Influence of Tinglizi on collagen volume fraction and perivascular collagen area in left ventricle tissue of cardiac hypertrophy induced by abdominal aortic banding in rats A new identification and quautitation method for Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae Preparation,identification and thermodynamic stability of capsaicin-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion compound Effect of Iron on Accumulation and Chemical Forms of Cadmium in Tomato SEM and XRD Analyses of the Roots and Leaves of Coleus with Selenium
Supplements Under Lead Stress
Fraction changes of oxidation organic carbon in paddy soil and its correlation with CH4 emission fluxes Characteristics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen distributed in different density fractions of mollisols under long-term continuous cropping and natural restoration A biomass accumulation model for maize/soybean intercropping system Active soil organic matter and its relationship with soil quality Response to classification numbers of vegetation types on correlative coefficients among landscape metrics The distribution of soil nutrients on sloping land in the gully region watershed of the Loess Plateau Vegetation Change Monitoring for the Natural Forest Protection Based on Spatial Analysis Techniques Change of Soil Labile Organic Carbon Pools after Conversion from Degraded Shrub Forest to Broadleaved Plantations in North Subtropical Areas of China Identification of Organic or Conventional Lettuce by Nitrogen Isotope Identification of Organic or Conventional Lettuce by Nitrogen Isotope Effect of Protein and Starch Contents on Wheat Dough Rheological Properties Study on anti-diabetes active fraction and constituents from Potentilla chinesis Comparative analysis of seven marine biological source of mineral drugs Distribution and movability of inorganic phosphorous on the percogenic paddy soil under continuously phosphorous fertilizer application Progress on fractioning of soil phosphorous and availability of various phosphorous fractions to crops in soil Study on fertilizer efficiency and its mechanism of urea and ammonium bicarbonate treated with controlled-release technology Complexation characteristics of humic acids with Fe2+ and their fractions from soil with different fertilization Ⅱ- The complexation of humic acid fractions with Fe2+ Fractions of phosphorus in cultivated and vegetable soils in northern China X-ray diffraction Fourier fingerprint of mineral Chinese medicine Chloriti Lapis Composition and thermal stability of traditional Tibetan mineral medicine Nanhanshuishi RESEARCH ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF CELLUIOSE CRYSTALLINITY IN COMPRESSION WOOD STUDY OF MICROFIBRIL ANGLES IN REACTION WOOD Effects of earthworm activity on phosphorus fraction and available phosphorus content in red soil Dynamics of fluvo-aquic soil organic matter fractions under long-term fertilization Influence of long-term fertilization on phosphorus fertility of calcareous soil Ⅱ.Inorganic and organic phosphorus. Soil particle size fractionation with centrifugation method Influence of cultivation on organic carbon in three typical soils of China Loess Plateau and Canada Prairies Equilibrium solubility of ginkgo flavonoid components in water and PBS of different pHs with mass fraction weight coefficient method Study on solubility of ginkgolide components with mass fraction weight coefficient method Splitted fractions and unoverlapping analysis of chemical constituents of Poria cocos Application of Xray Diffraction in Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine X-ray Diffraction Fourier Pattern Analysis of Natural Caculus Bovis Changes in Fraction and Content of Pectin During Development of Carrot Changes in Fraction and Content of Pectin During Development of Carrot Relationship between fractional vegetation cover and humidity index after returning farmland to forest in Shaanxi Province Dynamic monitoring of fractional vegetation cover along Minjiang River from Wenchuan County to Dujiangyan City using multi-temporal landsat 5 and 8 images Effects of climate, forest type and light availability on litter decomposition rate in forests of Northeast China An analysis of the spatio-temporal variation in fractional vegetation cover and its relationship with non-climate factors in Nanchang City, China Organic carbon storage properties in Stipa breviflora desert steppe vegetation soil systems under different grazing intensities Characteristics of typical paddy soil organic carbon fractions and their main control factors in the Yangtze River Delta Features of soil C and N dynamics in a typical secondary poplar-birch forest in Northeast China CHROMAT0GRAPHIC FRACTIONATI0N AND MASS-SPECTRONIETRIC DETECTION 0F THE ANSAMACR0LIDES OF MAYTANSINOID 1. Isolation and characterization of three antitumor agents from two Plants of Maytenus Preliminary study on hematopoietic constituents of SI-WU-TANG Inhibition effect of active fraction from Actinidia valvata on growth of transplanated mouse tumor cells and preliminary study of its mechanism Screening of effective fraction on experimental gastric ulcer from Pongamia pinnata roots Effect of four kinds of active fractions of Buyang Huanwu Decoction on cerebral infarction volume in focal cerebral ischemia rats Dispersing form of puerarin solid dispersion and its evaluation in vitro Two new compounds from active fractions of Qingnao Xuanqiao Formula Chemical constituents from Perovskia atriplicifolia Screening of active fractions with antithrombotic effect from Caragana jubata Fingerprint of different polarity extracts from superfine powder of Lonicera japonica and its correlation of antibacterial activity X-ray diffraction and fingerprint establishment of processed product of Haematitum Growth rates of marine planktonic ciliates:a review Diurnal variation of water and heat flux under transient water stress in a winter wheat field Profile distribution characteristics of soil organic nitrogen fractions in the lower reaches of the Heihe River wetland A temporal transformation method of fractional vegetation cover derived from high and moderate resolution remote sensing data Short-term effects of simulating nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon in a Stipa krylovii steppe A review of effects of fire on soil organic carbon in forests Organic carbon fractions and aggregate stability in an aquatic soil as influenced by agricultural land uses in the Northern China Plain Effects of organic ligands on accumulation and fractionation of rare earth elements REEs in wheat Content and distribution of unprotected soil organic carbon in natural and monoculture plantation forests of Castanopsis kawakamii in subtropical China Mapping of Carya cathayensis Spatial Distribution with Linear Spectral Mixture Model Spatial and Temporal Change of Vegetation Cover in Xinjiang Based on FVC Multi-Scale Comparisons of Particulate Matter and Its Size Fractions Deposited on Leaf Surfaces of Major Greening Tree Species Effects of Converting Degraded Cropland to Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Grassland on Soil Physicochemical Properties The Content and Fractiona tion of Copper in Apple Orchard So ils Effect of Iron on Accumulation and Chemical Forms of Cadmium in Tomato Study on protective and haemodynamic effects of Danshen Tongluo capsule on rats with myocardial infarction Fingerprint of X-ray diffraction of Tibetan medicine dairy Nanhanshuishi and its application in processing by microwave An Experimental Study(Ⅰ) on the Inhibition of Prostatic Hyperplasia with Extract of Seeds of Brassica alba Analysis of fractional vegetation cover change and its impact on thermal environment in the Hetian basinal area of County Changting, Fujian Province, China X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis of Fel Ursi Isolation of eugenol from volatile oil of cloves by inclusion method Relationship between Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation and Vegetation Indices, Leaf Area Index of Corn and Soybean Computer Simulation Model of the Fractional Vegetation Cover and Its Parameters Sensitivity Analysis