STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOUND VIBRATION PARAMETERS AND GROWTH RING WIDTH AND LATEWOOD PERCENTAGE OF PICEA GENERA WOOD Identification of a Stable Quantitative Trait Locus for Percentage Grains with White Chalkiness in Rice (Oryza sativa) The Germination Characteristics of Papaveraceae Species in the Alpine Meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau DETERMINATION OF POLLINIZERS FOR MAJOR GROWN CULTIVARS OF CHINESE SOUTHERN PEAR Heterosis and Gene Action of Boll Weight and Lint Percentage in High Quality Fiber Property Varieties in Upland Cotton CROSS COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS OF GOSSYPIUM HIRSUTUM RACE LATIFOLIUM WITH COMMERCIAL VARIETIES Response of the introduced seedling of Pinus pinaster Ait. to the environmental factors in Shandong and Zhejiang provinces Effects of salinity, temperature and their interaction on the germination percentage and seedling growth of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. (Poaceae) PRODUCTION AND ROOTING ABILITY OF CUTTINGS COLLECTED FROM LARIX KAEMPEFERI(LAMB.)CARR.ORTETS HEDGED IN DIFFERENT TYPES STUDY ON THE GROWTH PERCENTAGE MODELS OF INDIVIDUAL TREE IN CHINESE FIR PLANTATION EFFECTS OF PRUNING IN DIFFERENT TYPES ON GROWTH AND CUTTING PRODUCTION OF ORTETS AND ROOTING AND GROWTH OF CUTTINGS A STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FRUITING CHARACTERISTICS AND REPRODUCTIVE AGE,HABITAT OF ENDANGERED SPECIES TETRAENA MONGOLICA The biological N fixation ability of soybean and its contribution to a maize-winter wheat-soybean rotation system under different tillage treatments Difference in Chalky Characters of the Grains at Different Positions within a Rice Panicle QTL Mapping and Interaction Analysis for 1000-Grain Weight and Percentage of Grains with Chalkiness in Rice PRELIMINARY STUDY ON WOOD PROPERTIES VARIATION OF LOBLOLLY PINE Studies on the Tissue Culture of Different Explants in vitro and Plant Regeneration from Citrus grandis cv. Shatian Yu Quantitative Inheritance of Yield and Its Components in Upland Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.)Cultivars with Varied Lint Percentages Correlation between the Fifth Internode Length and Heading Acceleration Percentage in Rice Correlation between dissolution in vitro and absorption in vivo of Chuanping sustained release tablets Study on the Mortality of the White Wax Scale Insect with Relation to Rainfall in Guangxi INFLUENCE OF CONE PESTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SLASH PINE CONE Comparison of three daily global solar radiation models. Effect of different habitats on floral, fruit and seed traits of Iris japonica Thunb. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer solution on stability of soil aggregates underdifferent fertility levels QTL Mapping and QTL × Environment Interactions of Milling Quality and Percentage of Chalky Grain in Upland Rice Introgression Lines under Upland and Lowland Environments Screening Parent Resources of Hybrid Rice in New Cytoplasm Male Ste- rile System (CMS-FA) The Stigma Observation on Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica Beauv.) Male-sterile Line “81-16” with High Outcross Seed Setting Establishment of Marker-assisted Selection System for Breeding Rice Varieties With High Resistant Starch Content Effect of Different Culture Media on Haploid Plantlets Production from the Wheat×Maize Cross Effects of Mechanical Treatments on Germination and Growth of Quercus×fangshanensis and Q. robur Seeds Comparison of Vegetation Indices and Red-edge Parameters for Estimating Grassland Cover from Canopy Reflectance Data EFFECTS OF ANTHER PRETREATMENT BY MAGNETIC FIELD ON ANTHER CULTURE OF Indica RICE Sprouting Characteristics of Dominant Species in Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forests Damaged by Frozen and Snow Disaster in Nanling Mountain Study on the Morphological Characteristics and Germination Condition of Sophora alopecuroides L. Seeds Effect of Sodium Hydroxide Treatment on Seed-borne Fungi of Zoysia japonica Nitrogen Distribution at Grass-Soil System and Growing Dynamic on Russian Wildryegrass Pasture as Influenced by Grazing A Study on Seed Characteristics of Large Berry Cultivars of Sea Buckthorn A Preliminary Study on the Cross-compatibility among Sect.Camellia Species and C.japonica Cultivars in the Genus Camellia Comparison of Aging Characteristics and Longevity of Wheat Seeds in Vacuum and Non-vacuum Packages Storage in Mid-term Low-Temperature Genebank Tillering Characteristics of Indica Hybrid Rice under Mechanized Planting Quality evaluation of Shenqi Sherong Pill