Root system distribution and biomechanical characteristics of Bambusa oldhami Molecular Characteristics and Expression Analysis of BoCOBL Gene from Green Bamboo (Bambusa oldhamii) Effect of Fertilization on Nutrient Components of Bamboo Shoot and Leaves Nutrient Status Shoot Emergence Stages in Dendrocalamopsis oldhami STUDIES ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LEAVES OF DENDROCALAMOPSIS OLDHAMII DURING SHOOT GROWING Cold Hardiness and Its Relationship with the VRN1 Genotypes in Wheat Varieties in the Yellow-Huai-Hai River Valley Region of China Isolation and structure identification of triterpenoids from Gypsophila oldhamiana Cloning and Primary Functional Analysis of a Zinc Finger Protein Gene of BoBZF from Bambusa oldhamii Structural Association of Endoplasmic Reticulum with Other Membrane Systems in Populus deltoides Apical Bud Cells and Its Alterations During the Short Day-induced Dormancy Effects of N,P,K application and their optimum fertilization parameters for Sinocalamue oldhami in alluvion soil area Paraptosis in HepG2 cells induced by daphnioldhanin E from Daphniphyllum oldhami NEW RECORD OF THE RUBUS FROM N. E. CHINA Clon ing and Character iza tion of COM T Gene from B am busa oldham ii Assessing Frost Hardiness of Malus sieversii Natural Populations by Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Cloning and Characterization of a Full-Length Gene Encoding the Light Harvesting Chlorophyll a/b-Binding Protein in Bamboo A STUDY ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTER OF FLOWERING FOR DENDROCLAMOPSIS OLDHAMI Studies on alkaloids from Fissistigma oldhamii Studies on Chemical Constituents of the Roots of Gypsophila oldhamiana Miq. Molecular Characterization and Subcellular Localization of BoSUT2 from Bambusa oldhamii Effects of sea salt stress on reflectance spectrum and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in Bambusa oldhamii leaves Study on the Afforestation and Cultivating Technologies of High-yielding Dendrocalamopsis oldhami Plantation A Study on the Technique for Seabeach Cultivation of Dendrocalamopsis oldhami Construction a Metabolic Engineering Strain to Produce 1,3-propanediol from Klebsiella pneumoniae by ldhA Gene Deletion Mutation Isolation and Ectopic Expression of BoGPIAP from Bambusa oldhamii Research on Structure Control of High Y ield B am busa oldham iBamboo Shoot Stands Ba sing on N /S A new alkaloid with cyclopentadienyl anion moiety from Daphniphyllum oldhami Paraptosis in HepG2 cells induced by daphnioldhanin E from Daphniphyllum oldhami