Effects of high temperature on the mortality and fecundity of two co-existing cotton aphid species Aphis gossypii Glover and Acyrthosiphon gossypii Mordvilko.  Climatic potential productivity of winter wheat and summer maize in Huanghuaihai Plain in 2011-2050. Regeneration characteristics of woody plant seedlings in typical secondary forests in Qinling Mountains. Location selection for Shenyang urban parks based on GIS and multi-objective location  allocation model. Prediction of potential distribution area of Erigeron philadelphicus in China based on MaxEnt model. Simulation of Larix gmelinii tree volume growth based on random effect. Multiple functions-targeted algorithms and potential applications of Forest Simulation Optimization System (FSOS). Land ecological safety in Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone: An evaluation based on matter-element model. Coordinated evolvement of dynamic coupling between economic and environmental systems in Shenyang Metropolitan Area.  Compatible biomass models for main tree species with measurement error in Heilongjiang Province of Northeast China. Contribution rates of landscape driving factors in coastal reclamation zone based on CLUE-S model validation. A case study of physiological characteristics of statistical correlation between pinuw tabulaeformis tree-ring widths and climatic factors Application and comparison of generalized models and classification and regression tree in simulating tree species distribution The landscap planning scenarios designing and the measures identification in the Liaohe River Delta wetland Ecophysiological effect of xylem embolism in six tree species PROCESS AND DRIVING FORCES OF ADVERSE SEPARATION OF THE DISTRIBUTING AREA OF WILD RICE AND RICE ( O.sativa .L)DURING PAST 2000 YEARS Ⅰ.RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE DISTRIBUTING AREA OF WILD RICE AND RICE ( O.sativa. L)AND POPULATION DISTRIBUTION IN A Activities of an Oil Degrading Bacterial Strain HB-2 Assessment of the social values of ecosystem services based on SolVES model: A case study of Wusong Paotaiwan Wetland Forest Park, Shanghai, China. Simulation of the effects of climate change on canopy transpiration over a broad-leaved Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountains. The ecological multi-layer structure model of economic forest and its application in hilly areas New thinking on the reasonable utilization of non-competitive arable land in the hilly agricultural area The new position and far-reaching impact of ecological province construction in our country Estimation of evapotranspiration by considering the advection effect A fossil-calibrated relaxed clock for Ephedra indicates an Oligocene age for the divergence of Asian and New World clades and Miocene dispersal into South America Phylogeographic analysis and environmental niche modeling of widespread shrub Rhododendron simsii in China reveals multiple glacial refugia during the last glacial maximum Modern Pollen Morphology of Euphorbiaceae Epigenetic Regulation of Leaf Senescence in Plants Establishment and Validation of the Model of Ipomoea batatas Leaf Traits The Influence of the Mode of Formulation on the Biological Activity of Friaeontanol Dynamic modeling of the interactive effects of competition and landscape patterns on the spread of exotic species Comparative analysis of pastoral livestock production of the households with different grassland ownership Apreliminary study of the northern planting boundary of rubber tree cultivation in China Temporal-spatial variations of WUE and its response to climate change in alpine area of southwestern China The spatial distribution of soil microbes around a desert shrub of Haloxylon ammodendron Dynamic monitoring of fractional vegetation cover along Minjiang River from Wenchuan County to Dujiangyan City using multi-temporal landsat 5 and 8 images Preliminary analysis of the cause of Abies chensiensis mortality in Xiaoqinling national nature reserve Effects of different roadside urban vegetative models on airborneparticulate matter in Beijing, China Reconstructions and simulations of nutrient evolution in Poyang Lake over the past 300 years Effect of habitat characteristics on the reproductive effort of dybowsky‘s frogs (Rana Dybowskii) in eastern Wanda Mountains, Heilongjiang Province Agricultural multi-pond systems and their hydrological processes: a review The basic principle of virtual species and its application to evaluations of species distribution models Biomass comparison and estimation models for six dominant species of woody shrubs in the forest zones of the Tianshan Mountains Ecological suitability and regionalization of Pseudostellaria heterophylla(Miq.)Pax ex Pax et Hoffm. in China Impacts of economic development models on ecosystem service values: a case study of three mountain villages in Middle Shandong, China Assessment of water environment functions in urban wetlands by using the hydrogeomorphic model: A case study of Nanjing Xianlin Substrate Selectivity of Glycerol-3-phosphate Acyl Transferase (GPAT) in Rice Relationship between the Virtual Dynamic Thinning Line and the Self-Thinning Boundary Line in Simulated Plant Populations Modeling Size-number Distributions of Seeds for Use in Soil Bank Studies Abscisic Acid-mediated Epigenetic Processes in Plant Development and Stress Responses Modeling Responses of Leafy Spurge Dispersal to Control Strategies Community Characteristics of Early Recovery Vegetation on Abandoned Lands of Shifting Cultivation in Bawangling of Hainan Island, South China Does a General Temperature-Dependent Q10 Model of Soil Respiration Exist at Biome and Global Scale? Genetic structure and post-glacial expansion of Cornus florida L. (Cornaceae): integrative evidence from phylogeography, population demographic history, and species distribution modeling Demographic model of admixture predicts symmetric introgression when a species expands into the range of another: A comment on Currat et al. (2008) Estimating paleoenvironments using ecological niche models of nearest living relatives: A case study of Eocene Aesculus L. Detecting molecular signatures of natural selection in Morus alba populations from trans-Himalaya Phylogenetic beta diversity in tropical forests: Implications for the roles of geographical and environmental distance Time matters: Some interesting properties of the population differentiation measures GST and D overlooked in the equilibrium perspective Confocal Fluorescence Microscopic Observation on the Transcellular Distribution of Actin Filaments in the Epidermis of Garlic Clove Sheath Estimation of topographical factors in revised universal soil loss model based on maximum upstream flow path. Effects of different application modes and rates of controlled release urea on fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield of summer maize. Prediction of landscape patterns in Ili River Delta based on CA_Markov model. Distribution pattern of Haloxylon ammodendron population based on Ripley’s K(r) function and fractal dimension. Anti-microbial activity of endophytic actinomycetes isolated from Ammodendron bifolium and their antagonism to endophytic bacteria. Coupling relationship of agricultural eco-economic system in Wuqi County based on structural equation model. Management modes of degraded ecosystem in southwest Karst area of China. Research progress on forest fire whirl. DEM-based ecological purification system analysis and design. Turbulent characteristics in forest canopy under atmospheric neutral condition. Comprehensive evaluation of county-level construction land intensive utility in Guangdong Province: A case study for Zijin County. Urban ecological land in Changsha City: Its quantitative analysis and optimization. Evaluation of ecosystem provisioning service and its economic value. Applicability of different models in simulating the relationships between forest fire occurrence and weather factors in Daxing’an Mountains. Effects of atmospheric thermally stratified condition on sensible heat within forest canopy. Dynamic simulation of photosynthate allocation in maize organs based on functional equilibrium hypothesis. Simulation model of barley leaf area index. Effects of tillage conversion on carbon sequestration capability of farmland soil doubled cropped with wheat and corn. Characteristics and numerical simulation of surface albedo in temperate desert steppe in Inner Mongolia. An operational remote sensing algorithm of land surface evapotranspiration based on NOAA PAL dataset Monitoring models for phosphorus content of apple flowers based on hyperspectrum

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