Comparison of diseases incidence and four fungi abundance between tomato resistant rootstock and cultivar “Maofen” in greenhouse Monitoring of the virulence of Erysiphe graminis f.sp.tritici in different ecological areas of Shanxi Province Relationship between root system characteristics and drought resistance of wheat populations in semiarid region Key temperatures of corn and sunflower during cooling process in Hetao irrigation district, Inner Mongolia Lead- and cadmium-resistant bacterial strain JB11 enhances lead and cadmium uptake in the phytoremediation of soils Current Progress on the Applicat ions and Health Benefits of Resistant Starch in Foods Advances in Study on Rice Resistant Starch Inheritance of wheat stripe rust resistance of alien introgression CH223 from Thinopyrum intermedium and its cytological characterization Glyphosate tolerance of transgenic glyphosate/insect-resistant cotton during different growth periods Impacts of transgenic corn with cry1Ie gene on arthropod biodiversity in the fields Biological activities of eight herbicides to three species of fenoxaprop- P-resistant weeds in wheat fields A Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Method for Rapid Detection of Foreign Genes in Insect-resistant Transgenic Populus nigra Provenance Differences for Fire-assistant and Fire-resistant Chemical Components in Fresh Leaf of Schima superba Screening of Mutants Resistant to the Toxin Produced by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Using Ethyl Methane Sulfonate and Toxin Mutagenesis Techniques Screening of Mutants Resistant to the Toxin Produced by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Using Ethyl Methane Sulfonate and Toxin Mutagenesis Techniques Oilseed Rape Transformation and the Establishment of a BromoxynilResistant Transgenic Oilseed Rape Isolation and distribution of oxytetracycline\|resistant entophytic bacteria in plant of wheat Effect of agronomic measures on population dynamics of sweet potato stem nematode (Ditylenchus destructo) Effect of summer and autumn seasonal drought on the agronomic characteristics of southern spring maize Genetic characters of transgenic upland cotton cultivars carrying triple genes(Bt+CpTI+GNA) Effect and mechanism of humic acid compound fertilizer on the drought- and senility- resistant ability of wheat Evaluation of resistance of wheat variety and parental material to the air-spread disease Screening, Identification and Characterization of Strains Coupling Nitrogen Removal with Sulfide Removal Screening and Identification of Antagonistic Endophytes Against Drug-resistant Bacteria from Medicinal Plants The Current Situation and Prospects of Banana Chilling Stress Screening and Characterization of a Marine Actinomycete with Antagonist Activities Against Multidrug Resistant Bacteria Antibiotics in environmental matrices and their effects on microbial ecosystems A New Early Ripening Pear Variety ‘Shiji Pear’ Effects of High Temperature on Bioluminescence and Energy Metabolism of Malus hupehensis (Pamp) Rehd. var. pingyiensis Jiang Progress on the Molecular Biology of the Cladosporium fulvum and Its Resistance Genes in Tomato Transforming Diseases-resistant Gene VpPR10 into Pear‘Dangshan Suli’and Optimization of the Transformation System Influence of scorpion alcoholic extraction on mdr1 mRNA and P-gpexpression in brain of phenytoin-resistant convulsive rats Effects of Pi deficiency on characteristics of resistant physiology in different sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) genotypes A STUDY ON SELECTION OF GEOGRAPHICAL PROVENANCE OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS RESISTING MATSUCOCCUS MATSUSCOCCUS MATSUMURAE KUWANA SELECTION AND INSECT RESISTANCE OF TRANSGENIC HYBRID POPLAR 741 CARRYING TWO INSECT-RESISTANT GENES STUDIES ON TRANSFORMATION OF MTLD/GUTD DIVALENT GENES TO POPULUS DELTOIDS×P. CATHAYANA Acquirement of Transgenic Chinese Cabbage with BmkIT-Chitinase Gene and Their Insect -resistant Bioassay Selection of drought resistant materials and drought resistant index for maize in South China Genetic Study on the Herbicide (Liberty) Resistibility and Its Application on Utilizing Heterosis in Rice Approach for a Vegetation Index Resistant to Atmospheric Effect Effects of KCN and NaN3 Pretreatment on the Cyanide-Resistant Respiration in Tobacco Callus Effect of transgenic pest-resistant cotton on the growth, reproductionand SOD activity of Eisenia foetida Advance in environmental fate and ecological effects of antibiotics Heat shock stress on photosystem Ⅱ in white cucumbers probed by the fast fluoresence rise OJIP EMS mutagenesis in vitro and screening of calli from strawberry leaves of resistance to Botrytis cinerea Pers STUDIES ON RICE EMBRYOGENIC CALLUS INDUCTION AND SEVERAL TECHNICAL PARAMETERS FOR THEIR GENETIC TRANSFORMATION HEREDITY ANALYSIS OF A NATURAL MUTANT OF PAPAYA RESISTANT TO PRSV DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF PROCESSING-FUNCTIONAL INDICA EARLY RICE CULTIVAR "ZHEFU 201" EFFECTS OF IRRADIATED LILY SCALES ON ITS HEAT RESISTANT REACTION OF PLANTLETS STUDIES ON RESPIRATION AND CYANIDE RESISTANT RESPIRATION INTENSITY OF YOUNG SHOOT OF HYBRID RICE Effect of Nematode Resistant Rootstocks on Growth Characteristics and Yields of Tomato Analysis of Early Expression Genes Resistance to Root Knot Nema tode in NGene Pepper by SSH Transforming Diseases-resistant Gene VpPR10 into Pear‘Dangshan Suli’and Optimization of the Transformation System A New Tomato Hybrid‘Wanxia’Resistant to Tomato Late Blight Advances in the Studies on Citrus Rootstock Evaluation and Application Synergistic antibacterial effect of association of Callicarpa nudiflora and Vancomycin Hydrochloride towards rat model of MRSA pneumonia Biochemical Mechanisms of Resistance to Leaf Blight in Resistant Individual Trees of Platycladus orientalis A Study on the Technique for Seabeach Cultivation of Dendrocalamopsis oldhami Advances in studies on anti-MRSA effects of Chinese materia medica compounds combined with antibiotics Inhibition of total flavonoids from Filifolium sibiricum on bacterial infection Establishment of Marker-assisted Selection System for Breeding Rice Varieties With High Resistant Starch Content Construction of Yeast Two-hybrid cDNA Expression Library of Stellaria apetala Ucria and Acquirement of Interaction Partner of PG, a Virulence Factor From Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Effects of Indoor Simulated Drought Stress on Germinal Traits of Soybeans and Evaluation of Drought-Resistant Construction of Full-length cDNA Library of Peanut Tissues Treated with Different Stresses with SMART Method EFFECTS OF GLYPHOSATE AND POST-DROUGHT REWATERING ON OSMOLYTES AND SHIKIMIC ACID CONTENT IN LEAVES OF GLYPHOSATE-RESISTANT SOYBEAN [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] SEEDLINGS Study on the drought-resistant identification indexes in maize Probing into the method of prompt test of herbicide (Sethoxydim)-resistant gene flow Progress in Aphid-resistant Genes and Transgenic Crop Research SOC decomposition of four typical broad-leaved Korean pine communities in Xiaoxing‘ an Mountain Analysis of the tobacco mutants resistant to CMV Apply of DNA molecular markers in the inheritance of the resistance to stripe rust in wheat Construction of Genetic Linkage Map and QTL Analysis of Phytophthora infestans Resistant Gene Ph-2 in Tomato Studies on Biochemical Assay and Mechanism of Resistance to Scab in Wheat THE EFFECT OF COLD RESISTANT AND HOMOBRASSINOLIDE ON THE CHILLING RESISTANCE OF PLATEAU RICE Evaluation of 25 Nordic wheat accessions for resistance to powdery mildew and the identification of Pm genes using molecular markers Investigation on virulence of Blumeria graminis f.sp.hordei population and resistance to powdery mildew of barley varieties Callose deposition in resistant and susceptible rice varieties under Rice stripe virus stress Resistant difference of indica rice hybrid varieties to rice false smut RESISTANCE OF WHEAT VARIETIES TO WHEAT SPINDLE STREAK MOSAIC DISEASE ANALYSIS OF RESISTANCE GENETICS AND MAPPING OF RESISTANT GENE IN A RICE VARIETY DUOKANG 1 TO RICE GALL MIDGE

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