ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK AND ITS APPLICATION IN AGRICULTURAL AND ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH AXIAL AND RADIAL CHANGES IN XYLEM ANATOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS IN SIX EVERGREEN BROADLEAVED TREE SPECIES IN AILAO MOUNTAIN, YUNNAN A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE RE_INITIALIZATION/RE_PARAMETERIZATION OF A CROP MODEL BASED ON REMOTE SENSING DATA CONSERVATION BIOLOGY BASED ON THE SPATIAL ANALYSIS ELEVEN-YEAR POPULATION GROWTH DYNAMICS OF MAJOR SPECIES IN A QUERCUS LIAOTUNGENSIS FOREST IN THE DONGLING MOUNTAINS, NORTHERN CHINA N Internal Cycling in Leymus chinensis Grassland Vegetation-Soil System Responses of Soil Respiration to Temperature in Eleven Communities in Xilingol Grassland, Inner Mongolia Simulation Studies on Carbon and Nitrogen Accumulation and its Allocation Pattern in Forest Ecosystems of Heshan in Low Subtropical China The Applicability Research of WOFOST Model in North China Plain Comparison of Simulated Vegetation Distribution in China Produced by Four Popular Climate-Vegetation Classification Models NPP and Its Spatio-temporal Patterns in the Yangtze River Watershed A Canopy Radiation Model for Even-aged Plantation II Application and Validation The Organizational Order of Vegetation and Its Global Pattern Carbon Balance of Larix gmelini Forest and Impacts of Management Practices(in English) Biome Models: Main Principles and Applications A Proposed Multidimensional Time Series Model of Individual Age and Diameter in Tsuga longibracteata Modeling the Large - Scale Distribution of Plant Diversity:a Possibility Inferred from Climate and Productivity(in English) REVIEW ON THE CURRENT STATE AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MACRO-SCALE PLANT ECOLOGICAL MODELS A Modified Logistic Model of the Growth Pattern of Dominance in a Castanopsis kawakamii Population Modeling Structural and Functional Responses of Terrestria Ecosystems in China to Changes in Climate and Atmospheric CO2 Estimating Biomass and NPP of Larix Forests Using Forest Inventory Data (FID) A Canopy Radiation Model for Even-Aged Plantations. I Theoretical Calculations Application of CASA Model to the Estimation of Chinese Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity Health assessment index system of Hongze Lake wetland ecosystem Evaluation method of regional forest landscape carrying capacity—A case study of Wuyuan County,Jiangxi Province Application of genetic algorithms in the optimization of sustainable agricultural industrial structure of Heilongjiang Province Prospect of Dynamic Data Driven Application System in agricultural and environmental applications A statistical method for validation of ecological models Identifying and evaluating functional connectivity for building urban ecological networks The coupling mechanism and industrialization mode of ecological restoration in the weak semi arid mining area of Inner Mongolia CO2 emissions transfer embedded in inter-regional trade in China Theories and research advances of restoration ecology A review: model estimations on effectiveness of best management practices for agricultural non-point source pollution control Landscape ecological security pattern associated with the introduction of exotic tree species Eucalyptus A new plant height growth process model of Caragana forest in semi-arid loess hilly region Predicting the plant exposure to soil arsenic under varying soil factors Measuring external benefits of agricultural land preservation: an application of choice experiment in Wuhan, China Sensitivity analysis of climate control in the Daisyworld model based on system dynamics Groundwater salt content change and its simulation based on machine learning model in hinterlands of Taklimakan Desert Stomatal ozone uptake modeling and comparative analysis of flux-response relationships of winter wheat The effect of spatial scales on wetland functions evaluation: a case study for coastal wetlands in Yancheng, Jiangshu Province Spatiotemporal relationship of leaf area index simulated by CLM3.0-DGVM and climatic factors Advances in the studying of the relationship between landscape pattern and river water quality at the watershed scale Dynamic ecological footprint simulation and prediction based on ARIMA Model: a case study of Gansu Province, China Mathematical model design of time-effect relationship analysis about the inhibition of four eighteen-cabon fatty acids on toxic Microcystis aeruginosa Cyanobacteria bloom prediction model and parameters optimization based on genetic algorithm Carbon sequestration potential in Fujian’s forest ecosystems Assessment of the food-web structure, energy flows, and system attribute of northern South China Sea ecosystem Modeling the response of stomatal conductance to variable CO2 concentration and its physiological mechanism Effects of water transparency on Potamogeton crispus growth and its dynamic model Examination of moso bamboos diameter probability distribution and evaluation of measurement uncertainty with the maximum entropy theory Application of CITYGREEN model in air purification, carbon fixation and oxygen release by greenbelt system of Shenzhen City Modeling soil respiration using temperature and soil moisture under alteration of dry and wet at a wheat field in the Loess Plateau, China Construction of biomass unite model with nonlinear partial least squares regression:a case of study for bamboo biomass Comprehensive assessment of marine ecological indexes based on improved projection pursuit method Hierarchical Bayesian model for predicting the soil nitrogen of forest New approach to dynamic modeling to landscape eco\|pattern changes using grey analysis and cellular automata A review on ecological connectivity in landscape ecology Monitoring leaf nitrogen accumulation with hyper-spectral remote sensing in wheat Researches on litterfall decomposition rates and model simulating of main species in various forest vegetations of Changbai Mountains,China Construction and verification of distributed rainfall-runoff model for forested watershed in alpine and gorge region Rainfall interception model of forest canopy:A preliminary study Practicability of Four Models of Light-Response Curves of Photosynthesis to Three Mahonia Species Logistic Model Building of Seedling Growth Traits in Transgene Populus simonii×P.nigra Clones Carrying TaLEA Gene Combining Ability Analysis of Rice Hybrids Using AMMI Model User model research of national crop germplasm resources infrastructure based on ontology Processing Parameters Effect on the Moisture Diffusivity of Apple Slices During Explosion Puffing Drying The genetic analysis of important agronomic traits in sun-cured tobacco Allometric models of major tree species and forest biomass in Guangxi Hyperspectral estimation of the cadmium content in leaves of Brassica rapa chinesis based on the spectral parameters Modeling soil moisture dynamics in different forest types in semiarid areas Status and dynamics of China‘s lake water regulation Ecological footprint depth and size: new indicators for a 3D model Theoretical considerations on ecological civilization development and assessment Stability analysis of mutualistic-parasitic coupled system Simulating 10-hour time-lag fuel moisture in Daxinganling The latest progress of landscape ecology in the world Modeling potential habitat for alien species of Dreissena polymorpha in the continental USA The Origin and Dispersal of the “Lower” Hamamelidae Genetic relationship between parasitized and non-parasitized Haloxylon ammodendron in the Alxa Desert

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