Differences in root architecture of several Stylosanthes genotypes and their phosphorus efficiency Effects of herbage-interplanted on soil Nutrient of non-irrigated apple orchard in the Loess Plateau Investigation of the Mineral Nutrients Status of Pear Leaves in Main Orchards Around the Bohai Bay Region Effects of straw and living grass mulching on soil nutrients, soil microbial quantities and soil enzyme activities in a peach orchard Paternity analysis and pollen dispersal for the second generation clonal seed orchard of Pinus massoniana Effect of the mulching of paspalum notatum flugge on the microclimate in orchard Study of benefit of sweet orange orchard under contour hedgerow intercropping system Studies on the ecological forages and its utilization in ecological orchard Study on compound ecological models of orchard taking Grain amaranths as a link Dynamics of soil fertility of citrus orchards in demonstration area of environmental immigrants,Northwest Guangxi Analysis of nitrogen inputs and soil nitrogen loading in different kinds of orchards in Shaanxi Province Study of classification of the soil nutrient status of citrus orchard in Hubei Province Effects of different patterns of surface mulching on soil hydrology in an apple orchard Comparison of genetic diversity in cultivated and wild orchardgrass(Dactylis glomerata) detected by SSR markers The Change of Soil Nutrition and the Status of Distribution in the Apple Orchard in the South and Central Part of Hebei Province Investigation of Male Flower, Fruit and Leaf Yield from An Eucommia ulmoides Orchard System The Effects of Interplant Different Herbage on Soil Water in Apple Orchards in the Area of Weibei Plateau The Effects of Interplant Different Herbage on Soil Water in Apple Orchards in the Area of Weibei Plateau PATERNITY ANALYSIS OF OPEN- AND CONTROL-POLLINATED SEEDS COLLECTED FROM A SEED ORCHARD OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS Effectiveness of yellow sticky traps in capturing aphids and their natural enemies in three kinds of orchards Evaluation of current fertilization status in kiwifruit orchards on the northern slope of Qinling Mountains: A case study of Yujiahe catchment, in Zhouzhi County Physical degradation characteristics and mechanism of orchard soil in Weibei Region Effects of different nitrogen fertilizers on N2O emissions in a highly acid tea orchard soils Effects of drought stress on lipid peroxidation,osmotic adjustment and activities of protective enzymes in the roots and leaves of orchardgrass Effect of sod cultivation on mineralization of soil organic carbon in nectarine orchards Spatial distribution pattern and space dependence of Contarinia spand Erigonidium graminicola in jujube orchard STUDY ON SEED PRODUCTION AND FRUITING LAW OF SEED ORCHARD IN %LARIX KAEMPFERI (LAMB.) CARR STUDY ON THE TECHNIQUE EFFECTS OF WATER-SAVING AND INFILTRATING ROOTS IRRIGATION OF FRUIT TREE IN PEASANTS′ COURTYARD IN ARID AND SEMI-ARID LOESS PLATEAU RESEARCH ON FERTILIZATION TECHNIQUE AND ITS EFFECT OF EIGHT CHINESE FIR SEED ORCHARDS IN FOUR PROVINCES THE ANALSIS OF DONGSHAN ORCHARD ECOSYSTEM AND OPTIMIZING DESIGN Estimation of Soil Carbon Sequestration Potential of Orchard in Subtropical China: A Case of Yongchun Xian CH4 and N2O Fluxes from Soil Surface of 2 Land Use in Hilly Area of South China Effects of different patterns surface mulching on soil properties and fruit trees growth and yield in an apple orchard. Distribution and accumulation of mineral nitrogen in apple orchard soils in dry plateau of eastern Gansu Province. Effect of rye grass intercropped peach orchard on soil thermal regime and its simulation study Research on Investment Composition and Economic Benefit of the Chinese Fir Seed Orchard in Qingyuang County,Zhejiang Province The Seed Yield Calculation Pattern for Qingyuan Chinese Fir Seed Orchard in Zhejiang Province Research on Variation and Selection of Clone Cone Productivity in a Loblolly Pine Seed Orchard A Study on the Population Dynamics and Damage of Red Spider Mite (Tetranychus viennensis) The High Seed Yield Tests in Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii Engel.) Orchard in Changle Forest Farm Studies of Insects and Rat Feeding on the Cones and Seeds in Masson Pine Seed Orchard The Clonal Variation of Female and Male Strobilus Production and Evaluation of Stability for Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. Measurement of Available B Content and the Effect on Application of B Fertilizer in Chinese Fir seed Orchard Effects of Plant Thinning on Clone’s Flowering and Seeding in Chinese Fir Seed Orchard Effects of Interplanted Legumes in Apple Orchard on Soil Microbial Population and Enzyme Activities Effects of Intercropping White Clover on Soil Aggregates and Soil Organic Carbon of Aggregates in Apple-White Clover Intercropping System Effects of the Orchard-planted Grasses on the 1-year-old Apple Photosynthesis Characteristics A comparison of the effect of three grass species on controlling non-point pollution in orchards Identification and genetic variation analysis of orchardgrass hybrids(Dactylis glomerata)by SSR molecular markers A RESEARCH ON HIGH AND STABLE YIELD OF CHINESE FIR SEED ORCHARD PROGRESS ON REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM OF FOREST SEED ORCHARDS Study on Temporal and Spatial Change of the Mating System in a Seed Orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis Selection,Propagation and Cultivation of Pinus massoniana Clones for Pulp Use An Analysis of Genetic Parameters,Characters of Seed and Cone,and Cone Yield of Clones Grown in a Seed Orchard for Pinus massoniana

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