The Current Research Situation on 137Cs-Polution of Marine Products in China Monitoring Leaf Phosphorus Nutrition Based on Canopy Spectrum of Jincheng Orange [Citrus Sinensis(L.)] Monitoring the susceptibilities of mirid bug Apolygus lucorum field populations in Shandong Province to six kinds of insecticides MODIS-Based Remote Sensing Monitoring upon the Vegetation Growth of China‘s Grassland Application of 3S Technologies(Remote Sensing,Geographical Information System, and Global Positioning System)to Assess the Resources and Ecology of the Grassland of Xianghuang Banner, Inner Mongolia Methods for monitoring resistance of Gibberella zeae to carbendazim Field monitor of insecticide resistance and toxicological mechanism in Plutella xylostella (L.) A research on monitoring the dynamics of ecoeconomic system of arable land Monitoring canopy leaf pigment density in wheat with hyperspectral remote sensing Review of indicators system developing for biodiversity monitoring In-line monitoring of blending process of Zhongsheng pill powder using miniature near-infrared analyzer Technical specifications for intensive hospital safety monitoring of post-marketing Chinese medicine(draft version for comments) Monitoring Techniques of Melanotus cribricollis (Coleoptera:Elateridae) and Its Application Study on the Wetland Changes Monitoring of Wuliangsuhai Lake Based on Average Deviation Hotspots from Satellite Monitoring and Forest Fire Weather Index Analysis for Southwest China Monitoring and Evaluation of Collective-owned Forest Tenure Reform Based on "3S" Technologies and Econometric Model ——Case Study of Shaowu County, Fujian Province Satellite Remote Sen singMon itor ing Techn iques on Ea st DongtinghuWetland Discussion on Indica tors and Methods of Integra ted Monitoringfor Forest Resource and Ecolog ica l Condition in Ch ina A Study on Dynam icMon itor ing ofMangroveWetlandRestora tion Using Remote Sensing Techn iques Determination of 2,3,5,4-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glucopyranoside and anthraquinon simultaneously in Polygonum multifloriof different growing stage and gathering periods by HPLC Assessment on capacities of ecosystem monitoring, research and management in Africa Effects of spatial and temporal scale on the surface temperature-vegetation index feature space Monitoring grain starch accumulation in winter wheat via spectral remote sensing Soil organic matter content estimation based on hyperspectral properties Bioindicators and Biomonitors in Environmental Quality Assessment Methods of Land-cover Dynamic Monitoring Base on CBERS Data Monitoring wheat powdery mildew based on integrated remote sensing and meteo-rological information THE TEST OF CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATION AND MICRONUCLEUS ON THE MITOSIS OF ROOT TIP OF ALLIUM CEPA CAUSED BY INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT THE AFFECTION OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT ON THE NUCLEAR STRUCTURE OF TIP CELLS IN ALLIUM CEPA Hyperspectral Technique: An Opportunity in Ecology Simultaneous determination of eight components in Shenwu Jiannao Capsules by HPLC-MS/MS Simultaneous determination of eight organic acids in Chaenomelis Fructus by UFLC-MS Research on quality parameters of Scutellariae Radix(formula particles) using on-line NIR in pilot with different extraction process A postmarketing surveillance study on 31 724 patients using Dengzhan Xixin injection in hospital Post-marketing clinical safety assessment of Shenmai injection based on active monitoring and passive monitoring in large data background Analysis of influencing factors on adverse reaction of Shengfu injection based on prospective active safety monitoring Clinical safety studies based on 30 026 post-marketing cases of Shenqi Fuzheng injection by intensive hospital monitoring nested NCCS The Plant Fine Roots Image Monitor Analysis System Based on Linear CCD The Programmed Cell Death in Plant Disease Resistance Dynamic Monitoring of Picea schrenkiana Forest Biomass in West Tianshan Mountain Region of Xinjiang Applications of Remote Sensing to Monitoring Forest Canopy Dynamics Principles, indicators and sampling methods for species monitoring Recent advances in wetland degradation research The relationship between protistan community and water quality along the coast of Qingdao Monitoring grassland rodents with 3S technologies A Framework of Indicator System for Desertification Monitoring and Evaluation Imperative Technical Problems to Be Solved and Strategies Recommended in Regions of the Protection Program of Chinese Natural Forests Research situation and prospects of serum chemistry Analysis of clinical use of post-marketing hospital centralized monitoring of Xiyanping injection Pathogenicity changes of wheat stripe rust fungus and disease resistance of wheat cultivars (lines) in Shaanxi province during 2002-2014 A comparative study of methods for monitoring plant diversity in montane shrub grassland in the Lhasa River Basin Remotely sensed dynamics monitoring of grassland aboveground biomass and carrying capacityduring 2001-2008 in Gannan pastoral area Discussion on the Important Guarantee for Susta inable Forest Management:Integrated Monitor ing of Forest Resource Land use dynamic monitoring supported by remote sensing and GIS-A case study in Kenli County of Yellow River delta Impact of high temperature stress on survival of Tn5 mutants or Rhizobium fredii and phenotypic expression of Tn5 in soil Vicia faba used as a bioindicator for monitoring atmospheric SO2 pollution Methodological issues related to measuring and monitoring carbon stock changes induced by land use change and forestry activities The study on dynamic monitoring soil water contents using remote sensing optical method A preliminary research of landscape ecology application in desertification monitoring and assessment——A case study Monitoring on Controlling Effect of Rhombomys opimus in Haloxylon Ammodendron Bunge Stands Using Remote Sensing TM Imagery in Alashan Monitoring Forest Growth Disturbance Using Time Series MODIS EVI Data Enlightenment of adverse reaction monitoring on safety evaluation of traditional Chinese medicines Construction and implementation of quality control index for clinical safety of Chinese medicine injection Studies on Monochamus alternatus Attractant and the Attractability Reseach of index system framework in marine ecology monitoring & regulation areas division based on complex ecosystem of nature-human-society Satellite-based monitoring and appraising vegetation growth in national key regions of ecological protection Characteristic of phytoplankton primary productivity and influencing factors in littoral zone of Lake Taihu In Situ monitoring of ammonia volatilization from grey desert soil under different in Xinjiang Monitoring leaf nitrogen accumulation with hyper-spectral remote sensing in wheat Technique of multi-source-data integration and fusion for urgent assessment of ecology and environment effect from Wenchuan Earthquake Eco-environmental dynamic monitoring and assessment of rare earth mining area in Southern Ganzhou Using Remote Sensing Progress in the environmental monitoring of transgenic plants Review on the migration mechanisms of large jellyfish and techniques of the monitoring, forecasting, and warning of jellyfish disaster Frequent occurrence areas of red tide and its ecological characteristics in Chinese coastal waters Relativity research on near-ground and satellite remote sensing reflectance of wheat stripe rust Resistance of Phytophthora capsici isolates to metalaxyl in Anhui Province Establishment of a real-time monitoring and forecasting system on main crop diseases and pests of China based on GIS Methods for estimating nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content based on hyperspectral data from alpine meadows in Guinan and Maqin Counties, Qinghai province Reporter gene technology and its application in the monitoring of soil quality Novel method for dynamic monitoring and early-warning on wild resources of traditional Chinese medicines based on price ratio between drug and foodstuff

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