The dynamic response of plant root respiration to increasing temperature and global warming The alien plant species in Guangzhou, China Study on nitrogen and phosphorus content in the leaves of dominant plant species in sandy hills along Poyang Lake Survey and evaluation on plant species of green land in Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City THE HABITAT VEGETATION OF SEMI-FREE RANGE MILU(ELAPHURUS DAVIDIANUS) AND THEIR EATING PLANT SPECIES IN CHINA Study on Original Forest Community in Nanyue of Hunan Province Ⅲ.Lithocarpus henryi Forest Spatial patterns of plant species diversity in a degraded successional series of fragmented Leymus chinensis meadow in
 Songnen Plain of Northeast China.
Altitudinal pattern of plant species diversity in the Wulu Mountain Nature Reserve,Shanxi, China Characteristics of Structure and Plant Species Diversity of MainForest Communities in Sheshan National Forest Park of Shanghai EffectsoffencingonvegetationcommunitycharacteristicsandsoilpropertiesofatypicalsteppeinInnerMongolia On Plant Species, Population of Type Locality and iFlora THE RELATIONSHIP OF PLANT SPECIES DIVERSITY TO ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION IN RELATION TO SOIL CONSERVATION IN SEMI_HUMID EVERGREEN FORESTS, YUNNAN PROVINCE,CHINA Spatial Heterogeneity of Plant Community in Zigui and Wushan Typical Hydro-fluctuation Belt of Three Gorges Reservoir Areas Effects of Seasonal Moderate Grazing on Plant Community of Alpine Meadow Community structure of endemic woody plants in tropical montane rainforest of Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China Composition of plant species and their distribution patterns in Beijing urban ecosystem A STUDY ON THE ENDEMIC VASCULAR PLANT SPECIES OF THE THREE GORGES RESERVOIR AREA OF CHANGJIANG RIVER Clarification of Indigenous and Exotic Rare and Endangered Plant Species in Jiugongshan Nature Reserve Community characteristics of riparian alien plants influenced by different types of human disturbance: A case study of Yongding River, Beijing Characteristics of protected plant species in Xishuangbanna STUDY ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOIL ENZYMIC ACTIVITIES AND PLANT SPECIES DIVERSITY IN FOREST ECOSYSTEM OF MT.JINYUN Photosynthetic traits of the endangered plant species Torreya jackii Effects of Pioneer Plants Richness on the Vegetation Growth and Community Succession and the Soil and Water Conservation for Highway Side Slope A Survey of Communities and Habitats of An Invasive Plant Species Eupatorium catarium in the Tropical Regions of Hainan and Western Guangdong Provinces Explaining the abundance-distribution relationship of plant species with niche breadth and position in the Yellow River Delta Effects of the grazing systems on diurnal variation of photosynthetic characteristic of major plant species of desert steppe Studies on the Characteristic of Element Contents in the Dominant Plant Species of the Threegorges Region in China The effects of anthropogenic disturbances (thinning) on plant species diversity of Pinus koreansis plantations THE HABITAT AND ANALYSIS ON THE EXTERNAL ENDANGERED FACTORS OF ADENOPHORA LOBOPHYLLA (CAMPANULACEAE), AN ENDANGERED SPECIES Survival and reproduction of plant species in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Spatial Pattern and Relation With the Topographical Factors of the Rare Pare Species at Dalaoling in the Three Gorges Region Relationship between plant diversity and soil fertility in Napahai wetland of Northwestern Yunnan Plateau Composition of Seed Plant Species and Flora Features in Different Areas of the Kumtag Desert of China Plant Species Dynamic Distribution in the Water-Level-Fluctuating Zone of the Main Stream and Bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir Variations of Leymus chinesis community, functional groups, plant species and their relationships with climate factors A study on the species diversity and succession situation of natural forest communities in Nanshan District, Shenzhen City On the General Characteristics of Plant Diversity of Gurbantunggut Sandy Desert Investigation and analysis of landscape green plant species along Harbin-Acheng Highway in Heilongjiang Province Caloric Value and Nutrient Characteristics of Dominant Plant Species of Six Typical Vegetation Communities in Ziwuling Forest Area of the Loess Plateau Effect of human activities on soil environment and plant species diversity of elm sparse woods Conservation priorities for plant species of forest-meadow ecotone in Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve Flora analysis of riparian vegetation in Yongding-Haihe river system, China Analytic Hierarchy Process in Plant Species Selection of Revegetation in the Taihang Mountains in Hebei Province Plant Spec ies D iversity ofMa in Forest Commun ity Types inSan Jiangyuan Na tiona l Na ture Reserve Analysis of Species Composition of Urban Forest in Guangzhou City SPECIES-CLIMATE RELATIONSHIPS OF 10 DESERT PLANT SPECIES AND THEIR ESTIMATED POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION RANGE IN THE ARID LANDS OF NORTHWESTERN CHINA REVIEW OF ADVANCES IN ECOLOGY OF SEED MASS REVIEW OF MODELLING THE DISTRIBUTION OF PLANT SPECIES COMMUNITY STUDIES ON THE STATUS OF THE ENDANGERED PLANT, BERCHEMIELLA WILSONII VAR. PUBIPETIOLATA, USING INTERSPECIFIC ASSOCIATION ANALYSIS EFFECTS OF COMPLEMENTARITY ON DIVERSITY-PRODUCTIVITY RELATIONSHIP PERSPECTIVES ON SMALL_SCALE SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF PLANT SPECIES IN PLANT COMMUNITIES Clonal Plants Along the Sandy Hill-Slope in Ordos Plateau and Relation of Their Importance to Plant Species Diversity Photo-ecological characteristics of the dominant plant species in the secondary forest surrounding Qiandao Lake, Zhejiang, China Effects of pioneer plants richness on community characteristics of vegetation and their soil and water conservation benefit for highway side slope Characteristics of Plant Life Form and Floristic Geography in the Core Producing Area of Zhongwei Goat,Ningxia A Floristic Study of the Rare and Endangered Plants in Jiugongshan Nature Reserve Contaminant Removal of Domestic Wastewater by Constructed Wetlands: Effects of Plant Species Altitudinal Pattern of Plant Species Diversity in Shennongjia Mountains, Central China Reproductive characteristics of Tithonia diversifolia and its geographical spread in Yunnan Province of South-West China Assessment of Protection Efficiency to the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve Study on Community Quantity Character in Alpine Mixed-sown Grassland under Different Grazing Intensities The Pollen Morphology of Mine Rare & Endangered Plant Species Grown in West Inner Mongolian Desert Areas Textual studies of TCM Gaoben (Ligusticum L.) habitually prescribing in Yunnan Province Plant species diversity in relation to island size Allozymic Genetic Diversity in Eurycorymbus caraleriei (Levl.) Hand.-Mazz., an Endemic and Dioecious Tree in China

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