Growth and Medicinal Content of DifferentProvenances of Taxus wallichiana var. mairei at Young Age STUDY ON GENETIC VARIATION AND SELECTION OF MAIN WOOD CHARACTERISTICS AMONG PROVENANCES OF LIRIODENDRON Geographic Genetic Variation and Preliminary Selection of Superior Provinance in Schima superba Provenance Difference and Geographic Variation Pattern for Seedling Trait of Schima superba Study on Variation and Inheritance of Phenolic Compound Concentrations in Magnolia officinalis of Different Seed Sources Test of Provenance Selection of Paulownia fortuneii at Nursery Stage in Northern Cultivation Border Geographical Provenance Variation of Growth and Wood Basic Density of 7-Year-Old Schima superba and Its Provenance Selection The Growth Difference of Different Betula alnoides Provenances in South Subtropical Mountainous Areas Study on Trial of Eucalyptus Species/Provenance High Carbon Content Larch (Larix olgensis) Provenances Selection Study on Genetic Variation and Selection of Dry Trunk Weight in Alnus cremastogyne Provenances by Sites Interaction of Growth Traits and Provenance Selection of Fraxinus mandshurica Superior Provenance Selection of Loblolly Pine Plantation in Central Anhui Area Study on Selection of Eucalyptus Species/Provenances and Progeny Evaluation on Aggregate Genetic Value of Main Characters of Provenances of Teak A Primary Research on High-Yield Provenances of Masson Pine Pollen GEOGRAPHIC GENETIC VARIATION AND PROVENANCE SELECTION OF LIRIODENDRON CHINENSE Provenance Trials of Casuarina equisetifolia in Southern China Research on Geological Provenances Variation and Selection of Parakmeria latungensis Hazard Analysis of Anoplophora chinensis and Early Comprehensive Selection of Betula alnoides Provenances in Northern Guangdong Province Provenance Variation in Growth, Stem-Form and Wood Density of Masson Pine at 24-Year-Old and the Provenance Division Provenance Selection of Juglans mandshurica Maxim. and the Effects of Environmental Factors ACTIVITY OF VARIOUS KINDS OF ENZYME IN LARIX OLGENSIS AND ITS APPLICATION IN EARLY PROVENANCE SELECTON STUDY ON PROVENANCE SELECTION OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS CARR. IN GANSU PROVINCE A Preliminary Study on the Evaluation in Cold Resistance of Provenances of Black Wattle VARIETY AND PROVENANCE SELECTION OF CARIBAEA PINE IN SOUTHERN CHINA Provenance Selection for Pulpwood of Masson’s Pine A Study on the Provenance Selection of Chinese Fir in the Dagangshan Region NITROGEN NUTRITION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH GROWTH IN LARIX OLGENSIS HENRY