Contributions to a molecular phylogeny and systematics of Anemone and related genera (Ranunculaceae-Anemoninae) Notulae de Ranunculaceis Sinensibus (XV) Cytology of the tribe Trollieae and of the tribe Cimicifugeae in the Ranunculaceae: a comparative study A pharmacophylogenetic study of Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae) from China New Taxa and a Newly Recorded Variety of Ranunculaceae from Yunnan, China Studies on the Chemical Constituents from Anemone anhuiensis Y. K. Yang N. Wang et W. C. Ye Advance on chemical compounds of Tibetan medicinal plants of Aconitum genus Preliminary study on the allelopathy of 48 kinds of plants A KARYOTYPE STUDY OF6 SPECIES IN RANUNCULACEAE FROM NORTHEAST CHINA A Misapplied Name in the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China Aconitum rotundocassideum, a New Species of Ranunculaceae from Shaanxi Restoration of the Specific Status of Caltha rubriflora and a New Ally Delphinium pingwuense, a New Species of Ranunculaceae from Sichuan Province, China Diterpenoid Alkaloids from roots of Aconitum recemulosum and their inhibitory effects on PAF-induced platelet aggregation Chemical constituents of Semiaquilegia adoxoides Clematis flavidonitida, a New Species of Ranunculaceae from Mexico On the Morphological Characteristics and Geographical Distribution in China of Actaea simplex (Ranunculaceae) Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China (XI): Two New Synonyms of D. batangense Anemone yulongshanica var. glabrescens (Ranunculaceae) Is Identical with A. obtusiloba ssp. Leiophylla Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China (V): Two New Synonyms of D. autumnale Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China (VII): The Identity of D. yanwaense Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China (Ⅷ): The Identity of D. brachyurum The Identity of Anemone xiaowutaishanica (Ranunculaceae) Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China (Ⅰ):Two New Synonyms of D. coleopodum Confirmation of the Occurrence of Anemone orthocarpa (Ranunculaceae) in Vietnam The Identity of Anemone chapaensis (Ranunculaceae) from Vietnam Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China (Ⅲ):The Identities of D. pseudothibeticum, D. motingshanicum and D. caeruleum var. crassicalcaratum The Identity of Aconitum qianxiense (Ranunculaceae) Cytology of Two Species in the Genus Caltha (Ranunculaceae) from China The Genus Cimicifuga (Ranunculaceae ) Does not Occur on Hainan Island, China Notulae de Ranunculaceis Sinensibus (X) Notulae De Ranunculaceis Sinensibus (XVII) Study on processing principle of Aconitum pendulum A revision of Clematis sect. Atragene (Ranunculaceae) Clematis acerifolia var. elobata, a new variety of the Ranunculaceae from Henan, China Delphinium neowentsaii, a new species of the Ranunculaceae from Xinjiang, China Ranunculus hainingensis, a new species of Ranunculaceae from Anhui Clamatis jingxiensis, a new species of Ranunculaceae from Guangxi Five new species of Ranunculaceae from China Clematis dongchuanensis, a new species of Ranunculaceae from Yunnan Six new species and two new varieties of Ranunculaceae from Southwest China Two new species of Clematis(Ranunculaceae)from Sichuan Leaf Epidermal Feature in Clematis (Ranunculaceae) with Reference to Its Systematic Significance Clematis diebuensis, a new specis of Ranunculaceae from Gansu NOTULAE DE RANUNCULACEIS SINENSIBUS XVI A KARYOMORPHOLOGICAL STUDY OF FIVE SPECIES IN THE RANUNCULACEAE FROM YUNNAN, WITH A SPECIAL CONSIDERATION ON SYSTEMATIC POSITIONS OF ASTEROPYRUM AND CALATHODES