Genetic Variability of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera:Plutellidae) Population From Different Geographies ANTIFEEDANT EFFECT OF MAYTANSINOIDS FROM THE SEEDS OF TREWIA NUDIFLORA ON INSECT PESTS Environment analysis of naturally ventilated sheep house in winter in Inner Mongolia Insecticidal activities of the non-allkaloid extracts from Tripterygium wilfordii against Plutella xylostella Overwintering of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella in temperate countries Construction and important factors analysis of natural life table of diamonthback moth, Plutella xylostella under pesticides treatment Interspecific interactions between Cotesia plutellae and Oomyzus sokolowskii,two major parasitoids of diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella Evaluation of the effectiveness of PxGV on the population dynamics of Plutella xylostella L Screening of synergistic inorganic compounds for Bacillus thuringiensis engineering strain WG-001 WP Realized heritability of resistance to butene-fipronil in diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella Effects of Barbarea vulgaris on the development and oviposition preference of Plutella xylostella Analysis and molecular inheritance mechanism of resistance to insecticides in diamondback moths, Plutella xylostella Genetic analysis of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, with different susceptibilities to deltamethrin by cDNA representational difference analysis Effects of wasp-associated factors of Cotesia plutellae on growth and development of Plutella xylostella larvae Controlling Effects of Alcohol Extract of Artocarpus heteropyhllus on the Population of Diamondback Moth and First Analyzing the Active Chemical Composition Effects of cruciferous vegetables on natural populations of the dia- mondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) Suppressive effects of non-preferable plant alcohol extracts on diamondback moth Plutella xylostella population Bioactivity of Myoporum bontioides extracts to Plutella xylostella Repellent and antifeedant effect of secondary metabolites of non-host plants on Plutella xylostella Effects of low and subzero temperature on a Plutella xylostella laboratory population Bioactivity of volatile oils from Myoporum bontioides on Plutella xylostella MONITORING OF INSECTICIDE RESISTANCE IN DIAMONDBACK MOTH,PLUTELLA XYLOSTELLA(L.)TO CHLORFLUAZURON AND BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS IN GUANGZHOU AND SHENZHEN SYSTEMIC ANALYSIS OF SUBLETHAL EFFECT OF INSECTICIDE ON PLUTELLA XYLOSTELLA AND ITS PARASITOID DIADEGMA EUCEROPHAGA EFFECTS OF FOOD PLANTS ON THE ALDRIN EPOXIDATIONASE AND ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE OF THE DIAMONDBACK MOTH Randomized amplification of polymorphic DNA in near isogenic lines of deltamelthrin-resistant diamond-back moth, Plutella xylostella Studies on the effect of the plant protector BIOACT-T35 against diamond back moth Plutella xylostella L. An investigation of geographic distribution of Diadegma semiclausum, a major parasitoid of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, in China Simulation of Plutella xylostella population control by granulosis virus Thermal tolerance of diamondback moth Plutella xylostella. Seasonal dynamics of the resistance to organophosphorus insecticides and its biochemical mechanism in Plutella xylostella (L.) Correlation between biological characteristics of Isaria fumosorosea and its pathogenicity against Plutella xylostella The symptoms and histopathological changes of Plutella xylostella larvae infected with Isaria fumosorosea Sublethal effects of four low-toxicity insecticides on the development and reproduction of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera:Plutellidae) Effects of camptothecin on juvenile hormone and ecdysone titer in diamondback moth Plutella xyllostella Cloning and Expression Characteristics of cDNA Fragment of GABAa Receptor Gene in Diamondback Moth ( Plutella xylostella ) SELECTION OF SUSCEPTIBLE STRAIN OF DIAMOND BACK MOTH TO INSECTICIDES PARASITISM PREFERENCE OF COTESIA PLUTELLAE TO HOST AGE AND THE EFFECT OF PARASITISM ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND FOOD CONSUMPTION OF THE HOST PLUTELLA XYLOSTELLA Identification of four entomogenous fungi and preliminary evaluation on their insecticidal activities to Plutella xylostellaL. Contact response of Trichogramma confusum to 13 saturated hydrocarbons from host egg shells and abdominal scales of Plutella xylostella Mechanisms of pyrethroids resistance in diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella Cloning and expression of cry 1C gene from Bt strain active to Lepidoptera pests Field monitor of insecticide resistance and toxicological mechanism in Plutella xylostella (L.) The pathogenicity of microsporidian Vairimorpha sp. isolated from silkworm to diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera:Plutellidae) Evidence of long distance migration of diamondback moth (DBM) Plutella xylostella: A review. Cloning,Characterization and Real-time RT-PCR Analysis of a Key Gene beta-Amyrin synthase for Saponin Biosynthesis in Barbarea vulgaris Cloning,Characterization and Real-time RT-PCR Analysis of a Key Gene beta-Amyrin synthase for Saponin Biosynthesis in Barbarea vulgaris Preparation and in vitro evaluation of antibacterial peptides from Plutella xylostella poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles Effects of temperature, soil humidity and soil cover on Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) pupae emergence Expression and Antibody Preparation of Plutella xylostella Granulovirus PP31 Effects of sublethal concentrations of lufenuron on endogenous protective and detoxifying enzymes in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) Influences of three host plants on the traits of experimental population of diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Putellidae) STUDIES ON DELTAMETHRIN RESISTANCE BREEDING AND ITS RESISTANT MECHANISM OF DIAMOND BACK MOTH RESISTANCE OF DIAMONDBACK MOTH TO SYNTHETIC PYRETHROIDS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH MICROSOMAL MIXED-FOUNCTION OXIDASE Effects of Pinellia ternata extracts on inhibiting of oviposition and ovicidal action against Plutella xylostella Cloning and Expression Characteristics of cDNA Fragment of GABAa Receptor Gene in Diamondback Moth ( Plutella xylostella ) Controlling Effects of Alcohol Extract of Artocarpus heteropyhllus on the Population of Diamondback Moth and First Analyzing the Active Chemical Composition Bioactivity of methanol extracts from Justicia procumbens against Plutella xylostella Abamectin resistance selection and its cross-resistance revealed in diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. The effects of volatiles from Barbarea vulgaris plants on choice response of Plutella xylostella female moths Bioactivity of butene-fipronil and its field efficacy against diamondback mouth, Plutella xylostella L. Toxicity of spinosad to Plutella xylostella(L.)and its natural enemies Effects of essential oil of plants on three Lepidopterous insects antifeeding and growth inhibition Lethal and sublethal effects of fenvalerate applied to host larvae on the parasitoid Cotesia plutellae STUDY ON THE IEAF SURFACE ANTIDESICCATOR BENEFICIAL TO ENTOMOPATHOGENOUS NEMATODE SELECTION FOR ABAMECTIN RESISTANT STRAINS IN DIAMOND BACK MOTH AND PATTERNS OF CROSS-RESISTANCE EFFFECTS OF AILEIOCHEMICALS FROM AGERATUM CONYZOIDES ON THE FIELD POPULATION OF DIAMONDBACK MOTH (DBM), PLUTELLA XYLOSTELLA INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE DEVELOPMENT, SURVIVAL AND REPRODUCTION OF COT ESI A PLUTELLAE, A LARVAL PARASITE OF PLUTELLA XYLOSTELLA INVESTIGATIONS ON PARASITOIDS OF DIAMONDBACK MOTH IN THE SUBURB AREAS OF HANGZHOU GENETIC STUDY OF DIMEHYPO RESISTANCE IN DIAMOND BACK MOTH, PLUTELLA XYLOST ELLA L. Influence of temperature on functional response of Cotesia plutellae Development rate of Plutella xylostella L.(Lepidoptera: Plutelli dae) under constant and variable temperatures Evaluation of non-host plant ethanol extracts against Plutella xylostella population Component and content changes of volatiles from Chinese cabbage damaged by Plutella xylostella

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