Effects of long-term located fertilization on wheat growth in shajiang black soil The inoculant potential of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria strains to improve the yield and quality of Trifolium pratense cv. Minshan Effects of green manure application combined with chemical fertilizers on microbial biomass C, N and nitrogen supplying characteristics of tobacco-planting soils Effects of different organic manure sources and their combinations with chemical fertilization on soil nematode community structure in a paddy field of East China. THE TRANSFORMATION OF UREA AND THE FATE OF FERTILIZER NITROGEN IN FLUVO-AQUIC SOIL-WINTER WHEAT SYSTEM IN FLOODED PLAIN OF HUANGHE RIVER Distribution of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in water-stable aggregates of anurial loess soils under long-term various fertilization regimes Chemical fertilizer application and supply in crop farming in China in 2013 Effects of long-term chemical fertilization on soil physical properties of slope lands in the Loess Hilly Region Effects of long-term application of sulphur-containing chemical fertilizers on nutrients contents in paddy soils and their distributions in profiles Effects of fertilization on bacterial community structure and function in a black soil of Dehui region estimated by Biolog and PCR-DGGE methods Effects of municipal solid waste compost and chemical fertilizer on plant growth in different soils Effects of application of chemical fertilizers on bioavailability of heavy metals in soil Effect of long-term single application of chemical fertilizer on soil properties and crop yield Partial replacement of chemical fertilizer by compound microbial inoculant and potential for promoting growth of intercropped Zea mays and Pisum sativum Effects of Proportional Application of Sesame Seed Cake Fertilizers and Chemical Fertilizer on the Aroma Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Effects of combined application of organic and chemical fertilizers on the yield of peanut, soil available nutrient and biological properties in the upland red soil in subtropical China Effect of chemical fertilizer application on grain yield in Qitai County,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Spatial characteristics and yield increasing potential of fertilizer consumption among different regions of Xinjiang Effects of long-term organic and inorganic fertilizer combined application on weed growth dynamic in paddy field Effects of agricultural activities and transgenic crops on agricultural biodiversity. Effects of Organic Manure Application Combined with Chemical Fertilizers on the Leaf Nutrition,Quality and Yield of Fuji Apple Effects of fertilization on growth physiology, yield and medicinal quality of Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. Agricultural production in Hani Rice Terraces System and related threats- A case study of Zuofu and Mitian Villages in Honghe County, China THE CHANGES OF CROP YIELD AND SOIL FERTILITY WITH LONG-TERM FERTILIZER APPLICATION Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on soil nitrogen availability and movement under water and fertilizer saving management in cucumbertomato double cropping system Effects of long-term fertilization regimes on changes of aggregate cementing agent of Lou Soil Impact of soil fertility maintaining practice on earthworm population in high production agro-ecosystem in North China Effect of chemical fertilizer sources on uptake and accumulation of Cd by Brassica chinensis cultivars Effects of long-term application of chlorine-containing chemical fertilizers on chloride accumulation and nutrient balance in paddy fields Sweet Sorghum Cultivation Techniques Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on yield and quality of celery and soil nitrate leaching under greenhouse condition Techniques of application of chemical fertilizer for cucumber cultivated in organic substrate under solar greenhouse A long-term experiment on effect of organic manure and chemical fertilizer on distribution,accumulation and movement of NO3-N in soil Effects of combined application of biogas slurry and chemical fertilizer on winter wheat rhizosphere soil microorganisms and enzyme activities. Heavy metals in fertilizers and effect of the fertilization on heavy metal accumulation in soils and crops Evaluation of crop rotation system sustainability in slope land under long-term chemical fertilization based on geometry method Effect of combined application of organic and mineral fertilizers on yield,quality and nitrogen uptake of rice Influences of consecutive 13-year long-term fertilization on yields of rice and wheat and soil fertility in Xihu Plain Enhancement of soil quality in a rice-wheat rotation after long-term application of poultry litter and livestock manure Effects of long-term applying sulfur- and chloride-containing chemical fertilizers on weed growth in paddy field. Effects of Organic Manure Application Combined with Chemical Fertilizers on the Leaf Nutrition,Quality and Yield of Fuji Apple Effect of fertilization on water-soluble organic N in the soils under chestnut stands Effects of different fertilization regimes on weed communities in wheat fields under rice-wheat cropping system. Effects of different organic fertilizers on soil nematodes in the rhizosphere of rice and wheat cropland Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizerson N2O emission from greenhouse vegetable soil Study on the Effect of Three Species of Bacteria Fertilizer on Cold Resistance of Turfgrass Impact of long term fertilization on different forms of inorganic phosphorus in aquic brown-soil The Use of Agrochemicals in Liaoning Province Chemical fertilizer and food security Effect of long term fertilizers and organic inputs on balance and fate of nitrogen in fluvo-aquic soil Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yields and nitrate accumulation of vegetables Effects of chemical fertilizers application combined with manure on ammonia volatilization and rice yield in red paddy soil

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