Phenotypic variation and correlation analysis of major agronomic traits ofwheat recombinant inbred lines population under different potassium levels Disease Resistance in Maize and the Role of Molecular Breeding in Defending Against Global Threat Genetic variation and population structure of Anopheles sinensis (Diptera:Culicidae) in Yunnan Fine-scale spatial genetic structure of Glechoma longituba Establishment of Alfalfa Tissue Culture System and Research on Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation System in Alfalfa Progress and Prospect of Azuki Bean Biotechnologies Research Genetic Diversity and Clustering Analysis on 48 Olive Cultivars Progress in the Improvement of Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants Using Transgenic Approaches Analysis of genetic diversity of three geographic populations of Pomacea canaliculata by AFLP Genetic structure of Hucho taimen (Pallas) from Heilongjiang River as inferred from mtDNA sequence Genetic diversity of Dendrolimus (Lepidoptera) population from different
geographic area
Genetic structure of Alpinia japonica populations in naturally fragmented habitats Genetic diversity of Stipa breviflora populations in Inner Mongolia Genetic diversity of three populations of the black muntjac(Muntiacus crinifrons) Genetic diversity and classification of domestic yaks inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences The Allelopathy of Aqueous Extracts from Galinsoga parviflora Cav. under Low Temperature Stress Analysis on the Genetic Relationship of Gui Re Mango (Mangifera indica L) Cultivars or Lines Quantitative resistance against Bemisia tabaci in Solanum pennellii: Genetics and metabolomics Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure of peanut cultivars and breeding lines from China, India and the US using simple sequence repeat markers Constructing a high-density linkage map for Gossypium hirsutum × Gossypium barbadense and identifying QTLs for lint percentage The Development and Standardization of Testing Methods for Genetically Modified Organisms and their Derived Products Allozyme Variance and Clonal Diversity in the Rhizomatous Grass Psammochloa villosa(Gramineae) Genetic Diversity and Geographic Variation in Natural Populations of the Endemic Castanea Species in China RAPD Study on Interspecies Relationships in Roegneria (Poaceae: Triticeae) Study on DNA Diversity of Liaodong Oak Population at Dongling Mountain Region, Beijing Retrotransposons in the Genomes of Higher Plants Genetic Mechanism of the Occurrence of Salt-tolerant Variant of Octoploid Triticale Under Tissue and Cell Culture The Variation of Genetic Diversity of Quercus aquifolioides in Different Elevations RAPD Analysis of Sixteen Varieties of Mustard Strategies and Advances in Antifungi Genetic Engineering of Plant Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of Cyclobalanopsis glauca Populations in East China Genetic Diversity and Population Differentiation of Cathaya argyrophylla in Bamian Mountain Relationship Between the Rice Heading Sensitivity and the Male-Sterile Sensitivity to Photoperiod in View of Developmental Genetics Genetic Mapping of Rice Using RFLP Markers and a Double Haploid Population of a Cross Between indica and japonica Varieties Self-Fertile Transgenic Wheat Plants Expressing Herbicide Bromoxynil Resistance Genetic Variation and IndicaJaponica Differentiation in Yunnan Indigenous Rice Spatial autocorrelation of genetic structure of Prunus padus population in broadleaved Korean pine forest of Changbai Mountains. Impact of long-term continuous cropping on the Fusarium population in soybean rhizosphere. Genetic structure of the geographical populations of Athetis lepigone in Shandong Province, China. Hyper spectral estimation method for soil alkali hydrolysable nitrogen content based on discrete wavelet transform and genetic algorithm in combining with partial least squares (DWT-GA-PLS). Population genetic structure and interspecific introgressive hybridization between Camellia meiocarpa and C. oleifera. Genetic diversity of Ascochyta anemones isolates in Liaoning Province of Northeast China. Genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of Rhododendron concinnum wild populations in Qinling Mountains of Northwest China: An AFLP analysis. Genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Beauveria bassiana in northern China. Sequence polymorphism and mapping of wheat Ca2+binding proteinTaCRT-A gene Using ecology thinking reconstructing traditional agronomy: Role of production ecology. Phylogenic diversity of soil chemotatic bacteria in a phosphorous-rich area around Dianchi Lake of Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Genetic characteristics associated with drought tolerance of plant height and thousand-grain mass of recombinant inbred lines of wheat.  Characterization of a New Albino Green-revertible Mutant G9 of Rice Variability of euiP(T)GmsLine Fu eS1 DIRECT ORGANOGENESIS OF ADVENTITIOUS BUDS OF Sedum aizoon L. AND ANALYSIS OF GENETIC STABILITY IN REGENRATED PLANTLETS BY RAPD THE ASSESSMENT OF GENETIC DIVERSITY OF PEAR CULTIVARS FROM SOUTHERN AREA  OF ZHEJIANG PROVINCE BY USING SSR AND AFLP ANALYSIS GENETIC DIVERSITY OF SOYBEAN GERMPLASM BY RAPD MARKER Progress on Research of Rice Resistance to Sheath Blight Analysis of Genetic Variation of Wheat Seeds and Seedlings Caused by Ultra-Low-Temprature Preservation Analysis of Combining Ability and Genetics of Starch Quality Traits in Wheat Identification and phylogenetic analysis of cotton Verticillium dahliae strains from Shangqiu of Henan Province in China Genetic analysis and allelism test of three translocation lines from Triticum aestivum-Hayaldia villosa resistance to stripe rust Using genetic diversity of wheat varieties for ecological regulation on Sitobion avenae Detection and identification of four isolates of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus from China and phylogeny of their coat protein gene Genetic analysis of resistant genes to stripe rust in Chinese wheat differential host, Abbondanza Composition of lineage and virulence type of the Magnaporthe grisea population derived from the nurseries and fields in Fujian Province of China Population genetic structure and its variation of rice blast fungus in long-grained nonglutinous rice growing regions in Sichuan Allelopathic effect of wheat stubbles with different genotypes on weed suppression Genetics of stripe rust resistance in wheat cultivar Virgilio RESISTANCE OF WHEAT VARIETIES TO WHEAT SPINDLE STREAK MOSAIC DISEASE PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GENETIC LINEAGE AND PATHOGENICITY OF MAGNAPORTHE GRISEA THE IMPACT OF DNA MOLECULAR MARKERS ON THE STUDY OF PLANT DISEASE CAUSED BY FUNGI Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Quercus serrata var.brevipetiolata Revealed by nSSR Markers ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Freesia refracta Germplasm Genetic Diversity of Part of Large Bryophyte in Northeast Region Using RAPD Subpopulation differentiation of Anthoxanthum alpinum (Poaceae) along an altitudinal gradient detected by random amplified polymorphic DNA Cladistic systematics and phylogenetic species Phylogenetic relationships in Cucumis(Cucurbitaceae) revealed by SSR and RAPD analyses Inference of phylogenetic relationships among key angiosperm lineages using a compatibility method on a molecular data set Fifty years of character compatibility concepts at work Karyomorphology of three species in Dipentodon (Dipentodontaceae), Perrottetia (Celastraceae), and Tapiscia (Tapisciaceae) of the order Huerteales and their phylogenetic implications Genetic relationship between parasitized and non-parasitized Haloxylon ammodendron in the Alxa Desert A pharmacophylogenetic study of Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae) from China Effect of natural stress on genetic diversity of Frankia in Alnus nodules

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