Structure and function of several intercropping ecosystems in newly built orchard Spatial distribution of soil organic carbon in apple orchards on Loess Tableland The relationship among aphids and natural enemies in the different aromatic plants intercropping plots of pear orchard Effect of different fertilization strategies on structure and activity of microbial community in tea orchard soils Soil nitrogen contents and deep profile distributions in apple orchards of the Loess Plateau Genetic Test of Open-Pollinated Larix kaempferi Families and Selection for the Second Generation Elite Trees in Northern Sub-Tropical Alpine Area Analyses on the Mating System in Seedling Seed Orchard of Pinus massoniana Diversity and Seasonal Dynamic of Arthropod Community in an Organic Peach Plantation for Sightseeing Structure, Dynamics and Niche of Dominant Population of Insect Community in Peach Orchards of Beijing Genetic diversity of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. seed orchard among generations Genetic Analysis and Breeding Value Estimation of Seedling Seed Orchard of Eucalyptus urophylla I.Establishment Based on Backward Selection Genetic Analysis and Breeding Value Predication of Seedling Seed Orchard of Masson Pine Genetic Variation of Cone Production in Clonal Seed Orchard of Masson Pine Comparison of Genetic Structure between Parents and Progeny from a Masson Pine Seed Orchard and a Plantation Nearby Summarization on High Seed Yield Technology for Zhejiang Chinese Fir Seed Orchards Strategic Conservation of Orchard Germplasm Based on Indigenous Knowledge and Genetic Diversity: a Case Study of Sour Orange Populations in China Vertical temperature distribution and its forecast for two tree structures of apple orchard during the blooming period in the Loess Plateau. Monitoring of seasonal variation of vegetation cover and evaluation of biologicalcontrol factor in orchards of China. Modeling the changes of yield and deep soil water in apple orchards in Weibei rainfed highland The Analysis of Flowering Phenology of Clones in Guiyang Pinus massoniana Second-generation Seed Orchard Research of dynamic variation of moisture in apple orchard soil in the area of Xianyang in recent years Carbon catabolic diversity characters of 9 chestnut soils in Beijing The evolution and evaluation of orchard soil fertility in red earth regions of Guangxi Correlations of Soil Enzyme Activity and Microbes,Nutrients in Soil of Jujube Orchard in Coastal Saline Land Research on the Fertilization of Chinese Fir Seed Orchard The Construction, Management and Improving Effect of Chinese Fir Seed Orchard in Changle, Zhejiang Province Characteristics,dynamics and niche of insect community in plum orchard Desiccation and nitrate accumulation of apple orchard soil on the Weibei dryland Effects of Sod Cultivation in Orchard on Distributions of Soil Aggregates and Soil Organic Carbon of Aggregates A Study on the Cause of Low Yield and Measurements of Raising Productivity of Chinese Fir Seed Orchard in Qingyuan,Zhejiang Province A Study on Petrova cristata in Masson Pine Seed Orchard A TEST ON GENETIC EFFECT OF ELEMENTARY SEED ORCHARD OF CHINESE FIR GENETIC QUALITY ESTIMATION OF FIRST-GENERATION SEED ORCHARDS OF CHINESE-FIR REGIONAL AND TEMPORAL VARIATION OF SEED PROPERTIES OF CHINESE FIR SEED ORCHARDS A PRELIMINARY EVALUATION ON THE SITE SELECTION OF CHINESE FIR (CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA) SEED ORCHARD The Observation and Analysis of Anthesis and Strobiles Quantity of Chinese Fir Seed Orchard in North-West Zhejiang Province A Seedling-Stage Experiment on Open Pollination Progenies from Pinus elliottii Engelm Seed Orchard Chemical Weed Control with Sulfometuron in Apple Orchard Effects of herbage-interplanted on soil Nutrient of non-irrigated apple orchard in the Loess Plateau Formulation screening of sex pheromones and field trapping tests for the yellow peach moth, Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera:Crambidae) Surface Flow in an Acacia mangium Plantation and an Orchard in Heshan, Guangdong Province, China Nitrogen balance under different N application rates in young apple orchards Effects of apple orchard converted from cropland on C and N storages in terrestrial system of slopping cultivated land in the Loess Gully Regions Soil phosphorus balance in citrus orchards of three gorges area in Chongqing Nitrification-inhibiting Effect of Dicyandiamide and Sulfur on Apple Orchard Soil Using Barometric Process Separation STUDY ON MATERIALS SELECTION FOR ESTABLISHING ORCHARD OF UTILIZING GINKGO BILOBA LEAF GENETIC VARIATION OF RAPD MARKERS IN A DISEASE RESISTANT SEED ORCHARD OF PINUS ELLIOTTII ENGELM RESEARCH ON PLANTING DENSITY IN A LOBLOLLY PINE SEED ORCHARD CLONAL SELECTION IN COMBINATION WITH TIMBER PRODUCTION OF CHINESE FIR (CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA) Effects of plant-derived organic materials and humification driving forces on soil microbial community diversity in orchards Soil nitrogen balance in citrus orchards of the Three Gorges area in Chongqing Characteristics and evolution of soil nutrients in apple orchards at the gully region of Loess Plateau Status of soil fertility in citrus orchards of Chongqing Sanxia Reservoir Area Investigation of populations of parasitic wasps parasitizing Carposina sasakii Matsumura (Lepidoptera: Carposinidae) in jujube orchards in China, with respect to the wasp-host relationship Effects of different pruning modes on the light distribution characters and fruit yield and quality in densely planted ‘Red Fuji‘ apple orchard.   Effects of weeding methods on weed community and its diversity in a citrus orchard in southwest Zhejiang. Leaf photosynthetic potential in canopy layers of un-thinned and thinned apple orchards. Assessment of fungal diversity in apple replanted orchard soils by T-RFLP analysis The effects of different mulching way on soil water thermal characteristics in pear orchard in the arid area A Fast-Growing Elite Variety of Pinus massoniana‘The Seeds from Primary Clonal Seed Orchard of Masson Pine in Nanning Forestry Research Institute of Guangxi’ Pollution Status of PAHs in Orchard Soil of Road Side Spatial Characteristics of Soil Moisture of Apple Orchards in the Loess Plateau of Shaanxi Province Eco-Economic Value of Soil Conservation Service of Orchard Ecosystems in Beijing Mountainous Area: a Case Study of Orchard in Pinggu District of Beijing Correlation analysis on nutrition status of soil and leaf nutrients for Pyrus pyrifolia cv.Hosui citrus demonstration orchard 半干旱地区果园土壤Cl-迁移积累与环境因子的关系 Investigation of the Mineral Nutrients Status of Pear Leaves in Main Orchards Around the Bohai Bay Region Orange Leaves Nutrient Status of the Three Gorges Area in Chongqing Carbon Catabolic Characteristics About the Soil Dominant Bacteria from ‘Hanfu’Apple Orchard with Herbage-mulching Management Characteristics of Enzyme Activities in Apple Orchard Soil in Weibei Arid Region EFFECTS OF RETURNING FIELD OF MUSHROOM RESIDUE ON SOIL PROPERTIES AND FRUIT QUALITY IN PEAR ORCHARD Effects of inter-row planting grasses on soil organic carbon fractions and soil microbial community of apple orchard in Weibei dryland Effect of field covering with plastic and straw on agricultural ecology of apple orchard in arid desert area Benefit analysis of orchard ecosystem in the Three Gorges Reservoir--A case study from‘Huangxin’immigrant industry area of high efficiency ecological agriculture in Chongqing Variation Analysis and Plus Family Selection on Half-Sib Progenies from Clonal Seed Orchard of Pinus massoniana THE NICHE OF IMPORTANT PESTS AND NATURAL ENEMIES AND COMPETITION AMONG THE SPECIES IN JUJUBE ORCHARD ECOSYSTEM Effects of Soil-and-Water Conservation by Planting Herbals on the Sloping Red Soil Land of an Orchard Effects of interplanting grass on soil organic carbon and active components of carbon pool in peach orchard Service value assessment of orchard ecosystem: A case of  Putian City of Fujian.  Genetic Variation and Individual Plant Selection of Main Economic Traits ofProgenies from the Second-generation Seed Orchards of Chinese Fir Estimation of Parents Genetic Gain by Open-pollinated Progeny Test of Seedling Seed Orchard of Masson Pine

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