Comparative study on photosynthesis of medicinal plant Saposhnikovia divaricata in different periods Experiment with effects of increased surface ozone concentration upon winter wheat photosynthesis Preliminary Analysis for the Relationship between Eco-physiological Factors and Net Photosynthetic Rate of Tea Leaves Photo-Ecological Characteristics of Six Broad-Leaved Species Including Heptacodium miconioides in the Tiantai Mountains in Zhejiang Province Response of the Eco-physiological Characteristics of Some Plants Under Blown Sand Effects of Supplementary Uv-B Radiation on Net Photosynthetic Rate in the Alpine Plant Gentiana Straminea Competition for light and crop productivity in an agro-forestry system in the Hilly Region, Shangluo, China An analysis of photosynthetic parameters among Schima superba provenances Study on leaf transpiration and stomatal structure of medicinal plant Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Characteristics of photosynthesis in three Dendrobium species The Effect of Soil Moisture Upon Net Photosynthetic Rate of the Goldspur apple Tree Response of Net Photosynthetic Rate in 18-year-old China Fir Shoots To Lightflecks COMPARISON OF NEW AND SEVERAL CLASSICAL MODELS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN RESPONSE TO IRRADIANCE Comparison on photosynthetic characteristics between Pinus massoniana and Schima superba at the two different rehabilitation vegetation, Changting County, Fujian Province Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Water Use Efficiency the Growth, Photosynthesis and in Tectona grandis GAS EXCHANGE, CHLOROPHYLL AND NITROGEN CONTENTS IN LEAVES OF THREE COMMON TREES IN MIDDLE EUROPE UNDER TWO CONTRASTING LIGHT REGIMES Photosynthetic Characteristics of Juglans mandshurica,Fraxinus mandshurica and Phellodendron amurense under Different Light Regimes Organic nutrition and the shoot growing trait of heavily retractive pruned longan trees Photosynthetic Responses of Sch im a supe rba Grown in D ifferentL ight Reg imes of Subtropica l Evergreen Broadleaf Forest Study on Photosynthesis and Water Physiology of Cinnamomum septentrionale Response of Linzhi Spruce‘ s Net Photosynthetic Rate to Environmental Factors in Tibet 青海高原植物生理生态学研究:Ⅱ.高寒草甸植物的光合作用 THE RESPONSE OF MIDDAY DEPRESSION OF DIURNAL VARIATION OF NET PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE OF WHEAT LEAVES ON ECOLOGICAL FACTORS IN THE FIELD ENVIRONMENT OF QINGHAI PLATEAU Responses of larch seedling‘s photosynthetic characteristics to nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency Growth characteristics and sewage purifying effect of amphibious banyan in const ructed wetland Effects of Shading on Photosynthesis, Dry Matter Partitioning and N、P、K Concentrations in Leaves of Tomato Plants at Different Growth Stages Light responses of 18-year-old China fir shoots in relation to shoot ages and positions within crown PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PURE ARTIFICIAL LARIX OLGENSlS FOREST AND ITS MIXED FOREST WITH NATURAL FRAXINUS MANDSHURICA RUPR.MIXED FOREST Analyzing and Evaluating the Salt Tolerance of Four Kinds of Birch Seedlings. EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC PHYSIO-ECOLOGY OF 18-YEAR-OLD CHINESE FIR(CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA(LAMB.)HOOK.) CHARACTERISTICS AND MECHANISM OF DROUGHT TOLERANCE Of PLATlYCLADUS 0RJENTALJlS PROVENANCES Study on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Alfalfa with Different Fall-dormancy Levels in the Southwest Region of Hunan Province The Photosynthetic Characters of Alocasia odora C. Koch. and Camelliajaponica L. in Greenhouse in Summer Effects of Strength and pH of Nutrient Solution on the Growth and Net Photo-synthetic Rate of Wasabi ( Wasabi japonica Matsum. ) Effects of Different Nitrogen Supply on Photosynthesis, Antioxidant Enzymes in Vetiver Leaves Effects of Different Nitrogen Supply on Photosynthesis, Antioxidant Enzymes in Vetiver Leaves Responses of Net Photosynthetic Rate to Light Intensity and CO2 Concentration in Leaves of Wild and Cultivar Artemisia annua Hayman Diallel Cross Analyses of Net Photosynthetic Rate in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Photosynthesis and ChlorophyII Fluorescence Characteristics of Simmondsia chinensis (Link.) Schneider in the Arid-hot Valley of Jinshajiang River, China Effects of Water Stress on Diurnal Changes in the Net Photosynthetic Rate of Adult Litchi in Different Seasons Differences in Photosynthesis and Plant Growth of 26 Woody Species at the Oil Shale Waste Dump Stomatal Gas Exchange in Leaves of Major Trees on the Oil Shale Residue in Maoming, Guangdong Photosynthetic Response to Temperature in Heptacodium miconioides Seedlings DAILY VARIATION OF GAS EXCHANGE,STOMATAL CONDUCTANCE AND WATER USE EFFICIENCY IN SUMMER LEAVES OF ORMOSIA PINNATA COMPARISON OF BASIC PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS BETWEEN EXOTIC INVADER WEED MIKANLA MICRANTHA AND ITS COMPANION SPECIES THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTER AND ADVENTITIOUS ROOTS IN FLOODED CLEISTOCALYX OPERCULATUS SEEDLINGS Effects of Different Concentration of DA-6 on Photosynthesis and Fruit Quality in Strawberry Response of net photosynthetic rate to ecological factors in tea leaves Effects of growth light intensities on photosynthesis in seedlings of two tropical rain forest species Effect of drought stress on light-response curves of centipedegrass Effects of Different Concentration of DA-6 on Photosynthesis and Fruit Quality in Strawberry Response of Photosynthesis in Detached Leaf of Capsicum Seedlings to Low Light under Water Loss Stress Photosynthetic Characteristics and Relationship with the Ecological Factors of Three Sandy Shrubs under Irrigation Condition Studies on photosynthetic characteristics of medicinal plant Fagopyrum cymosum Comparison of net photosynthetic rate changes in different species of Siraitia grosvenorii in late growth period Comparative studies on photosynthetic characteristics of Notopterygium incisum and N. forbesii Relationship between Root Activity and Leaf Senescence in Different Adzuki Bean Cultivars (lines) A comparison of measured and calculated net community CO2 exchange: Scaling from leaves to communities Comparison of light response models of photosynthesis in Nelumbo nucifera leaves under different light conditions. Effects of shade and competition of Chenopodium album on photosynthesis, fluorescence and growth characteristics of Flaveria bidentis. A preliminary study on the photosynthetic characteristics of varied cultivars of Robinia pseudoacacia L. energy forest in the west of Henan Province Characterization of photosynthetic responses to shading and a light/shade switch during the rapid growth phase of tobacco (Nicotianatobacum L.) subjected to different fertilization regimes Effects of shading on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Clematis manshurica Rupr. Effects of light competition on crop productivity in an intercropping agroforestry ecosystem Photosynthetic characteristics comparison between an invasive plant, Lantana camara L., and associated species Effects of Enhanced UV-B and He-Ne Laser on Leaf Microstructure and Photosynthesis in Wheat Relationship between Net Photosynthetic Rate and Its Physo-ecological Factors in ‘‘‘‘Jinguang‘‘‘‘Plum Effects of Eleva ted CO2 Concentration on Photosynthetic Rate, Growth andDevelopment in Anthurium andraeanum Lind. Leaves Researches on photosynthetic characteristics of exotic plants Wedelia trilobata,Pharbitis nil and Ipomoea cairica Effects of lead stress on net photosynthetic rate, SPAD value and ginsenoside production in Ginseng (Panax ginseng) A Study on the Relationship Between the Net Photosynthetic Rate of Young European Beech and Main Climatic Factors Under Natural Conditions Comparative Studies on Relation of Photosynthesis to Water Status of Two Species of Haloxylon Under Controlled Environments Studies on the Relationship Between Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation in the Symbiotic System of Soybean and Nodule Bacteria( Rhizobium) Retrieval of leaf net photosynthetic rate of moso bamboo forests using hyperspectral remote sensing based on wavelet transform. Effects of silicon on growth, photosynthetic characteristics and quality of garlic seedlings Effects of fertilization on photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate on young plantation of Tilia amurensis Rupr. Photosynthetic Eco-physiology of Dominant Plant Species of Semi-natural Plant Communities in Abandoned Land of Shanghai Relationship between Photosynthesis and Physio ecological Factors of Dianthus plumarius Introduced Effects of Eleva ted CO2 Concentration on Photosynthetic Rate, Growth andDevelopment in Anthurium andraeanum Lind. Leaves The Photosynthetic Characters of Alocasia odora C. Koch. and Camelliajaponica L. in Greenhouse in Summer