A studyon the Lodels of eco-agricultural developLent in typical Karst Gorge Region—A case study from Dingtan District of Huajiang Gorge in Guizhou Province Exploration on the construction model of ecological agriculture in Weibei Loess Plateau Eco-agricultural model of fruit-grass-livestock-edible fungi-biogas in southeast of Fujian A study on the biosphere reserve pattern of oasis economy based on eco-agricultural paradigm of mountain-basin systemin Xinjiang Variation features of micro-waterlogged topographic and ecological agriculture models in Jianghan Plain The research advances on the crop climate suitability influenced by global warming Systematic assessment and regional features of soil quality in the aainan Bland The effect of applying economic green manure crops in the paddy field with succession cropping system Study on the main models and their complete set of techniques for the controlled environmental ecological agriculture Study of Jarvis model on stomatai conductance of mandarin leaf Study on an evaluation model of matter-element of the eco-quality of rural landscape Economic evaluation on household-scaled “pig-biogas-fruit”ecological mode Mapping of variable rate fertilizing and model of fertilizer application in paddy field Advance in the research on the mechanism of degradation of sulfonylurea herbicides in soils Research on technical system for the hiigh-benefit ecological agriculture in the Three-Gorge Reservoir area A preliminary study on the dynamicmodel and computer simulation system ofgreenhouse tomato growth Developmental models of eco-agriculture in Shaanxi Province The relationship between estimation of vegetation carbon assimilation and remote sensing information Influence of different planting modes of watermelon on the yield and meteorological factors in plastic shed Division for eco-environmental construction in Heihe watershed An assessment model for effects of climate abnormity on wheat production in North China Plain ABOVEGROUND BIOMASS OF LIANAS AND ITS RESPONSE TO ANTHROPOGENIC DISTURBANCES IN MOIST EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FORESTS IN THE AILAO MOUNTAINS OF SOUTHWESTERN CHINA MODELLING THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF ABOVEGROUND BIOMASS BASED ON VEGETATION INDEX IN A TROPICAL FOREST IN BAWANG- LING, HAINAN ISLAND, SOUTH CHINA A FUNCTIONAL-STRUCTURAL MODEL GREENLAB FOR PINUS TABULAEFORMIS POPULATION QUANTITATIVE DYNAMICS OF THE RHIZOMATOUS WOODY CLONAL PLANT EREMOSPARTON SONGORICUM IN CHINA’S GURBANTUGGUT DESERT EFFECTS OF SAMPLE SIZE AND SPECIES TRAITS ON PERFORMANCE OF BIOCLIM IN PREDICTING GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF TREE SPE-CIES—A CASE STUDY WITH 12 DECIDUOUS QUERCUS SPECIES INDIGENOUS TO CHINA MECHANISM MODEL OF STOMATAL CONDUCTANCE BIOMASS OF CANOPY AND SHRUB LAYERS OF KARST FORESTS IN PUDING, GUIZHOU, CHINA MONITORING LEAF DRY WEIGHT AND LEAF AREA INDEX IN WHEAT WITH HYPERSPECTRAL REMOTE SENSING QUANTIFYING THE EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ON DRY MATTER PARTITIONING OF STANDARD CUT CHRYSANTHEMUM ‘SHENMA’ IN SOLAR GREENHOUSE REVIEW OF SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL VARIATIONS OF SOIL RESPIRA- TION AND DRIVING MECHANISMS GERMINATION CHARACTERISTICS OF 61 COMMON WOODY SPECIES FROM THE EASTERN QINGHAI-TIBET PLATEAU OF CHINA AND THEIR LIFE HISTORY CORRELATES Comparison of photosynthetic and fluorescence characteristics among taxa in Paeonia sect. Paeonia A review on modeling of responses of photosynthesis to light and CO2 Relationship between forest lighting fire occurrence and weather factors in Daxing’an Mountains based on negative binomial model and zero-inflated negative binomial models Review of advances in measurements and effects of diffuse radiation on terrestrial ecosystem productivity Simulation of biomass and soil desiccation of Robinia pseudoacacia forestlands on semi-arid and semi-humid regions of China’s Loess Plateau C:N:P stoichiometry across evergreen broad-leaved forests, evergreen coniferous forests and deciduous broad-leaved forests in the Tiantong region, Zhejiang Province, eastern China Point pattern analysis of dominant populations in a degraded community in Leymus chinensis + Stipa grandis steppe in Inner Mongolia, China Species abundance distribution patterns of Pinus tabulaeformis forest in Huoshan Mountain of Shanxi Province, China Advances in the study of photosynthate allocation and its controls Comparative evaluation of multiple models of the effects of climate change on the potential distribution of Pinus massoniana Applying multi-model inference to estimate growth parameters of greater lizard fish Saurida tumbil in Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. Vulnerability assessment on the coastal wetlands in the Yangtze Estuary under sea-level rise. Models for biomass estimation of four shrub species planted in urban area of Xi’an City, Northwest China. Review of dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs). Linear mixed modeling of branch biomass for Korean pine plantation. Monitoring of soil salinization in Northern Tarim Basin, Xinjiang of China in dry and wet seasons based on remote sensing. Primary branch size of Pinus koraiensis plantation: A prediction based on linear mixed effect model. Lightning-caused fire, its affecting factors and prediction: A review. Retrieval of leaf area index of Moso bamboo forest with Landsat Thematic Mapper image based on PROSAIL canopy radiative transfer model. Suitability assessment of construction land in the central and southern parts of Hebei Province, China based on potential-limitation model. Effects of dynamic aerodynamic parameters on simulating the land-atmosphere flux exchange in maize field: A case study of BATSle model. Evaluation of the suitability and influencing factors of winter rapeseed planting in Gansu Province Construction and analysis of the EWE model of the wetland ecosystem in lake buffering zone of Zhushan Bay, China. Construction of information management-based virtual forest landscape and its application Nutrient equilibrium and distribution along soil profile of three legumes on highland Loess Plateau Landscape, circulation system design and biodiversity reestablishment in eco-agriculture Modification of the kinetic model for degradation of pesticides Study on the status of agricultural non-pointing source(NPS)pollution in Three-Gorges Area and its control countermeasures Study on the typical model of eco-agriculture in Fujian Province Study on species abundance distribution m odel of the race and endangered plant Tsuga longibracteata community Study on the inter-species competition of Sassafras tsumu community in the mid-subtropics and the population density adjustment Greenhouse crop model and environmental control and management Management of eco-agricultural industrialization in China Effects of Soil Conditions on Root Growth of Winter Wheat On the design of chinese ecological agriculture model Forest fire spread modeling and 3D visualization in virtual forest landscape Forest Inventory Data (FID)-based biomass models and their prospects Current situation and some intending problems of landscape spatial dynamic model Structure and ecological benefits of urban forest in Shenyang build-up area Ecological economic analysis of a rice-crab model Test and improvement of model reliability for predicting insecticide residue Management model of Cunninghamia lanceolata- Citrullus vulgaris History and progress of the genomics studies in the model system of perennial plant species Origin, Evolution and Distribution of the Taxodiaceae Surface Ultrastructure of Seeds of Chinese Cuscuta Morphological and quality difference of adult Anguilla japonica under three aquaculture models. Characteristics of terrestrial ecosystem primary productivity in East Asia based on remote sensing and process-based model. Climatic suitability of single cropping rice planting region in China.

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