Analyses of wheat yield potential by AEZ model on the basis of Chinese farming system zonation Models and strategies of ecological city construction Validation of WheatSM model in winter wheat production region of North China. A projection pursuit model for comprehensive assessment on eco-environmental quality of regional agriculture Forecast model of BYDV in winter wheat The expandable evaluation model of regional land ecological suitability and its application Features of soil enzyme activity under different land uses in Ningnan Mountain area Research on the types and exploitation models of saline soil in Da‘an Ancient Riverway Modes of developing eco-tourism in Three-Gorges areas Landscape models and efficiency of eco-agricultural tourism in the hilly area Review and evaluation of typical modes of eco-agriculture development in Shandong Province Tomato structural-functional modelⅠ:A 3D architectural modeling based on finite state automation Regional programming and development models for touring agriculture in hilly an of Taihang Mountains- A case study from Hebei Province Analysis on the sustainable development models of wetland agriculture in China Countermeasures of the development of eco-agriculture in Jiangxi Province The importance of reduced nitrogen in a natural Prorocentrum minimum bloom-a model approach Review and tendency of net primary productivity study Comparison of two hypotheses models in meta-analysis and its sample using The study of phosphorus model of Huizhou West Lake, Guangdong Review on application of 3S and modeling methods in wetland landscape pattern researches Estimation model for daily transpiration of greenhouse muskmelon in its vegetative growth period. Dynamics of Cry1Ab protein content in the rhizosphere soil and straw debris of transgenic Bt corn Branch growth of Korean pine plantation based on nonlinear mixed model. Canopy interception of Pinus tabulaeformis plantation on Longzhong Loess Plateau, Northwest China: Characteristics and simulation. Effects of different tillage and fertilization modes on the soil physical and chemical properties and crop yield under winter wheat/spring corn rotation on dryland of east Gansu, Northwest China. Ecological demonstration activity and eco-civilization construction mode: Review and prospects. Effects of different planting modes on the soil permeability of sloping farmlands in purple soil area. Simulation model of the development stages of flue-cured tobacco based on physiological development period and growing degree days. Effects of farming managements on the global warming potentials of CH4 and N2O from a rice-wheat rotation system based on the analysis of DNDC modeling. Prediction of soil nutrients spatial distribution based on neural network model combined with goestatistics. Eco-physiological responses and related adjustment mechanisms of Artemisia ordosica and Caragana korshinskii under different configuration modes to precipitation variation. DNDC model, a model of biogeochemical processes: Research progress and applications. Lethal effects of scopoletin and bisdemethoxycurcumin against Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisd. (Acari: Tetranychidae): A simulation study. Inversion of vegetation canopy’s chlorophyll content based on airborne hyperspectral image. Simulation of vegetation indices optimizing under retrieval of vegetation biochemical parameters based on PROSPECT+SAIL model. High-spectral responses of Myrica rubra seedlings to UV-B radiation stress. Estimation of desert vegetation coverage based on multi-source remote sensing data. Reconstruction of urban land space based on minimum cumulative resistance model: A case study of Xintang Town, Guangzhou City. Accumulative nitrogen deficit models of wheat aboveground part based on critical nitrogen concentration. Lake eutrophication modeling in considering climatic factors change: A review. Seedling index of Salvia miltiorrhiza and its simulation model. Simulation model for the crop development stages in sunflower-potato intercropping. Land layout for lake tourism based on ecological restraint. Driving forces of carbon emission from energy consumption in China old industrial cities: A case study of Shenyang City, Northeast China. Transferability of remote sensing-based models for estimating moso bamboo forest aboveground biomass. Impact of fire on carbon dynamics of Larix gmelinii forest in Daxing’an Mountains of Northeast China: A simulation with CENTURY model. Responses of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi yield and root baicalin content to the fertilization rates of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Quantitative remote sensing retrieval of apple tree canopy reflectance at blossom stage in hilly area. Effects of China future land use change on aboveground vegetation biomass. Quantitative estimation of vegetation cover and management factor in USLE and RUSLE models by using remote sensing data: A review. Nitrogen flows in"crop -edible mushroom"production systems in Hexi Corridor Oasis Irrigation Area Evaluation technology on drought disaster to yields of winter wheat based on WOFOST crop growth model The seawater environment quality evaluation research base on variable fuzzy pattern recognition model Comprehensive assessment on pollution status of vegetables in Huhehot Dynamic models of yak liveweight and its intake in alpine meadow ecosystem The assessment system of mangrove ecosystem health applying the PSR model:a case study of Guangdong Province Study on Dynamics of Juglans mandshurica Population from Changbai Mountain Pathogenicity of Isaria fumosorosea and Beauveria bassiana against the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae The effects of low doses of insecticides on predation of green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) by a wolf spider Pardosa astrigera (Araneae: Lycosidae) Effects of salt treatments on the growth and ecophysiological characteristics of Haloxylon ammodendron Research on the hyperspectral remote sensing estimation models for the fresh yield of alfalfa grassland Yield and quality of silage corn (Zea mays) as affected by type and quantity of N fertilization Dynamic Simulation about Tree Leaves Based on the Combination ofGrowth Regulation and Image Research on the Technology of Forest Volume Prediction Study on Saline Tolerance of Populus Clone Ⅰ-69 THE STUDY ON GROWING LOSS ASSESSMENT OF YOUNG POPLAR CAUSED BY DOTHIORELLA GREGARIA THE PHPR OF THE PINE CATERPILLAR (DENDROLIMUS TABULAEFORMIS TSAI ET LIU) Ⅲ.AN EXPLORATION OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF CRITICAL PHOTOPERIOD Sensitivity Analysis of Individual Responses of Plants to Global Change Theoretical and methodological research on the comprehensive development of agricultural model zone in waterlogged area Comparison of soil organic matter models Dynamics of atmospheric6 13C in the past 440 years in Aleitai, Xinjiang Quantitative simulation on the vertical distribution of soil organic matters in mountainous soil profiles in the subtropical area, south China Validation of the ALMANAC model with different spatial scale A review on modelling bacterial transport in soils Ecosystem productivity process model for landscape based on remote sensing and surface data Establishment of Chinese eco-agricultural model management information and decision support system Variation characteristics and calculation model of evapotranspiration in latored soils on hills Application and development of terrestrial biogeochemical model Effects of precipitation and soil moisture on N2O emissions from upland soils in Guizhou Dynamic simulation on growth and development of spring corn in different cropping patterns in northern Zhejiang Province

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