Phytohormonal Analysis of Some Photoperiod Effects in Soybean Partitioning of 14C-Assimilates and Effects of Source-Sink Manipulation at Seed-Filling in Soybean RELATION BETWEEN KERNEL CHALKINESS FORMATION AND SOURCE-SINK CHARACTERISTICS IN EARLY INDICA RICE Effect of source-sink ratio changing on yield formation of Cynanchum bungei Tomato Dry Matter Production and Distribution on Different Crops in Solar Greenhouse Tomato Dry Matter Production and Distribution on Different Crops in Solar Greenhouse Effects of planting density on the grain yield and source-sink characteristics of summer maize. Morphology and variation of apparatus of endangered plant Heptacodium miconioides The Ultra-structure Changes of Scales During the Development of Lily Bulb Effects of No-tillage Cast Transplanting on Rice Yield and Its Source-Sink Characteristics Effects of Source/Sink Ratio on Boll Weight and Physiological Activities of Leaves at Middle and Lower Fruiting Branches in Cotton Effect of Source-Sink Regulation on the Transportation and Allocation of Boll-leaf Photosynthetic Products in Cotton Effects of low nitrogen stress on source-sink characters and grain- filling traits of different genotypes summer maize. Source-sink landscape theory and its ecological significance Evolution Characteristics of Grain Yield and Plant Type for Mid-season Indica Rice Cultivars The Relationships between Diversity of Dynamic Changes about Wheat Canopy Temperature and Source-sink Activity in Filling Stage Simulation of spatial and temporal variation of fruit set patterns on pepper plant based on ‘source-sink’ theory UPTAKE ACCUMULATION AND UTILIZATION EFFICIENCY OF NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS IN WINTER WHEAT WITH ALTERED SOURCE-SINK RATIOS Effects of applying biogas liquid manure on the key source-sink metabolism enzymes and grain yield of summer maize. Effects of Sunshine-shading, Leaf-cutting and Spikelet-removing on Yield and Quality of Rice in the High Altitude Region Effect of reproductive growth on source-sink relationship of Alisma plantago-aquatica Effect of drought on ear development and yield of maize A FUNCTIONAL-STRUCTURAL MODEL GREENLAB FOR PINUS TABULAEFORMIS Advances in the study of photosynthate allocation and its controls Effect of source-sink regulation on grain starch granule distribution in irrigated and rainfed wheats PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND ~(14)C-ASSIMILATE DISTRIBUTION AS INFLUENCED BY CPPU TREATMENT ON OVARY IN Lagenaria leucantha Response of SweetpotatoinSource-Sink Relationship Establishment, Expanding, and Balance to Nitrogen Application Rates Effects of Low Sink Demand after Fruit Removal on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Photoprotection in Strawberry Plants Effects of leaf removal on growth and physiological characteristics of Rehmannia glutinosa Simulation of dry matter production and partitioning based on source-sink growth unit in greenhouse tomato The Ultra-structure Changes of Scales During the Development of Lily Bulb Analysis of source-sink-translocation characteristics and indicators for high-yield colony of winter wheat Evolution characteristics of population quality during genetic improvement in early season indica rice cultivars Characteristics of Source-Sink Related Parameters in Conventional Indica Rice Cultivars with Different Types of Sink Potential Effects of type and application rate of nitrogen fertilizer on source-sink relationship in summer maize in North China Plain The Effects of Photoperiods on Source-sink Relations of Rice The Relationship between Source-sink Intensity and Starch Accumulation during Grain Filling Period in Two Winter Wheat Cultivars with Different Spike Types Effect of planting density on canopy sink-source feature and yield of different dwarf varieties of summer squashes (Cucurbita pepo L.) Responses of water quality to landscape pattern in Taihu watershed: case study of 3 typical streams in Yixing STUDIES ON THE SOURCE-SINK RELATIONSHIP AMONG HOST PLANTS OF COTTON BOLLWORM AND CONTROL PRESSURE ON COTTON Study on Basic Performance of Source-Sink in Hybrid Wheat GROWTH ANALYSIS ON THE PROCESS OF GRAIN FILLING IN RICE Research on soil erosion based on Location-weighted landscape undex(LWLI) in Guanchuanhe River basin, Dingxi, Gansu Province Effects of Plant Density, Nitrogen Application, and Water Stress on Yield Formation of Maize