The Analysis of Combining Ability and Breeding Strategy with Pb Content in Maize under different Lead pollution Levels Proteomic Analysis of storage substances during afterripening of dormant seeds with dry ripening process in maize inbred line 08-641 Identification and Screening of resources with tolerance against drought stress in Brassica rapa during Germination Stage Proposal Concering Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agrobiological Resources in Minority Area in Guizhou Province Observation and Genetic Segregation Distortion Analysis on Clustered Spikelets in Rice Resource Cgr320 Cloning and expression analysis of the wheat gene TaRop2 encoding a small GTP-binding protein Phenotypic Diversity Analysis of Major Variaties of Salvia Splendens in China Genetic Analysis of Rice Grain Mineral Elements Content and Correlation Analysis with Main Agronomic Characters Genetic Diversity Analysis of Japonica Rice Landraces (Oryza sativa L.) from Shanghai Based on DUS Testing Breeding and Rebirth Technical Specification Multiple Statistics Analysis of Salt Stress Evaluation on Asparagus varieties with Artificial Sea Water Assessment of Agrobacterium sensitivity for different soybean genotypes and excellent germplasm screening Cloning of GbHyPRP1 from Gossypium barbadense and validation of Verticillium wilt resistance in transgenic Arabidopsis Studies on Cooking and Eating Quality of F2 Population of Indica/Javanica Rice The Study on Potato Shoot Tips Viabilities during Cryopreservation by TTC Staining MethodResources Diversity analysis of leaf mustard germplasms based on phenotypic traits Isolation and Characterization a Chromosome Maker in Leymus secalinus (Georgi) Tzvel Genetic Diversity Analysis of Natural Populations in Paeonia Delavayi Study on phenotypic variation of Paphiopedilum micranthum population Principal Component and Cluster Analysis Based on Fruit Traits in ILs of Tomato Study on Mating System of 3 Elymus spp. Comprehensive evaluation of waterlogging tolerance of progenies between Brassica napus and Rorippa indica Molecular Detection of Rice Variant Lines Treated by Embryo-soaking of Alternanthera philoxeroides DNA Solution and Their Drought Resistance Evaluation Application of Chromosomal Segment Introgression Line (CSIL) in Crop Genetics and Breeding The Research Progress Of Candidate Genes For Improving Plant Phosphorus-Effiency Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis for Main Morphological Characteristics of Cauliflower Inbred Lines Variation Analysis of DNA Methylation of Gametocidal Chromosome 2C Analysis of Genetic Diversity of 138 Elite Maize Inbred Lines Based on Plant Height and Ear Position Markers Effects of Different Maize and Soybean Intercropping Patterns on Population Characteristics of Photosynthetic and Matter Production in Northwest Shandong Region Research Progress on Application of Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques in Tea Science Effect of Different Starches on the Gel Properties of Hairtail Surimi Effects of Fermentation of Lactobacillus plantarum on the Nutrient Composition of Exopalaemon carinicauda Effects of Pentose Phosphate Pathway on DNA Damage Repair in Deinococcus radiodurans Cloning and Analysis of SgBADH in Suaeda glauca and Construction of Its Plant Expression Vector Cloning and Identification of OsSeh1 Gene With Function in Rice Resistance to Sheath Blight Responses of Endogenous Hormone Contents in Leaves of Main Stem in Different Developmental Stages of Winter Wheat Varieties Sowed in Spring Effects of Dry Matter Accumulation and Photosynthate Transporation of Stem and Sheath and Grain Production Under Different Water and Nitrogen Management in Rice Analysis and Nutritional Evaluation of Fatty Acids in Fishskin of Theragra chalcogramma Screening and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Traditional Vinasse Fish and Optimization of Parameters for Preparing Fermented Chinese herring Review of Mechanism of Rice Flowering in Response to Photoperiod Status and Prospects in Molecular Breeding of Powdery Mildew Resistance of Cucumber Different SSR Detection Techniques and their Application in Genetic Diversity Analysis of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Cultivars Genetic Diversity Evaluation of Cassava and Primary Screening of High-yielding Germplasm Evaluating on the core collection of sugarcane hybrids based on important agronomic traits and analyzing their genetic relationships Genetic diversity and population structure of Larix principis rupprechtii Mayr in Hebei Province The genetic analysis of important agronomic traits in sun-cured tobacco Comprehensive evaluation of the fasting-growing characters of 12 alfalfa varieties Pedigree Analysis and Evolution of Agronomic Traits for Peanut Varieties Registered in Liaoning Genetic diversity analysis on sweet sorghum germplasm resources of different origins based on agronomical traits Genetic diversity analysis of sweet sorghum germplasm resources from different origins using agronomical traits Genetic diversity analysis of sweet sorghum germplasm resources from different origins using agronomical traits Establishment of Particle Bombardment–Mediated Transformation System in Garlic The Sequence Variation and Expression Profiles of Dihydroflavonol Reductase in Red Flesh and White Flesh Radish Germplasm The study on genetic diversity of Populus szechuanica var. tibetica population from different altitude Diversity Analysis by Seed Traits and ISSR marker of Xanthium sibiricum Patrin Germplasm in Shandong Province Establishment of the molecular identification for radish germplasm using SSR Markers Study on QTLs for Grain Traits in Hexaploid Naked Oat Identification of Egg-shaped Ruantiao Baisha Loquat Mutant Germplasm Factor Analysis and Comprehensive Assessment for Agronomic Traits of Adzuki Bean Salicylic Acid Increases Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli in Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Obtaining and Character of the Interspecfic Hybrids between B.juncea and B. capitata Identification and evaluation of 240 Maize Inbred Lines for Resistant to Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight Indentification for the thermotolerance of rootstock-used pumpkin varieties and selection for the morphological indexes The Genetic Diversity Analysis of Leaf Color of genus Pyrus in China Evaluation in Agronomic Traits of Adzuki Bean Accessions Study on polyploid induction of Lilium lancifolium in vitro with colchicine treatment Investigationand Cluster Analysis of Main Morphological and Economical Characters for Oiltea Resource in Hainan Principal component analysis and cluster analysis of Luffa germplasm resources in Zhejiang Genetic Diversity Analysis of Phenotypic Traits in Erianthus rockii Wild Species Physiological and seed vigor changes of Elymus sibiricus L. seeds during artificial aging Distribution of allelic variation for genes of vernalization and photoperiod in wheat from Heilongjiang BREEDING OF HIGH STARCH MAIZE ZHENGHONG 211 BY CHEMICAL INDUCTION DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTER OBSERVATION OF AUTOTETRAPLOID POLYEMBRYONIC MUTANT RICE INDUCED BY ION BEAM IMPLANTATIOON PREPARATION OF C-14 LABELED FLUMORPH UPTAKE OF DIFFERENT FORMS OF NITROGEN BY HYPHAE OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI EFFECT OF DROUGHT ON GRAIN GROWTH AT MAIZE FLOWERING STAGE EFFECTS OF SMEARING NAA ON GROWTH AND FRUIT ABSCISSION OF COTTON(Gossypium barbadense L.) PLANTS AFTER DECAPITATION APPLICATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF FOOD IRRADIATION BY ELECTRON BEAM THE BREEDING OF MAIZE INBRED LINE LUYUAN476 AND ITS HYBRID LUYUANDAN 22 Sap flow characteristics of four dominant tree species in a mixed conifer-broadleaf forest in Dinghushan Responses of photosynthetic traits in Cinnamomum longepaniculatum seedlings to forest gap size in a Masson pine plantation The relationship between spatial structure and DBH of close-to-nature Phyllostachys edulis stands in Tianmu Mountain