Application of sustainable and intensive management model of windbreaks/shelterbelts Potential effect of fertilising and tilling on N2O emission from upland soils analyzed by DNDC model Potential effect of fertilising and tilling on N2O emission from upland soils analyzed by DNDC model Potential response of major tree species to climate warming in Changbai Mountain,Northeast China Simulation of NPP and evaluation of ecosystem services of Larix gmelinii forest Study on fire behavior in grassland Evaluation on comprehensive benefits of different regulation models of agroforestry ecosystem in snail river beach Several basic issues of forest gap model I. Effect of simulated plot area Canopy spectral features and fruit amount estimation of apple tree at fruit stage based on hyperspectral data Photosynthetic characteristics responses of three plants to drought stress in Tarim Desert Highway shelterbelt On the harmonious mode to transform resource-based cities into eco-cities:A case study of the eco-city planning of Tongling Landscape simulating of habitat quality change for oriental white stork in Naoli River Watershed Landscape pattern optimization based upon the concept of landscape functions network:a case study in Taiwan,China Soil water-integrated dry matter accumulations in roots and shoots and their mutual relations Photosynthetic characteristics of Nitraria tangutorum and Haloxylon ammodendron in the ecotone between oasis and desert in Minqin, Region, Country The improved model of plant ecological field and the case analyzing Gsvat for transfer among land/atmosphere interface Study on optimal control experiment of the resources development and corresponding development between economy and eco environment in the Qiadam Basin Andances in simulation of plant photosynthetic productivity and canopy evapotranspiration DYNAMICS MODELING OF KOREAN PINE FOREST IN SOUTHERN LESSER XINGAN MOUNTAINS OF CHINA A PHOSPHORUS CIRCULATION DYNAMICS MODEL IN THE ECOSYSTEM FOR THE WEST LAKE AFTER DRAWING,HANGZHOU PLANT COMMUNITY DIVERSITY IN DONGLING MOUNTAIN,BEIJING,CHINA Ⅲ \ SPECIES ABUNDANCE RELATIONS OF SEVERAL TYPES OF FOREST COMMUNITIES PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS OF ALGAL GROWTH AND LAKE EUTROPHICATION IN JINGBO LAKE PARADIGM SHIFT IN ECOLOGY: AN OVERVIEW Analysis on Morphology Characteristic of Heavy Metals in the Different Soil Types and Cultivation Modes Effects of Different Models of Cultivation on Yield and Quality of Luzhou-flavor Liquor Special Maize EFFECTS OF VARIOUS MAGNETIC FIELDS AND CULTURE MEDIUMS ON CALLUS INDUCTION FROM Arabidopsis SEEDS Application of 3S techniques in ecological landscape planning of Harbin suburb Application of GIS and integrated mathematic models on estimating forest land wood productiveness and solar energy use efficiency Research advances in soil nitrogen cycling models and their simulation Optimized models of logging-tending system in cutting areas Ecotourism exploitation model in Bita Lake Natural Reserve of Yunnan Optimal models on sustainable management of oases ecosystem in southern margin of Taklamakan Desert Simulation of potential responses of clear-cut of mixed coniferous and broadleaved Korean pine forest in Yichun to climate change by BKPF model Epizootic dynamics of Spodoptera litura nuclear polyhedrosi virus CO2 release from typical Stipa grandis grassland soil Effect of unsymmetrical cutting along both river slopes on rainstorm-runoff process Quantitative characteristics of rare and endangered Castanopsis kawakamii population Gastric evacuation rate of black sea bream(Sparus macrocephalus) Population density of Eucalyptus urophylla plantation Response of broadleaved Pinus koraiensis forests in Xiaoxinganling Mt to global climate change-a dynamic modeling Theory and practice of calibration and validation of crop simulation model Analysis and application of unbalanced data from crop culture experiment Multidimensional time series analysis on tree growth Crop growth simulation model and its application Analysis of energy flow of rubber tea chicken agroforestry system in tropical area of China A system dynamic model about the impact of rural industry on agroecosystems in southern Jiangsu Province Modelings of terrestrial carbon cycling The relationship between grassland ecosystem and soil water in arid and semi-arid areas: a review Review on the migration mechanisms of large jellyfish and techniques of the monitoring, forecasting, and warning of jellyfish disaster Involvement of ecosystem service flows in human wellbeing based on the relationship between supply and demand Soil stoichiometry characteristics of Haloxylon ammodendron with different plantation age in the desert-oasis ecotone, north China Simulation study on the effects of sand binding shrub on the deep soil water in a recovered area on the southeast fringe of Tengger Desert, North China Development and utilization of low-slope hilly land resources based on a landscape security pattern theory: a case study in Luxian County, Sichuan Province Modeling the temporal-spatial patterns of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in China during 1961-2010 Learning from the Development of Dutch EoL Concrete Recycling Industry Optimization of canopy stomatal conductance models for Osmanthus fragrans and analysis of its parameters Characteristics of microbial community structure in rhizosphere soil of Haloxylon ammodendron Estimation of aboveground biomass in the grassland of the Loess Plateau, Northern China Spatial heterogeneity of natural Haloxylon ammodendron Populations at Ta-Mu-Su, Badain Jaran Desert, China The impact of human activities on net primary productivity based on the coefficient of variation: A case study of the Shiyang River Basin Factors influencing Ulva prolifera growth revealed by model based on global sensitivity analysis Assessment of habitat suitability for Gazella subgutturosa in the Ebinur Reserve Canopy interception characteristics of Chinese fir plantations in central south China Impacts of land use patterns on the overland flow routing options and simulation outputs of stormwater management models A dynamic evaluation of regional ecosystem health using a multiple index system:a case study of Maoji Biosphere Reserve Impact of climate change on the potential geographical distribution pattern and dominant climatic factors of Quercus variabilis Spatial non-stationarity characteristics of the impacts of precipitation and temperature on vegetation coverage index: a case study in Yili River Valley, Xinjiang Characteristics of typical paddy soil organic carbon fractions and their main control factors in the Yangtze River Delta Changes in distribution and productivity of steppe vegetation in Inner Mongolia during 1961 to 2010: Analysis based on MaxEnt model and synthetic model Evaluation of a sustainable forest utilization program for broadleaved Korean pine mixed forests in the Changbai Mountain region of Northeast China Analysis of the ecosystem structure and energy flow of the Yangtze River estuary and adjacent seas, based on the Ecopath model Spatiotemporal analysis of water supply service in the Dongjiang Lake Basin Analysis of factors that influence forest vegetation carbon storage by using the VAR model: a case study in Shanxi Province Comparison of carbon storage in juvenile monoculture and mixed plantation stands of three common broadleaved tree species in subtropical China Drought in southwestern China and its impact on the net primary productivity of vegetation from 2009-2011 The development and evaluation of species distribution models Potential distributions of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum based on fuzzy matter element model Spatio-temporal simulation of land cover scenarios in southwestern of China Dynamic trend analysis of land use change in the ganjiang upstream watershed by using RS and GIS techniques

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