Influnce of MET on vegetation and transplan-tation of Humulus lupulus Stem-segment culture and tube propagation of Humulus lupulus L. Study on the callus induction and plantlet regeneration from the bulbil of Dioscorea opposita Effect of Low Nitrogen Rate Combined with High Plant Density on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Machine-transplanted Early-late Season Double Cropping Rice Effects of different transplanting conditions on survival rate and growing status of Anoictochilus roxburghii plantlets Effect of Buzhong Yiqi decoction on PI3K and AKT in spleen, stomach and lung of nude mice with lung adenocarcinoma transplantation tumor In vivo and in vitro study of aescin in L1210 murine acute lymphoid leukemia cells Quality change on Alisma plantago-aquatica at various growing-seedling stages, transplanting stages, and collecting stages Effect of Actinidia chinensis polysaccharide on apoptosis of MFC and their orthotopic transplanted tumor of gastric cancer Studies on Highly Efficient Planting of Transgenic Cotton Effect of Seedling Transplantation on the14CO2 Assimilation and the Apportionment of 14C ssimilations Within the Cotton Plant Interplanted in Standing Wheat Study on the correlations between transplanting date and nitrogen fertilizer efficiency of flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Study on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Sophora flavescens Ait. Comparative Anatomical Study of the Roots of Transplanted Panax ginseng Plants Growing for Different Times Studies on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Pulsatilla koreanaNakai Experimental study of SHENNONG 33 INJECTION on reducing nephrotoxicity of cyclosporin A Comparison of the Antiendotoxic Activities of Transplanted Indigoblue Woad (Isatis indigotica) with the Originally Cultivated Breeding Effects of transplant density on the growth, development, officinale yield and quality of Radix hedysari Recent Advances in Effects of Different Stresses in Transplant on the Seedling Performance Establishment of in vitro Rapid Propagation System for Tree Peony(Paeonia ostii) Effect of Mechanized Transplanting with High Hill Density and Single Seedling per Hill on Growth and Grain Yield in Super Rice Effect of emodin on hepatocellular apoptosis following orthotopic liver transplantation in rats Callus Induction and Plantlets Regeneration of Tillered-onion from the Shoot-tip Effects of hydroxy safflor yellow A on blood vessel and mRNA expression
with VEGF and bFGF of transplantation tumor with
gastric adenocarcinoma cell line BGC 823 in nude mice
Research progress of traditional Chinese medicine for stem cell therapy of  ischemic heart disease The growth of Salvia miltiorrhiza seedling and root system following transplantation Response of yield, quality and nitrogen use efficiency to nitrogen fertilizer from mechanical transplanting super japonica rice. Study on Propagation and Cultivation Technique of Dendrobium huoshanense Seedlings Influence on Morphogenesis and Growth of Rooted Chichies of Ginkgo biloba by Different Treatments Effects of GA3 on the Survival Rate and the Net Photosynthetic Rates ofMicropropagation Plants of Phlox paniculata Transplanted during Winter in Beijing Area Effects of GA3 on the Survival Rate and the Net Photosynthetic Rates ofMicropropagation Plants of Phlox paniculata Transplanted during Winter in Beijing Area Effects of  Seedlings Number per Hill on Grain Yield and Quality in Different Panicle Types of Mechanical Transplanted Japonica Rice Changes of the Transpiration and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Ginger Test-tube Plantlets after Transplantation Effect of exogenous brassinolide on morphological characters and contents of seven chemical constituents of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Eco-physiological responses of high-latitude transplanted Aegiceras corniculatum seedlings to NaCl stress. Rooting and Transplanting Method of Populus davidiana×P.bolleana Tissue Culture Seedlings Study on transplanting techniques of grape seedlings from embryo rescue Study on anti-aging effect of ginsenoside Rg1 in serial transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells In vitro Shoot Rooting and Plantlet Transplanting of Tree Peonies The increasing yield effects of degradable plastic film mulching on the cottons SEM OBSERVATION OF LEAF SURFACE STRUCTURE IN PROCESS OF TRANSPLANT ACCLIMATIZATION AND GROWTH IN FIELD OFIN VITRO PLANTLETS OF SOPHORA JAPONICA Advances in Study on Seedling Exponential Fertilization Regime Studies on Plant Regeneration form Somatic Cells and Transferring Technique of Plantlets in Upland Cotton ROOTING AND TRANSPLANTING OF TISSUE CULTURED SHOOTS OF TOONA SINENSIS Effect of asarinin on the acute heart transplantation rejection and the expression of adhesion molecule Effects of Transplanting Density on Density and Biomass of White Clover Field Experimental Studies on the Effects of Climate Change on Nitrogen Mineralization of Meadow Steppe Soil Population biological characteristics and yield of early rice of throwing transplanting under seedling-increase and nitrogen-reduction measures Effects of sowing date on tobacco yield and quality Changes in Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Transpiration in Parakmeria omeiensis after Cutting Root and Branch in Different Seasons Effect of different sowing quantities on seedling quality of Rheum palmatum Some Characteristics of Mechanically Transplanted Pot Seedlings in Super High Yielding Population of Indica-japonica Hybrid Rice Yongyou 2640 Effect of Planting Density on Yield and Photosynthate Production Characteristics in Different Types of Rice with Bowl Mechanical-Transplanting Method Effect of ginsenoside Rh2 on transplanted-tumor and expression of JAM in mice Clonal Growth and Clonal Morphology of Potentilla reptans var. sericophylla in Forest Understorey and Gap Effects of Nitrogen Application Rates and Plant Spacing on Nutrient Translocation during Filling Stage and Yield of Mechanical-transplanted Hybrid Rice Studies on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Pulsatilla koreanaNakai Determination of oxalate in human plasma and urine by RP-HPLC Efficacy of Hushen Gujing (HSGJ) in preventing chronicallograft nephropathy in rats The Influence of Cultivation Conditions on the Growth and DevelopmentofPennisetum a lopecuroides Preliminary Trial on the Inducement of Seed Sprouting of Ningyoumateng (Mucuna paohwashanica) from Zhejiang Province Effect of the interaction of nitrogen and transplanting density on the rice population structure and grain yield in low-yield paddy fields Effect of Anticancer Polypeptide from Buthus Martensii Venom on Immune Function in the H22-bearing Mice Studies on effects of Chinese Cobra Venom and COMPOSITE SALVIA MILTIORRHIZA INJECTION on hyperacute rejection of xenotransplantation Studies on Cause Analysis of the High Yielding Development of Transplant Cotton with Plastic Film Mulching (TCPFM) Effects of Planting Ways and Sowing(or transplanting)-date on the Boll Developm ent of the Summer Cotton in Wheat-Summer Cotton Double Cropping Rapid propagation technique system of Dendrobium officinale Effect of Cutting Length on Rooting and Growth of Two-year-old Plantlets of Larix kaempferi in Nursery Seedling Standing Characteristics and Technology of No-tillage and Cast Transplanting Rice Growing Characteristics of Rice Seedlings of Over-Optimum Age for Mechanical Transplanting Genetic Transformation of Cotton with Embryogenic Calli as Explants and Efficient Transgenic Somatic Embryoid Germination and Plant Recovery Influences of mechanical sowing and transplanting on nitrogen accumulation, distribution and C/N of hybrid rice cultivars Pollen dispersal patterns of the endangered plant Pinus dabeshanensis in a seed production stand A Study on Seedling Breeding and Cuttage Reproduction of Michelia chapensis Anatomical Changes of the Leaves of in vitro Euphorbia pulcherrima Seedlings During Their Post-transplantation Domestication Home-field advantage of litter decomposition and its soil biological driving mechanism: a review Analysis on Population Characteristics and Yield Formation Advantages of Pot-seedling Mechanical Transplanting Middle-season Indica Hybrid Rice Effects of Transplanting Density on Contribution and Accumulation of Soluble Sugar on Japonica Rice in Cold Region Effect of Sowing Date on Yield and Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Matter Production of Different Types in Mechanical Transplanted Rice Effects of Different Fertilizer Allocation on Grain Qualities under Mechanized Transplanting Rice Mode

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