BREEDING SYSTEM OF LAMIUM AMPLEXICAULE Scaling-up methodology for alpine grassland coverage monitoring based on Landsat 8 OLI and MODIS remote sensing data: A case study in XiaheSangke grassla Prediction of suitable regions and risk subdivisions of spiralling whitefly, Aleurodicus dispersus Russell, in China Mode of action of two candidate strobilurin fungicides against cucumber downy mildew THE POPULATION DYNAMICS AND RECOVERY OF RODENT PESTS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM IN SICHUAN THE RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE MODEL FOR PREDICTING PESTICIDE RESIDUE VIRULENCE OF BEAUVERJA BASSIANA AGAINST THE GREEN PEACH APHID,MYZUS PERSICAE STUDY ON THE POPULATION MODEL AND PREDICTION OF APODEMVS AGRARIUS IN AGRICULTURAL FIELDS THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A MID-TERM FORECAST MODEL FOR LEAF RUST OF WHEAT STUDY ON THE BENEFIT EVALUATION METHOD OF RICE IPM Practicability of 7 Light Responsive Curve Models to Different Plant Species Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopic Observations on the Plasmodesmatal Channels Between the Pollen Mother Cells of Lily MODELING SEASONAL VARIATION OF CO2 FLUX IN A SUBTROPICAL CONIFEROUS FOREST USING THE EALCO MODEL DETERMINING VEGETATION COVER BASED ON FIELD DATA AND MULTI-SCALE REMOTELY SENSED DATA SIMULATION OF NET PRIMARY PRODUCTION IN KAOKAOLAIGOU WATERSHED, CHINA A SIMULATION MODEL FOR DYNAMIC GREEN AREA INDEX IN WINTER RAPESEED (BRASSICA NAPUS) AGGREGATION OF PLANT FUNCTIONAL TYPES BASED ON MODELS OF STOMATAL CONDUCTANCE AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS PREDICTING SPECIES′ POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION—SVM COMPARED WITH GARP EFFECTS OF OZONE POLLUTION ON TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY LAND USE/COVER CHANGE EFFECTS ON CARBON CYCLING IN TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS CLIMATE WARMING IMPACTS ON CARBON CYCLING IN TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS VEGETATION INDEXES-BIOMASS MODELS FOR TYPICAL SEMI-ARID STEPPE—A CASE STUDY FOR XILINHOT IN NORTHERN CHINA BIOMASS AND ITS ALLOCATION IN TROPICAL SEASONAL RAIN FOREST IN XISHUANGBANNA, SOUTHWEST CHINA SIMULATING SEASONAL AND INTERANNUAL VARIATIONS OF ECOSYS- TEM EVAPOTRANSPIRATION AND ITS COMPONENTS IN INNER MONG- OLIA STEPPE WITH VIP MODEL DROUGHT EFFECTS ON CARBON EXCHANGE IN A SUBTROPICAL CONIFEROUS PLANTATION IN CHINA SPATIAL-TEMPORAL VARIATIONS IN NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY ALONG NORTHEAST CHINA TRANSECT (NECT) FROM 1982 TO 1999 DYNAMICS SIMULATION OF NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY BY A SATELLITE DATA-DRIVEN CASA MODEL IN INNER MONGOLIAN TYPICAL STEPPE, CHINA COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON CRYSTAL IDIOBLASTS OF FIVE DESERT C4 PLANTS ALTITUDINAL PATTERN OF SPECIES DIVERSITY IN WOODY PLANT COMMUNITIES OF MOUNTAIN HELAN, NORTHWESTERN CHINA QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE VULNERABILITY OF TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS OF CHINA TO CLIMATE CHANGE BASED ON POTENTIAL VEGETATION VEGETATION MONITORING AND TREND ANALYSIS: DISCUSSIONS ON QUANTITATIVE VEGETATION ECOLOGY REVIEW ON THE MECHANISM MODELS OF ALLOMETRIC SCALING LAWS: 3/4 VS. 2/3 POWER PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATES AND PARTITIONING OF ABSORBED LIGHT ENERGY IN LEAVES OF SUBTROPICAL BROAD-LEAF TREES UNDER MODERATELY HIGH-TEMPERATURE REVIEW OF STUDIES ON MAXIMUM SIZE-DENSITY RULES A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON BIOMASS OF WOODWARDIA JAPONICA COMMUNITY UNDER A CONIFEROUS PLANTATION IN SUBTROPICAL CHINA DEM-BASED MODELING OF THE IMPACT OF VEGETATION RESTORATION ON ANNUAL STREAMFLOW IN THE LOESS PLATEAU OF CHINA CARBON CYCLE MODELING OF A BROAD-LEAVED KOREAN PINE FOREST IN CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN OF CHINA USING THE MODEL-DATA FUSION APPROACH A Simulation Model for the plant-Environmental System of Alkalized Grassland on Songnen Plain in Northeast China Statistics Model and Environment Analysis on the Relationship Between Life-Form Spectrum of Main Forest Communities and Climatic Factors in China A General Model For Neighborhood Interference Index and Its Application Comparison between modified exponential model and common models of light-response curve Statistical modeling of nitrogen-dependent modulation of root system architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana Application of the Multi-Dimensional Sphere Model in Rangeland Monitoring Data Analysis Growth Dynamics of Dominant Tree Species in Dark Coniferous Forests on Gongga Mountain Studies on a NPP Model of Salinized-meadow in the North of Tarim Basin A Forest Vegetation NPP model Based on NDVI Modeling Growth and Succession of Northeastern China Forests and Its Applications in Global Change Studies Application of a Century Model to Management Effects in the Productivity of Forests in Dinghushan Simulation of the Potential Responses of Mixed Coniferous and Broad -Leaved Korean Pine Communities by Bkpf Model The Study of Synthetical Judgement in Many Sides on the Mixed Model of Masson-Pine-Mixed Fores Quantitative Remote Sensing Study of the Cover of a Sand Artemisia ordosica Community Modeling the Spatial Pattern of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Under a Post- Nomadic Sedentary Grazing System Tone Series Model of Individual Age and Diameter in Castanopsis kaowarumii population Species Abundance Patterns in Some Broad-leaved Deciduous Forests in New York, USA Compartmental Model and Dynamic Simulating of Nutrient Cycling in an Apple Orchard Ecosystem Effects of Different Harness Measures on Latertic Red Soil Fertility in Southeast Coast of Fujian The Determination of Ecotone and the Characteristics of Biome on Ordos Plateau Dynamics Modeling of Stand Density Effects of Populus davidiana Forest Model of Gordonia acuminata Population Dynamics and Analysis of Its Stability Model Forecast of Population Dynamics of Spruce on Sandy Land Biomass and Biomass Models of Secondary Subtropical Vegetation in Tuojiang River Valley Patterns and Mathematical Models of Chinese-fir Productivity In China Research on the Restoring Succession of the Degenerated Grassland in Inner Mongolia III A Mathematical Model for Plant Community Succession Principles and Ecologically Optimal Model for Desert Grassland Management A Natural Vegetation NPP Model A Study on the Model for Estimation Winter Wheat Yield Using Spectral Data of Wheat Field The Distribution and Accumulation of K+ and Na+ in Five Salt-Tolerant Forage Plants in a Song-Nen Plain Steppe Principles and Optimal Models for Development of Maowusu Sandy Crassland Studies on the Biomass Models of the Tree Stratum of Secondary Cyclobalanopsis glauca Forest in Zhejiang Multivariate Linear Model for Distribution of Plant Community and Environment Patterns of Clonal Growth in Leymus chinensis Population A Study on Non-Destructive Methods for Estimating Aboveground Biomass of Grassland Plant Communities The Applicability of GM (1, N) Model to Biological Systems A Study on Growth Characteristics of Young Plantations of Some Tree Species of Magnoliaceae Compartment model of producer subsystem on growing season in Kobresia Humilis meadow The Contingency Table Applied to Exploring Larix potaninii Distribution Study on dynamics model of age structure of Quercus variabilis in different region in Shaanxi Analysis of AHP strategic decision for grazing management system and ecological restoration in the alpine wetland at Gannan in Gansu The vegetation productivity model to water in the gully-hilly Loess Plateau area A mathematical model on procedure of some physiology and biochemical during aging of Chinese Fir seed

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