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Taxa Nova Rubiacearum
A Study on the Chinese Ormosia Jacks. (Cont.)
A Preliminary Study on the Taxonomy of the Family Magnoliaceae
A New Species of the Genus Phlegmariurus from Guangxi, China
A New Species of Acidosasa from Hunan Province
A New Species of Excoecaria (Euphorbiaceae) from Vietnam
A New Species of Derris from China
New Plants of Lauraceae from Guizhou
My View on the“Quan Fang Bei Zu”
Studies by Means of LM and EM on a New Species, Cyclotella asterocostata Lin, Xie et Cai
Notes on the Apocynales from Xizang
New Taxa and New Combinations of Indocalamus from China
Sinoleontopodium, a New Genus of Compositae from China
The Geographical Distribution and Floristic Composition of the Orchids in the Gongga Mountain Region, Sichuan
Geostatistics and GIS analysis of spatial patterns of
Myzus persicae
Hylyphantes graminicola
in peach orchards under chemical pesticide stress
Effect of cucumber stock on growth and propagation of
and its relation with root exudates
A Study on the Anatomy of Vegetative Organs of the Gymnotheca Decne. (Saururaceae) in Relation to Its Systematic Position
Karyotype Analysis in Lycoris longituba Y. Hsu et Fan
The Floristic Characteristics and Geographical Distribution of the Rosaceae in Xizang
Cytological Studies on Some Plants of Sichuan and Neighbouring Regions (I)
Some New Taxa of Euglenophyta from Xizang (Tibet)
Some New Green Algae from Xizang (Tibet)
New Taxa of Boraginaceae from China
Notes on the Genus Isachne R. Br. of China
Chromosomes of Six Fabaceous Species from Baoxing County, Sichuan Province
A Study on the Original Plants of the Chinese Drug Guangdougen (Shandougen)
On Chinese Sarcoglyphis, Ornithochilus, Chiloschista and Epigeneium
New Taxa of Paspalinae and Paspalidiinae
Karyotype Analysis of Three Species of Ceratoides (Chenopodiaceae)
Macrocarpium (Spach.) Nakai Should Be Reaffirmed
A Study on the Pollen Morphology in Trochodendron, Tetracentron and Euptelea
Notulae de Plantis Tribus Cynarearum Familiae Compositarum Sinicae (II)(Cont.)
Origin and Evolution of Rosaceae
A New Species of Hemsleya Cogn. from Zhejiang
A New Species of Passiflora Linn. from China
New Records of Genera of Spermatophyte from Xinjiang
Two New Species of Aconitum from Nei Monggol
New Taxa of the Genus Ligustrum (Oleaceae)
Chemotaxonomy and Resource Utilization of the Tribe Chelidonieae (Papaveraceae)
Pollen Morphology of Chinese Datura and Its Taxonomic Significance
Pollen Morphology of Plumbaginaceae in China
A Cytotaxonomic Study on Chinese Dioscorea L.—The Chromosome Numbers and Their Relation to the Origin and Evolution of the Genus
Studies on Asplenium varians Wall. ex Hook. et Grev. and Confused Species
Four New Taxa of Silene from China
New Taxa of Piper Linn. from China
New Taxa of Convolvulaceae from China
Three New Species of Porella from Mountain Hengduan, China
A New Species of Yushania from Yunnan
New Taxa of Bambusoideae from Guangdong
Chemotaxonomic Relationship Between Murraya and Merrillia (Rutaceae)
Two New Species of Athyriopsis from Shandong Province
Photosynthetic response to different irradiances of undergrowth plants in tree-herb plantation
Fluorescence kinetics of different ecotypes of allelopathic wheat varieties at heading stage
Characteristics of sink-source-flow in “II Youhang No. 1” and “II Youhang No. 2” super hybrid rice
Effect of irrigation on nitrogen uptake and translocation in summer maize
A dynamic knowledge model for fertilization management in processing tomato
Effect of combined application of microbial inoculum and fertilizer on white clover growth in reclaimed mine soil
Impact of controlled-release compound fertilizer on flue-cured tobacco leaf antioxidant system
Elimination effects of riparian vegetation buffer zones on surface water nitrogen and phosphorus in Shenyang suburbs
Residue characteristics of HCHs and DDTs in greenhouse soils in Dianchi Lake Distract
Antagonistic effect of multifunctional actinomycete strain Act12 on soil-borne pathogenic fungi and its identification
Effect of INA bacteria on pulp cell ultrastructure of young loquat fruit
Selectivity of
Frankliniella occidentalis
(Pergande) on different host vegetables
Influence of crop rotation on tobacco bacterial wilt number and pothogenesy
Change characteristics and regional differences in organic matter and total nitrogen contents in topsoil under restored vegetation
Characteristics of plant niche under different restoration measures in Ili desert grassland of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
FTIR characteristic of rapeseed straw decomposition under anaerobic and aerobic conditions
Pig farm-cropland configuration under typical waste treatment mode— A case study of direct anaerobic fermentation of manure
Assessment of heavy metal content and pollution in organic and conventional farming soils in North China
Soybean leaf area index retrieval with UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) remote sensing imagery
Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on accumulation and distribution of biomass and nitrogen, and yield of island cotton
Effects of fertilization on photosynthetic characteristics and growth of
Coffea arabica
L. at juvenile stage under drought stress
Effects of phosphorus application on changes in soil phosphorus under wheat/maize/soybean strip relay intercropping system
Risk assessment in soil phosphorus environment of Guanxi pummelo orchard in Pinghe County, Fujian Province
Cd uptake and accumulation of
Brassica napus
varieties with different seed glucosinolate characteristics
Canonical correlations of light and temperature with yield and agronomic traits of semi-winter rapeseed (
Brassica napus
L.) sowed in spring
Flowering phenology and fruiting characteristics of summer peanut under different planting systems
Effect of continuous wheat and maize straw incorporation on soil nitrogen and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic (FTIR) characterization of soil organic matter
Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria growth and effects on soil phosphorus adsorption-desorption characteristics in reclaimed soils
Effects of low nitrogen stress on the physiological and morphological traits of roots of different low nitrogen tolerance maize varieties at seedling stage
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