Chemical constituents of Euphorbia royleana Chemical constituents of Periploca forrestii and their cytotoxicity activity Chemical constituents of Periploca forrestii and their cytotoxicity activity Quantitative analysis of lupeol in leaves of Ilex cornuta by RP-HPLC STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF THE BARK OF TETRACENTRON SINENSE Chemical constituents from roots of Euphorbia yinshanica Chemical constituents from Stauntonia obovatifoliola subsp. urophylla Chemical constituents from inflorescence bracts of Arctii Fructus Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Sophora glauca Lesch. Chemical constituents from aerial part of fresh Euphorbia fischeriana Studies on the Chemical Constituents in Roots of Ampelopsis sinica(Miq.) Chemical constituents from barks of Quercus mongolica Chemical constituents from twigs and leaves of Fordia cauliflora Chemical constituents from twigs and leaves of Fordia cauliflora Chemical constituents of Croton crassifolius Effect of polyamine on growth of Betula platyphylla suspension cells and triterpenoid accumulation Study on chemical constituents of Daphne gracilis Chemical constituents from roots of Millettia speciosa A new triterpene from Ixeris chinensis Studies on chemical constituents from Artabotrys pilosus Studies on non-alkaloid constituents from Ochrosia borbonica Construction of cell factories for production of lupeol in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Chemical constituents from roots of Euphorbia yinshanica Chemical constituents in roots of Myrica nana The toxicity of lupeol of Inula britanica on Tetranychus cinnabarinus and its effects on mite enzyme activity A Study on Major Chemical Components of Unaria grandiflora Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Williams Elder (Sambucus wilfamsii) Chemical Constituents of Lac Host, Acacia suma

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