CHARACTERISTICS OF LEAF STRUCTURE OF AMMOPIPTANTHUS MONGOLICUS AND ITS RELATION WITH COLD RESISTANCE The spatio-temporal distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus from Shapotou STUDY ON THE ENDANGERED REASONS OF AMMOPIPTANTHUS MONGOLICUS IN THE DESERT OF ALASHAN Chemical constituents of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Studies on chemical constituents of aerial parts of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Overexpression of a Zinc-finger Protein Gene AmZFPG from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Confers Tolerance to Cold , Drought and Salt Stress in Transgenic Tobacco SPECIAL DEMANDS OF CALLUS TO MEDIUM AND INDUCTION OF DIFFERENTIATED STRUCTURES LIKE EMBRYOID IN GLOBULAR STAGE IN MONGOLIAN AMMOPIPTANTHUS Overexpression of a Zinc-finger Protein Gene AmZFPG from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Confers Tolerance to Cold , Drought and Salt Stress in Transgenic Tobacco Influx of Ca2+-Dependent H+ to Suspended Cells of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Triggered by Mechanical Stimulation Starch granules related to the development of chloroplasts in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Effects of Drought Stress on the Photoprotection in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Leaves Effect of Stubble Treatment on the Physiological Characteristics of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Biological Characterization of Heat-stable Antifreeze Proteins from Leaves of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Purification and Identification of Antifreeze Proteins in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Development of Specific Inclusion in the Mesophyll Cells of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Cloning and Preliminary Functional Analysis of AmCaM1 from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Study for the Ecological Environment and Vulnerable Reasons of the Ammopiptanthus nanus Investigation on the Parasitoids of Orgyia ericae Spatial distribution of AM and DSE fungi in the rhizosphere of Ammopiptanthus nanus Mitigative Effect of IBA and CaCl2 on Under Salt Stress Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Seedlings Effects of Salt Stress on Growth and Physiological Characteristic of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus seedlings Extraction, Separation and Measuration of the Thermal Hysteresis Activity of Antifreeze Proteins from Ammopiptanthus nanus (Leguminosae) Analysis on Multi-Species and Multi-Scale Pattern of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Communities Outside Oases Study on Chromosome Number and Karyotype of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Allozyme Diversity and Population Differentiation in an Endangered Plant,Ammopiptanthus nanus(Leguminosae) Extraction and Measurement of Total Protein and Amino Acids,Analysis the Identification Result of Antifreeze Protein in Ammopiptanthus nanus Electron microscopic observation on electron dense structure in cytoplasm of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Cloning and Expression Analysis of Proline Transporter Gene in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Ectopic-overexpression of AmHsa32 from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Promoted Heat Tolerance in Nicotiana benthamiana Effects of Salt Stress on Telomerase Activity in Relation to DNA Stability of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Cells The Response of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus seedings to Salt Stress under Hydroponics Mating system and genetic diversity of a rare desert legume Ammopiptanthus nanus (Leguminosae) Optimization of Experiment Conditions and PrimerScreening with ISSR Markers Observation on the Chromosome Behavior at Meiosis of Ammopiptanthus nanus Origin of Vesicular Inclusions in the Vacuoles of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus MICROSTRUCTURE FEATURES OF THE SEEDS AND CONTENTS OF THE CHEMICAL ELEMENT OF AMMOPIPTANTHUS MONGOLICUS GROWN IN DESERT OF CHINA A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS AND CHARACERISTICS OF AMMOPIPTANTHUS MONGOLICUS POPULATIONS IN DIFFERENT DESERT ENVIRONMENTS CHARACTERISTICS OF AMMOPIPTANTHUS NANUS SEED AND FACTORS AFFECTING ITS GERMINATION Regurgitant from Orgyia ericae Germar induces calcium influx and accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus (Maxim. ex Kom.) Cheng f. cells Correlation Study of AM and DSE Fungi and Soil Factors in the Rhizosphere of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Cloning and Expression Analysis of AmDREB2C in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Population Structure and Spatial Distribution Pattern of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus in Dengkou County,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Nodule Histology and Ultrastructure of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and Subcellular Localization of Glycoprotein in Nodules Colonization of dark septate endophytes in roots of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and its associated plants as influenced by soil properties Flowering Phenology of an Endangered Plant Ammopiptanthus nanus A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE STRESS RESISTANCE OF RHIZOBIA ISOLATED FROM AMMOPIPTANTHUS MONGOLICUS Cloning and Expression Analysis of AmDREB2.1 in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Primary Physiological Responses of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Cells Induced by Methyl Jasmonate Molecular Identification and Cold-Resistance Analysis of the AmGS Transgenic Photinia×fraseri ‘Red Robin’ Plants SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING PERFORMANCE OF AMMOPIPTANTHUS MONGOLICUS A Cytological Study of the Genus Ammopiptanthus Comparative study on drought-resistance indexes of two desert plants Electron microscopic observation on mitochondria of an especial cold-hardened plant in winter

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