Comparative study on seed storage protein of Faba bean Gliadin and Glutenin Variation in Seeds of Somaclones of Triticum aestivum Effect of Devernalization on Soluble Protein Component in Winter Wheat Seedling and Subsequent Plant Developmental State The Regulation and Distribution of LHC-I and LHCP2 between the Photosystem I and Photosystem II Subunit Compositions of Low Molecular Weight Glutenins of Wheat Effective Separation and Recovery of HMW Glutenin Subunits in Wheat Study on pyramiding quality subunit of wheat by chromosome engineering Application of HMW-GS diagram of SDS-PAGE to studies on wheat quality Identification of Protein Related to Biosynthesis of Condensed Tannin in Onobrychis tanaitica Spreng. Identification of Cornu Saigae Tataricae and its adulterant by gel electrophoresis SDS-PAGE Analysis of Phase Change-related Proteins in Apple (Malus domestica Borhk.) Study on apoplast anti-freeze proteins in winter turnip rape (Brassica rape L.) The Method Study of Extracting Total RNA from Grimmia pilifera P.Beauv Study on Storage Protein of High Quality Hybrid Rice in Hubei Province Scientific connotation of processing Bombyx Batryticatus under high temperature Comparison of four methods and their efficiency for total RNA extraction from leaves of pinellia ternata The Protein Classification of Fine Rapeseed Seed Drags DNA Extraction of the Endangered tree Species Cercidiphyllum japonicum Based on the Modified Method of SDS-CTAB Effects of Exogenous Spermdine on Soluble Protein Expression in Cucumber Seedlings under Different Saline Concentrations Optimization of extraction technology of two immune active proteins from Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus Electrophoresis separation and MS analysis of proteins in fermentation broth of Poria cocos Renovation of ROP GTPase in Young Seedlings of Wheats by He-Ne Laser under Enhanced UV-B Radiation Integrated Marker-assisted Selection on Waxy Spring Wheat in Qinghai Storage Protein Accumulation of Different Kidney Bean Cultivars during Seed Development Stage Extraction and Identification of Prolamin in Different Species‘‘‘‘ Seeds Extraction and Purification of Puroindoline from Wheat Flour Effect of Doubled CO2 Concentration on Leaf Chlorophyll-protein Complexes in Several Plants Studies on the Chlorophyll,protein Complexes and Polypeptides of Chloroplast Membrane of Cator Bean High-level expression of Actin of Paeonia lactiflora in Escherichia coli Inhibition of crocetin on nonenzymatic glucosylation of proteinin vitro Pharmacokinetics of Age protein in Cortex Acanthopanax SDS-PAGE Ana lysis on Prote in ofH yphan tria cunea Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus