Main interspecific competition and land productivity of fruit-crop intercropping in Loess Region of West Shanxi. Responses of photosynthetic physiological characteristics of two transgenic cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties to CO2 concentration Photosynthetic response of maize and soybean to the microclimatic in an agroforestry system Threshold Effect of Photosynthesis in Forsythia suspense to Soil Water and its Photosynthetic Productivity Grading in Spring and Summer Effect of Different N, P, K and Organic Fertilization Rates on Growth and Yield of Actinidia chinensis‘Hongyang’ The Photosynthesis Characteristics Analysis on a Yellow Green Maize Effects of Molybdenum on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Winter Wheat under Low Temperature Stress Effect of row space on population structure and photosynthetic available radiation in winter wheat-white clover intercropping system Effect of fertilization on photosynthetic characteristics of wheat flag leaf Diurnal variation in net photosynthetic rate and influencing environmental factors of Elaeagnus mollis Diels leaf Effect of branch and stem pruning on photosynthetic characteristics of Platanus acerifolia L. STUDY ON GAS EXCHANGE CHARACTERISTICS OF PHRAGMITES COMMUNIS TRIN. IN DIFFERENT ECOTYPES OF DRY DESERT OF THE HEXI CORRIDOR EFFECT OF LIGHT INTENSITY ON THE PLANT GROWTH IN H.CITRINA Analysis of Primary Light Response Parameters of Machilus pauhoi from Different Provenances Photosynthetic Characteristics of Red-Leaf Tree Species in Amygdalus and Prunus Photosynthetic Characteristics of Three Cultivars of Almond(Amygdalus communis) Photosynthetic Characteristics of Transgenic Wheat Expressing Maize C4-Type NADP-ME Gene Seasonal Changes in Photosynthetic Characteristics of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Research on photosynthetic and eco-physiological characteristics of Epimedium pseudowushannense in different growing age A comparative study on chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence and diurnal course of leaf gas exchange of two ecotypes of banyan Effects of nitrogen supply on photosynthesis in larch seedlings STUDIES ON CHARACTERISTICS OF LEAVES GROWTH AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS PHYSIOECOLOGY OF SARGENTODOXA CUNEATA Effects of Long-term Intensified UV-B Radiation on the Photosynthetic Rates and Antioxidative Systems of Three Plants in Alpine Meadows Diurnal Comparison of the Net Photosynthetic Rates and Chlorophyll Fluorescent Parameters of Gentiana straminea Xining and Haibei The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Phalaris arundimacea in the Beigu Mountain Wetland RESPONSES OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND PV-PARAMETERS TO WATER STRESS IN POPLAR CLONE SEEDLINGS EFFECTOF 5℃NIGHT TEMPERATURE ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE AND TRANSPIRATION RATE OF MANGROVE SEEDLINGS STUDY ON PHYSIOLOGICAL ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF POPULUS PSEUD -SIMONII Day and Night Variations of Carbohydrate Contents and Activities of Related Enzymes in Source Leaves of Defruiting Cucumis melo The Relationships of Environmental Factors and the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Psathyrostachys juncea ‘Mengnong No. 4’ in Loess Plateau Region