STUDIES ON RESOURCES UTILIZATION OF THE CHINESE MEDICINAL PLANTS Project design and implementation of the fourth national survey Chinese matiera medica resources Species study on Chinese medicine leech and discussion on its resource sustainable utilization Plant flora characteristics and food resources of Rhinopithecus roxellana habitats in Shennongjia, China Genetic Diversity Analysis of Tea Germplasm in Qiannan Prefecture by SSR Markers The evolutionary causes of rodent group-living: Hypotheses Emergy analysis of the value of grassland ecosystem services in the Three Rivers Source Region Further Study on the Value of Forest Resources The Genetic Resources of Introduced Populus and the Problems Existed in China An Investigation on the Germplasm Resources of Chinese Torreyain Pan‘an County of Zhejiang Province Psammophyte Resource Investigation of Qingshan Village,Yanchi County Distribution of Natural Resources and Research Review on Pinus bungeana Study on the Resources of Entomogenous Fungi in Pangquangou National Nature Reserve The Environment Problems Related with Forest/Vegetation and Water Resources in China and Future Research Requirements The Research and Development on Bamboo/Wood Composite Materials A Preliminary Discussion on the Conservation Strategy of Germplasm Resources of Yunnan Forest Tree Species Assessment and Selection on the Genetic Resource Test Plantation of Loblolly Pine Introduced from Zimbabwe On the Research of Forest Volume Dynamic Monitoring System Based on Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS Study on the Resources and Pathogenicity of Entomogenous Fungi in Lishan National Nature Reserve THE IDLE VIBRATION STATE STUDY ON THE WOODWORKING THICK-NESSING PLANER EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS OF FORESTRY SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS IN RESOURCES INCREASE AND ECONO-CRISIS DECREASE ACTIVITIES DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF THE POTENTIAL COMPARTMENT FOREST-FIRE DANGER GRADE MAP Studies on Germplasm Conservation of Lily ( Lilium L. ) by Restricting Growth Method Rev iew of Study on Germpla sm Resources of Blue Honeysuckle ( L on iceracae ru lea L. ) Investigation on Ornamental Germplasm Resource of Genus Viburnum L. inGansu AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Taro Germplasm s in Yunnan Province A New Sour Cherry Variety for Processing Use ‘Jilin Red Cherry 1’ Investigation on Natural Resources of Osmanthus fragrans Lour. at Zhouluocun in Hunan Establishment of Molecular Identity in 142 Sweet Sorghum Varieties Yield Performance and Resource Efficiency of Double-Cropping Maize in the Yellow, Huai and Hai River Valleys Region Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Major Sugar Beet Varieties from Three Regions of China with SRAP Markers Genetic Diversity in Naked Oatmeal(Avena nuda) Germplasm Revealed by AFLP Markers Effects of illumination,carbon source and reducing power on N2O emission from maize and soybean seedlings The Exploitation and Utilization of Lycophyte and Fern Resources in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Investigation of Germplasm Resources of the Genus Rhododendron in Baili Nature Reserve in Guizhou Ethnobotany Should Pay Attention to the Study of Impacts of Human Utilization Practices on Plant Resources Effects of Selective Harvesting on Target Plants and the Related Ecosystems Effects of the Position on Floral Traits and Reproductive Success of Comastoma pulmonarium (Gentianaceae) Application of bioinformatics in study of Chinese medicine resources Research and investigation in medicine of Baima Tibetan in Pingwu Sichuan Development trend of traditional Chinese medicine resources Analysis of genetic diversity of gemplasm of Pinellia ternata based on SRAP Resources of survey in rare and endangered medicinal plant Sinopodophyllum emodi Proximate and ultimate determinants of food chain length Analysis of first flush in rainfall runoff in Shenyang urban city Dynamics of atmospheric ammonia concentrations near different emission sources Effect of nitrogen concentration in the subtending leaves of cotton bolls on the strength of source and sink during boll development A review of the environmental behavior and effects of black carbon in soils and sediments Relationships between carbon source utilization of soil microbial communities and environmental factors in natural secondary forest in subtropical area, China Comparison of Reproduction Success of Liriodendron chinense Sarg. and L. tulipifera Linn. The biogeochemical absorption by spinach fertilizing outer source iodine STUDY ON MICROPROPAGATION OF Begonia macuiata Radd. A PRELIMINERY REPORT ON THE SPECIES OF LYCOPERDACEAE FROM GANSU A preliminary study on the resources of botanical insecticides in east Gansu province Spatial Distribution and Bio-Ethanol Potential of Quercus variabilis in China Research Status and Utilization Strategies of Rare Medicinal Plants in Taxus Source Area in-FLUX Measurements by FSAM Model over the Populus deltoides Plantation in Yueyang Investigation on Natural Resources of Osmanthus fragrans Lour. at Zhouluocun in Hunan AFLP Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Taro Germplasm s in Yunnan Province Advances in Researches of Turfgrass Germplasm Resources in China Summarization of Begonia Resources from Yunnan Province New Advances of the Apricot Resources Evaluation, Germplasm Enhancement and Utilization Growth Characteristics and Resource Status of Oak in Qin-Ba Mountains Screening of new resistant germplasm and resistance evaluation of different rice sub-population varieties to sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) CONSTITUTION OF THE AUTUMN POPULATION OF RICE WATER WEEVILS IN DOUBLE CROPPING RICE AREA OF ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, CHINA Effects of nitrogen sources and potassium levels on growth and nutrient content of hybrid, its parent and conventional rice Effects of nitrogen application on source of nitrogen accumulation and yields of different peanut cultivars Analysis of genetic relationships among species of Lycoris Herb. by AFLP markers Genetic diversity of Lonicera macranthoides geographical populations revealed by SRAP markers Establishment and optimization of ISSR reaction system for Anoectochilus formosanus Genetic Diversity Analysis of bitter gourd‘s Germplasm Resources Based on SRAP Markers Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Vigna radiate Germplasm Resources by ISSR Pedigree Analysis of Wackham Germplasm Resources of Hevea brasiliensis in Yunnan Province Genetic Diversity and Relationship Analysis of Asarum Germplasm Resources Based on ISSR and SRAP Markers SSR Markers Analysis Genetic Diversity of Chickpea (Cicer arinuml L.) Germplasm Genetic diversity analysis of wild bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) using SRAP and TRAP markers in Hebei Province Research of Crop Germplasm Resources Data Mining Platform Based On Cloud Computing General Survey and Analysis of Crop Germplasm Resources in Drought Area of Shanxi Province Investigation and Evaluation of Wild Lily Resources in Chongqing Review for the past three decades and Developmental Suggestions for Fruit Germplasm Resource in China