Belnapia Strain and Proteomic Analysis after Exposure to Gamma Radiation EFFECTS OF MIXING RATIO AND PROCESSING METHODS ON RESISTANT STARCH CONTENT OF PRODUCTS OF RICE ‘JIANGTANGDAO 1’ INDUCTION AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CARBENDAZIM-RESISTANT MUTANTS OF Beauveria bassiana PHYSIOLOGICAL ADAPTABILITY OF DONGNONGDONGMAI 1 TO LOW TEMPERATURE STRESS OF HIGH-COLD AREA Effect of glyphosate on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of leaves of glyphosate-resistant soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seedlings under phosphorus deficiency stress 欧亚种葡萄白粉病微效抗病基因原取代积累 Responses of Poplar (Populus×euramericana cv. Responses and Resistance Mechanism of Pinus massoniana under the Stresses of Simulated Acid Rain and Aluminum An effective Transformation System of Sophora japonica An Excellent New Cultivar of Chinese Jujube with High Resistance to JujubeW itches Broom Disease‘Xingguang’ An Excellent New Cultivar of Chinese Jujube with High Resistance to JujubeW itches Broom Disease‘Xingguang’ A New Variety of Cauliflower‘Xiahua 6’ Transformation of Chrysanthemum with a Synthetic Cry1Ac Gene Mediated by Agrobacteriumtum efaciens Research on Screening of Resistant Resources to Fusarium Wilt and Inheritance of the Resistant Gene in Cabbage Cloning,Characterization and Real-time RT-PCR Analysis of a Key Gene beta-Amyrin synthase for Saponin Biosynthesis in Barbarea vulgaris Cloning,Characterization and Real-time RT-PCR Analysis of a Key Gene beta-Amyrin synthase for Saponin Biosynthesis in Barbarea vulgaris Advances in the Studies on Citrus Rootstock Evaluation and Application Preliminary Study on Pathology of Resistance to Anthracnose in Different Oil tea Camelliae Type Field comparison of the resistance of 33 alfalfa varieties to thrips STUDIES ON HEREDITY OF COLEOPTILE AND RELATIVITY BETWEEN COLEOPTILE LENGTH AND DROUGHT RESISTANCE UNDER WATER STRESS IN WHEAT In vitro micropropagation of insect-resistant transgenic Populus euramericana Effects of Different Ratios of Base and Topdressing Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Leaf Senescence and Yield of Insect-resistant Hybrid Cotton Application and prospect of “couplet medicine” techniques in preservation of Chinese medicinal materials A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON COLD RESISTANT PHYSIOLOGY OF RUTA GRAVEOLENS BREEDING COLD-RESISTANT BREEDS OF GRAPE WITH CROSS OF BETWEEN VITIS AMURENSIS RUPR.AND BETTER BREEDS STUDY ON ANNUAL GROWTH RHYTHM AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTER OF MATURE PLANTS OF ADONIS AMURENSIS in vitro Screening Procedure of Hydroxyproline-resisitant Lines of Gerbera hybrida Cytogenetic Characteristics and Resistance to Stripe Rust of Derivatives from Hybrid between Triticum monococcum and Wild Oat Construction and Application of a Reference Plasmid Suitable for Determination of CpTI and cry1A Gene Dosages in Genetically Modified Cottons Inheritance and SSR mapping of a stripe-rust resistance gene YrH122 derived from Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng Comparison of drought resistance among three Calligonum in the Southern Fringe of the Taklamakan Desert A Preliminary Report on Provenance Trial of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Combined effect of water stress and pathogen infection on wheat The survival and escape of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in triploid hybird lines of Chinese white poplar transformed with two insect-resistant genes Advance on the biosafety assessment of insect-resistant transgenic cotton Researches on the insect-resistant effect of transgenic hybrid poplar 741 with two insect-resistant genes Construction and Primary Analysis of Subtractive cDNA Library of Capsicum annuum L. Under Phytophthora capsici Stress Cloning of a TCTP Gene in Wheat and Its Expression Induced by Erysiphe graminis Responses of the cynanide-resistant respiration to mild water stress in wheat leaves The stresses and the cyanide-resistant respiration Sequence Characteristics and Expression Analysis of IAA-Leucine Resistant1-like Hydrolase Genes in Peach A STUDY ON THE ALFALFA THRIPS Effects of scorpion venom heat-resistant protein on intracerebral NO synthase of mice with Parkinson‘s disease Research on Screening of Resistant Resources to Fusarium Wilt and Inheritance of the Resistant Gene in Cabbage A New Chinese Jujube Cultivar‘Luzao 6’ Research Progress on Stress-related Protein Kinases in Plants Screening and characterizing of hydroxyproline-resistant variants in Lycium barbarum and analysis of its salt tolerance Selection and Characterization of Asparagus Mutants Resistant to Inhibition by Lysine Plus Threonine Obtaining High Pest-resistant Transgenic Upland Cotton Cultivars Carrying cry1Ac3 Gene Driven by Chimeric OM Promoter Research progress in chemical communication among insect-resistant genetically modified plants, insect pests and natural enemies. Analysis on the soil factor and physiological response of the plants in the process of sandy desertification on grassland Injury Symtoms of 38 Woody Species Exposed to Air Pollutants Responses of Garden Greening Plants to Air Pollution in Guangdong Province and the Accumulation of Pollutants in Leaves Physiological and Biochemical Response to Drought Stress in Seedling Stages and Drought-Resistance Evaluation of Sweet Tamarind Varieties Effectivity and evaluation of the resistant genes to wheat powdery mildew in Gansu Province The role of reactive oxygen species metabolism in resistance mechanism to gray leaf spot in maize RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT OF CHILO SUPPRESSALIS FROM JIANGSU PROVINCE AND ITSRESISTANCE MECHANISM TO METHAMIDOPHOS DEVELOPMENT AND PROSPECTS OF RICE BREEDING FOR RESISTANCE TO BLAST IN SICHUAN PROVINCE IDENTIFICATION OF RESISTANCE TO POWDERY MILDEW AND SCREENING OF RESISTANT RESOURCE FOR BARLEY VARIETIES RESEARCH ON DURABLE RESISTANCE TO RICE BLAST DISEASE A New Pear Variety‘Jimi’ A New Pear Variety‘Jimi’ Effect of Different Stocks on Resistance , Physical Activity and Output of Eggplant Mapping of the Resistant Gene to Rice Blast in the Dual Purpose Genic Male Sterile Rice, LongS Mapping of Gene Conferring Resistance to Anthracnose in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) by Molecular Makers Screening of Rice Resources against Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus and Mapping of Resistant QTL Integration of Mungbean(Vigna radiata) Genetic Linkage Map Inhibition of total flavonoids from Filifolium sibiricumon bacterial infection Gene flow of transgenic corn to cultivated relatives in China Impact of the insect-resistant transgenic crops on non-target insects Evaluation of the Resistance of Different Insect-resistant Cotton Cultivars to the Pink Bollworm A New Early Ripening Pear Variety ‘Shiji Pear’ A New Variety of Cauliflower‘Xiahua 6’

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