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Integrated water risk assessment in Daliao River estuary area
The influence of freshwater-saline water mixing on phytoplankton growth in Changjiang Estuary
Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometric characteristics during the decomposition of
Spartina alterniflora
Cyperus malaccensis
Spatial and temporal variation of picophytoplankton in the Pearl River Estuary
The reference condition for eutrophication Indictor in the Yangtze River Estuary and adjacent waters——Causal Variables
The reference condition for Eutrophication Indictor in the Yangtze River Estuary and adjacent waters——response variables
Assessment of heavy metal contamination in the soil-plant system of the
Suaeda salsa
wetland in the Yellow River Estuary
Distribution and long-term changes of net-phytoplankton in the tidal freshwater estuary of Changjiang during wet season
Effects of
Phragmites australis
on methane emission from a brackish estuarine wetland
Abundance and biomass of meiofauna in the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent continental shelf waters in spring, 2007
Ecological characteristics of macrobenthic communities in Pearl River Estuary
Seasonal abundance and distribution of Pelagic Euphausiids in the Changjiang Estuary, China
Ecological characteristics of phytoplankton in coastal area of Pearl River estuary
Temporal and spatial dynamic changes and landscape pattern response of Hemeroby in Dayang estuary of Liaoning Province, China
Soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus ecological stoichiometry of
Phragmites australis
wetlands in different reaches in Minjiang River estuary
Feeding habits of
Lateolabrax maculatus
in Yangtze River estuary
Analysis of the meiobenthic community in the Pearl River Estuary in summer
Make use of nest-site of oriental white stork in the Yellow River Estuary Nature Reserve
The methane oxidation potential of soils in tidal marshes of the Yellow River Estuary and its responses to import of organic matter
Assessment of ecosystem energy flow and carrying capacity of swimming crab enhancement in the Yellow River estuary and adjacent waters.
Abundance distribution and seasonal variation of medusae, siphonophores, and ctenophores in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea
The ecological restoration effort of degraded estuarine wetland in Northwest Yunnan Plateau, China
Diversity of methanogen communities in tidal freshwater and brackish marsh soil in the Min River estuary
Biomass spatial fractal characteristics and phosphorus nutrient dynamics of
Suaeda salsa
under different growth conditions of the intertidal zone in the Yellow River estuary
A preliminary study on carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from intertidal flat wetlands of the Yellow River estuary
Seasonal changes of potassium, calcium, and magnesium and their accumulation in different phenotype
Suaeda salsa
communities in a tidal flat of the Yellow River estuary
Dynamic changes of landscape pattern and eco-disturbance degree in Shuangtai estuary wetland of Liaoning Province, China.
Methane fluxes of
tidal wetland in Minjiang River estuary.
Spatiotemporal dynamics of land use and land cover changes in different reclamation zones of Yangtze Estuary.
Abundance distribution of virioplankton in Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent East China Sea in summer and winter.
Community structure of fishery biology in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent waters
Effect of global warming on abundance variation of Parathemisto gaudichardi (Amphipoda) in the Changjiang Estuary
Taxonomic study of dinoflagellate cysts in Changjiang Estuary in the winter of 2006
Biomass size spectrum of net plankton in the adjacent area near the Yangtze River Estuary in spring
Sediments eco-environmental quality assessment in the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent waters
Quantitative analysis of copepods distribution and seasonal variations in the Yangtze River Estuary
Methods for developing nutrient criteria in estuarine waters
The recruitment potential and the impact on copepod eggs into plankton in the Guishan Island region in the Pearl River Estuary, China
Seasonal and spatial variations of nutrient and the response of phytoplankton in PRE and Adjacent Sea Areas
Abundance and biomass of meiobenthos in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary and its adjacent waters
New Record of an Invasive Species,
Sagittaria graminea
,in Yalu River Estuary Wetland
Natural Regeneration Characteristics of
Celtis sinensis
Population in Langqi Island Scenic Spot of Minjiang Estuary, Fujian Province
The landward changes of soil enzyme activities in a tidal flat wetland of the Yangtze River estuary and correlations with physico-chemical factors
Distributions of DSi,DIN and changes of Si∶N ratio on summer in Changjiang Estuary before and after storage of Three Gorges Reservoir
Effect of irradiance and phosphate on growth of nanophytoplankton and picophytop lankton
Studies on plant community on the Jiuduansha Shoals at the Yangtze Estuary
Ecological distribution and nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in adjacent sea of Guanhe Estuary in spring
Study on characteristics of phytoplankton community in Guangzhou segment of the Pearl River Estuary
On nitrogen and phosphate,and environmental quality assessment of the Yellow River Estuary and adjacent waters
Evaluation on the pollution and potential ecological risk of heavy metals for the surface sediment in Shantou estuary
Analysis of plant and soil ash content and influencing factors in Wetland of Min River Estuary
Study on phytoplankton community structure at the late stage of a Phaeocystis globosa bloom in the Pearl River Estuary
Study on planktonic copepods ecology in the Pearl River estuary
The biodiversity of wetland and its prevention measures in Min River Estuary.
Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts from Changjiang River Estuary in the spring of 2004
Progress in research on primary production of esturies and bays
Biodiversity and ITS conservation in area of natural mangrove reserve in Zhangjiang estuary, Fujian
The Netz\|phytoplankton community in Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary and adjacent waters
Research methodology on carbon pool dynamics in the typical wetland of Yangtze River estuary
Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on seed germination and seedling growth of
Suaeda salsa
under different growth conditions of the Yellow River Estuary
Estimating the soil total phosphorus content based on hyper-spectral remote sensing data in the Min River estuarine wetland
Effects of seawater and NaCl solution pulses on methane production potential from laboratory-incubated tidal freshwater and brackish marsh soil
Ecological traits of
Phragmites australis
community in different restoration phases of the Yellow River estuary, China
Effects of exogenous nitrogen on N
O production processes in wetland soils of different restoration phases in the Yellow River estuary.
Comparison of shrimp density between the Minjiang estuary and Xinhua bay during spring and summer
Nutrient distributions and their limitation on phytoplankton in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea
Effect of suspended silt from dredging at Yangtze estuary on
Brachionus plicatilis
Changing nitrogen levels in surface sediments of island wetlands developing to land in the Yangtze River estuary
Nutrient elements in the atmospheric wet deposition in Changjiang River estuary
Nutrient distribution and its controlling mechanism in the adjacent area of Changjiang River estuary
Species composition and ecological distribution of planktonic diatoms in the Changjiang River estuary during Spring
Distribution of dinoflagellate resting cysts in surface sediments from the Changjiang River estuary
Preliminary analysis of the characteristics of red tide areas in Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent sea
Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in Changjiang Estuary during the winter of 2006—2007 and their relationship with the environment
Advances in studies on biological effect of estuary hypoxia
Distribution and polluting effects on Capitella capitata, Nephtys oligobranchia, Tharyx sp. on the intertidal mudflats in Shenzhen Estuary
Preliminary studies on red tide formation mechanism in Hong Kong and Pearl River Estuary
Seasonal variations of sulfur in
Suaeda salsa
under different habitats in the intertidal zone of Yellow River Estuary, China
Estimating the chlorophyll content of
Kandelia candel
based on hyper-spectral remote sensing in the Min River Estuarine wetland
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