Ecological security assessment of Tangshan City based on emergy analysis. Relationships among Cyrtotrachelus buqueti larval density and wormhole number and bamboo shoot damage degree. Tensile Strength in Lateral Roots of Jenas Pinus and Cyclobalanopsis and its Significance in Maintaining Slope Stability in a Shelter-Forest System Pollen Assemblage Features of Modern Water Samples from the Shiyang River Drainage, Arid Region of China Cytological Evidences of a Possible Mode of Nurture Absorption of the Differentiating Embryo in Triticum aestivum Research on Succession Model FOROAK of Mongolian Oak Korean Pine (Quercus mongolica-Pinus koraiensis) Forest Ultrastructural Observations on the Distribution of the Intra-and Intercellular Cytoskeleton of the Endosperm Cells in Triticum aestivum Simulation of the Physiological Responses of C3 Plant Leaves to Environmental Factors by a Model Which Combines Stomatal Conductance, Photosynthesis and Transpiration Experiment and Modelling on the Responses of Chinese Terrestrial Ecosystems to Global Change An Ecophysiological Model for Individual Plant Under Global Change Dynamics of Primary Productivity and Soil Organic Matter of Typical Steppe in the Xilin River Basin of Inner Mongolia and Their Response to Climate Change Primary Study on Interrelation Between Plant Communities and Environmental Factors in the North Shore of Qinghai Lake Formation of Interfamilial Cell Symplast During Cell Co-Culture in Vitro Observation of One Pheophytin a Molecule Not Associated with Primary Photochemistry in the Isolated Photosystem Ⅱ Reaction Center D1/D2/Cyt b559 Complex Comprehensive estimation model of grassland NPP based on MODIS in China Division between transpiration and evaporation, and crop water consumption over farmland within oases of the middlestream of Heihe River basin, Northwestern China Ecological-economic coupling effects of transforming slope farmland to terraces in the hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau Studies on the inhibition of vetiver oil to freshwater algae Calculation of ecological recovery based on bp neural network: a case study of Zhuxi Small Watershed in Changting County, Fujian Province The spatial and temporal patterns of carbon sequestration by forestation in Jiangxi Province Ecological risk assessment of exploitation and utilization in Chuanshan Archipelago, Guangdong province, China Quantitative investigation of the interactive coupling relationship between urbanization and eco-environment Biomass and carbon fixation ability of typical larch- poplar and betula mixed forest in Mulanweichang A review of ecological effect of peasant‘s livelihood transformation in China Impact of topography on the spatial distribution pattern of net primary productivity in a meadow Estimating fractional cover of photosynthetic vegetation and non-photosynthetic vegetation in the Xilingol steppe region with EO-1 hyperion data Assessing the natural capital use of eleven nations: an application of a revised three-dimensional model of ecological footprint The concept and application of carbon sequestration potentials in plantation forests Modeling canopy transpiration of young poplar trees (Populus × euramericana cv. N3016) based on Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network Linkage analysis of water use among industrial sectors in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, China Distribution characteristics of soil carbon and nitrogen under different afforestation modes of saline land in the Yellow River Delta Ecological footprint model modification and method improvement Response of a soil seed bank to modes of grassland management on a desert steppe Ecosystem health assessment based on variable fuzzy evaluation model in Dongshan Bay, Fujian, China Impacts of land use/cover change in China on mean temperature SLIDE, The Protein Interacting Domain of Imitation Switch Remodelers, Binds DDT-Domain Proteins of Different Subfamilies in Chromatin Remodeling Complexes Impact simulation of climate change on potential and rainfed yields of winter wheat in Southwest China from 1961 to 2010 Effects of straw incorporation modes on microbial activity and functional diversity in sandy soil Mode of recycle eco-agriculture of “plant-methane-breeding+pest-killer lamp” in Baise City of Guangxi Simulation of dry matter partitioning and marketing date of greenhouseSimulation of dry matter partitioning and marketing date of greenhouse Phalaenopsis aphrodita Rchb. F. flower Simulation of maize production under climate change scenario in Northeast China Status and perspective of crop yield gap An outlook on modern ecological agriculture in Shandong Province Fundamental classification of eco-agricultural models Dynamic assessment and forecasting of provincial eco-environmental quality from matter element model and Markov chain— A case study of Jiangxi Province Drought indices and prediction models for winter wheat Effect of different fertilization modes on nutrients budget of crop-soil system Impact simulation of drought disaster at different developmentalstages on winter wheat grain-filling and yield Effects of planting density and mode on summer maize chloroplastD1 protein and photo-system II Application of RBF neural network in determining soil heavy metal spatial variability Fruit-per-plant model for protected tomato Using Gene-Expression Programming method and geographical location information to simulate evapotranspiration in Hunan and Hubei Provinces Building multi-scale EGLSN system and simulating cultivated land productivity Spatial characteristics of phosphorus flow in crop-livestock production systems in Shanxi, China Branch quantity distribution simulation for Pinus koraiensis plantation in Heilongjiang Province, China. Maize biomass simulation based on dynamic photosynthate allocation. Differences of soil nutrients among different vegetation types and their spatial prediction in a small typical karst catchment. Estimation of net primary productivity in arid region based on coupling model. Estimating aboveground biomass of Trifolium repens community using measuring plates. Parameter optimization of BEPS model based on the flux data of the temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest in Northeast China. Construction and evaluation of ecological network in Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone, China. Effects of soil warming and nitrogen addition on the  length distributions of different diameter class fine roots of Chinese fir seedlings. Predicting the potential suitable distribution area of the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata in China based on multiple ecological niche models. Herb diversity and its affecting factors of community invaded by Praxelis clematidea in karst mountainous area of Guangxi Province, China. Projected changes in vegetation net primary productivity of grassland in Inner Mongolia, China during 2011-2050. Automated mapping of urban forests’ disturbance and recovery in Nanjing, China. Response of phenophase to meteorological conditions and flowering forecast model on Amygdalus communis in Shache County, Xinjiang, China. Modelling the changes of soil organic carbon under different management practices using Daycent model in North China. Distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon under different forest restoration modes on opencast coal mine dump. Spatio-temporal change of sand-fixing function and its driving forces in desertification control ecological function area of  Hunshandake, China. Assessment on the ecological suitability in Zhuhai City, Guangdong, China, based on minimum cumulative resistance model. Species-abundance distribution patterns along succession series of Phyllostachys glauca forest in a limestone mountain. Temporal and spatial variation of the optimal sowing dates of summer maize based on both statistical and processes models in Henan Province, China. Application of Lake-model based indices from chlorophyll fluorescence on sugarcane seedling Application of Lake-model based indices from chlorophyll fluorescence on sugarcane seedling Optimization and evaluation of vegetation photosynthesis and respiration model using the measurements collected from the forest site of subtropical coniferous-evergreen A new method of sample selections for optimizing phenology model based remote sensing data Optimal stomatal behavior theory for simulating stomatal conductance Responses of radial growth to fire disturbance in alpine pine (Pinus densata) of different age classes in Nang County, Xizang, China Carbon cycle of larch plantation based on CO2FIX model Remote sensing estimation of gross primary productivity and its response to climate change in the upstream of Heihe River Basin

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