Remote-sensing estimation of grassland vegetation coverage in Inner Mongolia, China Comparison of three models of forest biomass estimation Temporal and spatial analysis of forest biomass in Changbai Mountains, Heilongjiang, China A functional-structural model for adults of Pinus tabulaeformis based on GreenLab Simulating impacts of summer drought on forest dynamics in Dongling Mountain A brief introduction of structural equation model and its application in ecology Species-abundance distribution patterns at different successional stages of conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest communities in Changbai Mountains, China Research on modeling germination response to salinity of barley seeds Thermal time model analysis for seed germination of four Vicia species Numeric dynamics of natural populations of Paeonia delavayi (Paeoniaceae) Potential distribution of Miscanthus sinensis and M. floridulus in China Simulating responses of leaf stomatal conductance to environmental factors for Tamarix ramosissma in an extreme arid region of China Diurnal variations of soil evaporation δ18O and factors affecting it in cropland in North China Changes in plant functional groups and species diversity under three grassland using modes in typical grassland area of Inner Mongolia, China Selection of optimum quadrat size and number for estimating aboveground volume of cultivated cultivated Dipsacus asperoides Effects of forest litter layer on regeneration of Populus cathayana natural population in Xiaowutai Mountains in China Comparisons of three models for vegetation canopy bi-directional reflectance distribution function Comprehensive evaluation and analysis of tobacco planting environment based on space technology Applicability of modified exponential model in photosynthetic-CO2 response curve of barley Evaluating the impact of soil factors on the potential distribution of Phyllostachys edulis (bamboo) in China based on the species distribution model Effects of positive plant interactions on population dynamics and community structures: a review based on individual-based simulation models Research on vegetation cover information extraction technologies under different terrain conditions How a winter wildfire affect plant community in subalpine grassland of western Sichuan, China? A mechanistic model of light-response of photosynthetic electron flow and its application Branching and metabolic exponents in seven woody plants Variations in the relationship between maximum leaf carboxylation rate and leaf nitrogen concentration Impact of climate change on suitable distribution range and spatial pattern in Amygdalus mongolica Predictions of potential geographical distribution of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum under climate change Contribution of invasive species Spartina alterniflora to soil organic carbon pool in coastal wetland: Stable isotope approach A comparison of measured and calculated net community CO2 exchange: Scaling from leaves to communities Simulation of forest net primary production and the effects of fire disturbance in Northeast China Dynamic Modelling of Plant-Environment Interactions in a Vegetation System A studies on Population Dynamics of Edificators Dominance in Spruce-Fir Forest Study on Biomass of Tropical Mountain Rain Forest in Limushan, Hainan Island The Models on Density Dependence to Natural Suaeda heteroptera Population of Alkalization Meadow in the Songnen Plain of China Application and Improvement of the Neighborhood Interference Model Dynamic Population Models of the Ecological Dominance During the Retrogressive Succession of Leymus chinensis Grassland COMPARISON OF NEW AND SEVERAL CLASSICAL MODELS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN RESPONSE TO IRRADIANCE Variable-Exponent Taper Models for Dahurian Larch in Different Regions of Daxing‘anling Automatic Extraction of Individual Tree Branch Structure Parameters from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data Distribution Pattern of Species Richness for Wild Fruit Trees in Xinjiang Based on Species Distribution Modeling Tourism Efficiency and Influence Factors of Chinese Forest Parks JN-Type Micron-Sized Wood Fiber Shock Absorber Order Degree Calculation and Optimization on Forestry Industrial Structure of Heilongjiang Province Based on Markov Quadratic Programming Model Mechanical Models of Larix gmelinii Mature Clear Wood Based on the Properties of Earlywood and Latewood: Longitudinal Modulus of Elastic Individual Tree Aboveground Biomass of Larix gmelinii Natural Forest in the Northern Greater Khingan Mountains Updating Framework for Multi-Sources of Subcompartment Spatio-Temporal Data Individual Crown Diameter Prediction for Cunninghamia lanceolata Forests Based on Mixed Effects Models Construction of a Mathematic Model for Forecasting Viviparous Propagule Yield of Bruguiera gymnorriza Modeling and Predicting Bivariate Distributions of Tree Diameter and Height The Simultaneous Equation System of Total Volume in Fir Plantation Fine Root and Grass Root Decomposition and N Dynamics in Four Land Use Types of Converting Farmland to Forest HYPERSPECTRAL REMOTE SENSING INFORMATION MODEL FOR DISERTIFICATION DEGREE ASSESSMENT STUDIES ON THE TYPE CLASSIFICATION OF BACKBONE FOREST STRIP FOR CASUARINA EQUISETIFOLIA AND KEY TECHNIQUES FOR ITS REGENERATION AFFORESTATION COMPATIBLE DYNAMIC MODEL STUDIES ON COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION OF DIAMETER FOR THINNED AND UNTHINNED EVEN-AGED STANDS Current situation and existing problems in research of interflow models Advantages of the Dynamic Model in Real-time PCR Data Processing Plasmodesmal Dynamics in Both Woody Poplar and Herbaceous Winter Wheat Under Controlled Short Day and in Field Winter Period Northeast China Transect (NECT): Ten-Year Synthesis and Future Challenges Antagonistical Mode of Pichia membranefaciens to Rhizopus stolonifer in Wounds of Peach Fruit Evidence of Ultrastructure and Physiology of F-actin as Component of Plasmodesmata Soybean leaf area index retrieval with UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) remote sensing imagery Application of different canopy resistance models in summer maize evapotranspiration simulation Principles and applications of information ratio adjustment of GGE biplot— A case study of cotton mega-environment investigation in the Yangtze River Valley Analysis of the dynamics and characteristics of grain filling in summer maize under waterlogging stress Food security should be the ultimate goal of agricultural modernization in China Improvement of HIMS evapotranspiration module and its application in Haihe River Basin Analysis of agro-ecosystem footprint of flux in semi-arid areas Application and validation of AquaCrop model in simulating biomass and yield of oil flax in Northwest China SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS ON FUTURE CARBON BALANCE OF THREE DECIDUOUS FORESTS IN BEIJING MOUNTAIN AREA, WARM TEMPERATE ZONE OF CHINA Review of research advances in soil respiration of grassland in China A Four-Level Theory on Energy Transfer of the Light-Harvesting Complex ¢ò in PS ¢ò in Higher Plants (in English) Modes of Action of Phytochromes in Establishing DifferentPhototropic Responsiveness of Maize Coleoptiles A Physiological-ecological Simulation Model of Maize Growth The Potential Impacts of Global Climate Change on Spring-maize Growth in Shenyang Relationships Between the Fruit-bearing Characters of Leymus chinensis Population and Annual Climatic Variations in Natural Meadow in Northeast China A Simplified Model with Soil Water Limitation on Spring Wheat Growth Intercellular Symplastic Connection and Isolation of the Unloading Zone in Flesh of the Developing Grape Berry REVIEW OF MODELLING THE DISTRIBUTION OF PLANT SPECIES KRANZ ANATOMY AND C4 PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF TWO DESERT PLANTS, HALOXYLON AMMODENDRON AND CALLIGONUM MONGOLICUM

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