Genetic Dissection for Grain Yield and Its Components Using an “Immortalized F2 Population”in Maize Distribution of Grain Hardness and Puroindoline Alleles in Landraces, Historical and Current Wheats in Shandong Province Filling Properties of Grains on Different Positions in a Panicle of Rice with Different Panicle Types Effect of Raised Bed Planting on Plant Morphological Characters and Grain Yield of Winter Wheat The Biological Characters of Giant Embryo Rice Effects of Nitrogen Strategies on Population Quality Index and Grain Yield & Quality in Weak-Gluten Wheat Effects of High Temperature and Shading Stress after Anthesis on Endogenous Hormone Contents and Filling Process in Wheat Grain Relationship between the Efficient Amount of Nitrogen Application for Grain Filling and the SPAD Value at Full Panicle Stage in Mid-Season Hybrid Rice Activities of Enzymes Involved in Starch Synthesis and Starch Accumulation in Grains of Two Wheat Cultivars with a Different Amylose Content A STUDY OF THE AIRBORNE AND ALLERGENIC SPORES AND POLLEN GRAINS IN KUNMING Breeding system, morphological and anatomical characteristics of Coptis deltoidea A cell membrane chromatography method for screening 5-HT receptor agonists from drug pair of Chuanxiong Rhizoma and Angelicae Dahuricae Radix Study on toxicity of 999 Ganmaoling grain and influence of diet on hepatic toxicity Quality evaluation technology and grading standard for seeds of Cynomorium songaricum Characteristics of energy input and output in fruit tree-grain crop lntercropping ecosystem--A case study from dry valley region in the upper reaches of the MinJinng River The efect of dimatic elements on the grain number per spike of winter wheat Coupling Effects of Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Protein Composition and Quality of Winter Wheat Cultivar Jimai 20 Correlation Analysis and QTL Mapping of Grain Shape and Grain Weight in Rice under Upland and Lowland Environments Main Index of Source and Sink in Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Grain Output in Conventional Indica Rice Cultivars Effects of Cultivation Methods on Grain Quality in Upland Rice cv. Zhonghan 3 and Paddy Rice cv. Wuxiangjing 99-8 Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on Grain Quality in Wheat Cultivars GC8901 and SN1391 Effects of Wheat Residue Incorporation and Nitrogen Management Techniques on Formation of the Grain Yield of Rice Responses of Ethylene and ACC in Rice Grains to Soil Moisture and Their Relation to Grain Filling Comparisons of Plant Type, Grain Yield, and Quality of Different Japonica Rice Cultivars in Huanghe-Huaihe River Area Estimating Grain Protein Content with Canopy Spectral Reflectance in Rice Effects of Transient High Temperature after Anthesis on Grain Protein Content and Physiological Mechanism in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Isolation of Differentially Expressed Genes from Wheat Cultivars Jinan 17 and Yumai 34 with Good Bread Quality under Heat Stress during Grain Filling Stage Predicting Superior Genotype for Grain Weight per Panicle Based on QTL Mapping in Rice Grain Yield and Protein Components Responses to Irrigation in Strong Gluten Wheat Effects of Straw Mulching Plus Nitrogen Fertilizer on Nitrogen Efficiency and Grain Yield in Winter Wheat Sampling Method on Grain Yield Evaluation Based on Maize Regional Trials Genetic Dissection of Yield Potential in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using In-trogression Lines Characteristics of Starch Synthesis in Grains and Translocation of Carbohydrate in Leaves and Sheaths at Filling Stage for Low Phytic Acid Mutant Rice Effect of Heat-Stress during Meiosis on Grain Yield of Rice Cultivars Differing in Heat-Tolerance and Its Physiological Mechanism QTL Mapping and Interaction Analysis for 1000-Grain Weight and Percentage of Grains with Chalkiness in Rice Effect of High Temperature during Heading and Early Grain Filling on Grain Yield of Indica Rice Cultivars Differing in Heat-Tolerance and Its Physiological Mechanism Characterization and Genetic Analysis of Grain Filling Rate of Ludao and Restorer Line C-Bao in Japonica Rice(Oryza sativa L.) Post-Anthesis Changes in concentrations of Polyamines in Superior and Inferior Apikelets and Their Relation with Grain Filling of Super Rice Effects of top pruning on fruiting characters of Platycodon grandiflorum Study on pharmacological ingredients of Wuzhuyu Tang treating migraine by correlating absorption ingredients in everted intestinal sac and pharmacodynamics Relations Between Seed Production of Leymus chinensis and Climatic Fluctuation in Natural Meadow in Northeastern China Study on the Systematic Position of Tetraena Maxim Experimental Identification of “Songlan” (Isatis indigotica) and Woad (I.tinctoria) Introduced into China Effects of growing process and climatic conditions on grain quality of spring-sown wheat Effect of potassium fertilization on the photosynthetic characteristics of the leaf of winter wheat population during its grain filling stage Comprehensive evaluated on heat tolerance at grain filling stage of different rice varieties Effcet of N rates applied to summer maize on soil nitrate content during the following crop season and winter theat grain yield in Huang-Huai-Hai Plains Sustainability evaluation of the Grain for Green Program based on participatory rural appraisal in Wolong Nature Reserve EFFECTIVENESS UNDER CONDITION OF NPK LEVELS ON DISTRIBUTION OF 32P, 14C AND GRAIN YIELD OF ODOROUS RICE AND DARK PERICARP RICE (ENDICA RICE) Water Use Efficiency of Three Poplar-Wheat Intercropping Systems in Yudong Plain of He‘nan Province Comparation of Pollen Ultrastructural Morphology Among Pomegranate (Punica granatum)Cultivars in Shandong Province Changes of Plastid and Mitochondria Before and After Microspore Division in Watermelon Changes of Plastid and Mitochondria Before and After Microspore Division in Watermelon Microscopic Identification of Beimu Grown in Yunnan Province STUDIES ON THE SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF THE GENUS SINOCHASEA Study on dry granulation technology for Ejiao granules Study of quality testing method for seeds of Silybum marianum