Simultaneous determination of five constituents in Scrophularia ningpoensis by HPLC
Investigation on New Resources of Medicinal Plant Scrophulariaceae in Sichuan Province
Chemical Components of Scrofella chinensis (Ⅱ)
Liposoluble constituents of Scrofella chinensis
Chemical constituents of Veronica ciliate,as a psychrophyte from Northwest China
Phenylethanoid glycosides from root of Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora
Effect of water extract from traditional Chinese medicines Rehmannia glutinosa, Scrophularia ningpoensis, Asparagus cochinchinensis and Ophiopogon japonicas on contents of CYP450 and activities of CYP3A,CYP2E1 and CYP1A2 in rat
Determination of harpagide and harpagoside in Scrophulariae Radix by HPLC-UV
LC-LTQ-Orbitrap analysis on chemical constituents in Scrophulariae Radix extract and their metabolites in rat plasma
Low-polarity chemical constituents from Scrophularia dentata grown in Tibet
New Series of the Genus Pedicularis
Damage and control of Agrotis ypsilon on Scrophularia ningpoensis
Study on the Antifatigue Function of Polysaccharides from Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsl.
Advances in studies on chemical constituents in plants of Scrophularia L. and their pharmacological effects in recent ten years
Advances in studies on chemical constituents in plants of Scrophularia L. and their pharmacological effects in recent ten years
Genetic structure analysis of cultivated Scrophularia ningpoensis in Zhejiang Province
Growth and developmental rhythm of Scrophularia ningpoensisin southwest middle mountain area of China
Phenylethanoid Glycosides from Picria felterrae Lour.
A New Genus of Scrophulariaceae from Xizang, China
A New Synonym in Triaenophora (Scrophulariaceae) from China
Chemical Constituents of Pedicularis tricolor (Scrophulariaceae)
Determination of five compounds in Scrophularia ningpoensis
Analysis of genetic difference among Scrophularia ningpoensis
cultivars by SRAP
Xizangia bartschioides (Hand.-Mazz.) D. Y. Hong, a new combination in Scrophulariaceae
A New Species of Scrophularia L. from Henan, China
Identification of chemical constituents in Scrophulariae Radix by HPLC-IT-TOF-MS
ANew Iridoid Glucoside from Ningpo Figwort (Scrophularia ningpoensis) Root
Floral ontogeny of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae), with an emphasis on the corolla upper lip
Chemical Components from the Root of Scrophularia ningpoensis
Iridoid Glycosides from Pedicularis dolichocymba Hand.-Mazz.
Quality classification standard of Scrophularia ningpoensis seedlings
Studies on genetic diversity of three Tibetan herbs
Effect on quality of Scrophulariae Radix with modern drying technology
Analysis of varieties and standards of Scrophulariaceae plants used in Tibetan medicine
Optimization of drying process for Scrophulariae Radix by multivariate statistical analysis
New combination in Veronica (Scrophulariaceae s.l.) based on morphological characters and the seed storage protein polymorphism
Euphrasia brevilabris Y. F. Wang, Y. S. Lian & G. Z. Du, a new species of the Scrophulariaceae from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
Sinobacopa Hong—A New Genus of Scrophulariaceae from China
Establishment of A TLC Identification Method for Xuanshen(Radix Scrophulariae)
Lectotypifications of Fourteen Names of Chinese Taxa in Scrophulariaceae
Study on preparation and quantity determination of Scrophularia ningpoensis
dispensing granules