Effects of controlled release N fertilizer application on seedling growth and nutrients uptake of transplanted maize Study on the Growth Characters of Kaburagia rhusicola Winter Host when Transplanted Outside of Origin In vitro Shoot Rooting and Plantlet Transplanting of Tree Peonies Effects of No-tillage Cast Transplanting on Rice Yield and Its Source-Sink Characteristics Inhibition of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on transplanted liver cancer in mice Inhibition of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on transplanted liver cancer in mice Rapid propagation technique system of Dendrobium officinale Effect of emodin on rejection of liver transplantation in rats Changes in Micro-structure and Micro-area Elements of Post-transplantation Plantlets from Dendrobium huoshanense Photosynthetic and Physiological Responses of Red Bud Taro Transplantating Seedlings under Salt Stress EFFECT OF DIFFERENT TRANSPLANTING LEAF AGE ON RICE YIELD, NITROGEN UTILIZATION EFFICIENCY AND FATE OF 15N-FERTILIZER Research Progress on Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Hematopoietic Diseases A study on phenological phases of Astragalus membranaceus Effects of transplant and first inflorescence removal on seed production of Erigeron breviscapus Effect of Panicle Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Yield and Population Quality in Mechanical Transplanted Super Rice Ningjing 1 with Different Seedling Ages Effect of Planting Density of Mechanically Transplanted Pot Seedlings on Yield, Plant Type and Lodging Resistance in Rice with Different Panicle Types Tillering and Panicle Formation Characteristics of Machine-transplanted Early Rice and Its Parameters of Basic Population Formulae Reproductive organ variation in Fritillaria unibracteata along an altitudinal gradient Study on the Technique of Plant Microula Bench Research on abatement measures of allelopathic autotoxicity of Rehmannia glutinosa Rapid Propagation of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino via Tissue Culture Acer Truncatum Bunge flavonoids FAS inhibitors orthogonal test 白边岛衣多糖腹腔注射200mg/kg(1/5LD_((?)))能显著抑制小鼠肉瘤180、艾氏腹水癌和宫颈癌-u14等肿瘤的生长,但不能延长白血病L7217小鼠的存活时间,50mg/kg和100mg/kg(1/10和1/20 LD_((?))能增加小鼠网状内皮系统的吞噬功能。 EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT TILLAGE AND TRANSPLANTING METHODS ON RICE ROOTING ABILITY Response differences in growth and yield formation of direct-sown and transplanted winter oilseed rape to N, P and K fertilization Differences in N accumulation and translocation in the machine-transplanted rice genotypes Effects of nitrogen fertilization on nitrogen use efficiency and yield of machine-transplanted long–age rice seedings Nicotine synthesis and nicotine-N source in flue-cured tobacco influenced by transplanting date and N fertilizer Callus Induction and Plantlets Regeneration of Tillered-onion from the Shoot-tip Protocol for the Micropropagation of Tree Peony (Paeonia × lemoinei ‘High Noon’) Effects of Transplanting Time and Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Yield, Market Value and N Uptake of Flue-cured Tobacco by using 15N Tracing Technique Nitrogen Utilization Efficitncy and Fate of Fertilizer under Different Transplanting Density Effects of Sowing Density, Fertilizer Amount in Seedbed and Seedling Age on Seedling Quality and Grain Yield in Paddy Field for Mechanical Transplanting Rice Effect of Seedbed Soil Fertilizing for Mechanical Transplanting Rice Seedling Effect of Nitrogen Applied before Transplanting on Tillering and Nitrogen Utilization in Rice Characteristics of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium’s Uptake and Partitioning in Mechanical Transplanting Japonica Rice Effects of Agronomic Measures on Mechanical Transplanting Long-Age Seedlings of Super Rice in Rapeseed (Wheat)-Rice Planting Area of Chengdu Basin Effect of Ordered Transplanting and Optimized Broadcasting on Super High Yield and Photosynthetic Productivity and Exploration of Rice Super High Yield Model Effects of Planting Methods on Culm Lodging Resistance of Indica Hybrid Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Common Characteristics of Balanced Yield Increase in a Large Area of Mechanical Transplanted Rice in Jiangsu Province Effect of Mechanical-Transplanting Density on Lodging Resistance and Yield in Different Types of Rice

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