Leaf traits and nutrient resorption of major woody species in the karst limestone area of Chongqing Effects of small rainfall events in spring on germination of Chenopodium acuminatum in Horqin Sandy Land Study on tree layer dynamic in Xishuangbanna montane rain forest based on 20 years‘ monitoring Assessment of the impact of fuel management in Pinus tabulaeformis forests in the Beijing West Mountain Area Effects of reduced nitrogen application on nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency in maize-soybean relay strip intercropping system Allometric models of major tree species and forest biomass in Guangxi Variation of heavy metal enrichment efficiency in roadside trees of Sophora japonica L. with different diameters at breast height Phenotypic Diversity of Acer mono Maxim Population Effects of exotic plant Rhus typhina invasion on soil properties in different forest types Analysis of community spatial patterns of Leontopodium nanum patches in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Effect of ultraviolet radiation on phenotypic plasticity and turion of Potamogeton crispus Nitrogen resorption efficiency of perennial plant decreases with warming and nitrogen addition in desert steppe Effect of mulching method on soil temperature and grain yield of spring wheat in rainfed agricultural areas of northwestern China Mechanical factors influencing soil-reinforcement by roots and identifying appropriate plant species for erosion control Effects of forest conversion on quantities and spectroscopic characteristics of soil dissolved organic matter in subtropical China Functional diversity research of tree and shrub layers in forest communities of the Wulu Mountains Nature Reserve in Shanxi, China A study of spatial evolution characteristics of rural settlements and influences of landscape patterns on their distribution using GIS and RS Evaluation of tourism dynamic landscape along Qinghai-Tibet railway based on the visual corridor The effect of rice field greenhouse gas emission reduction practice on the contents of amino acids in rice grains Effect of surfactants on sorption and desorption of streptomycin on soil of Inner Mongolian pastoral area The growth state of Populus euphratica Oliv. and its leaf ecological characteristics in the lower reaches of Heihe River Effects of decomposing Eucalyptus grandis root on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Cichorium intybus Water sources of five dominant desert plant species in Nuomuhong area of Qaidam Basin Analysis of soil respiration and influencing factors in maize farmland under different tillage patterns in hilly area in Southwest China Spatio-temporal characteristics of drought for soybean under climate change in the three provinces of Northeast China Status and dynamics of China‘s lake water regulation Spatial pattern of seedling regeneration of Ulmus pumila woodland in the Otindag Sandland Prediction of bacterial species richness in the South China Sea slope sediments Landscape dynamics of medium- and small-sized cities in eastern and western China: a comparative study of pattern and driving forces The integrative assessment on ecological quality status of Luoyuan Bay based on ‘OOAO principle’ Allelopathic effects of organic acid allelochemicals on melon Effects of simulated acid rain on growth and bleeding sap amount of root in Quercus mongolica The distribution of urea concentrations and urease activities in the coastal waters of Hainan Island during the spring Theoretical considerations on ecological civilization development and assessment Urban metabolism process based on emergy synthesis: Theory and method Cu and nutrient deficiency on different effects of growth, tolerance and mineral elements accumulation between two Elsholtzia haichouensis populations Effects of forest canopy structure on understory vegetation characteristics of Funiu Mountain Nature Reserve Effects of different maize hybrids (inbreds) on the growth, development and population dynamics of Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch Seasonal dynamics of food web energy pathways at the community-level Physiological and ecological responses of maize to different severities of desertification in the Southern Taklamakan desert