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Soil organic carbon
Effects of fertilization gradients on plant community structure and soil characteristics in alpine meadow
Advances in effects of conservation tillage on soil organic carbon and nitrogen
Soil organic carbon interpolation based on auxiliary environmental covariates:a case study at small watershed scale in Loess Hilly region
Spatial heterogeneity of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen at small scale in subalpine meadow and
Picea meyeri
forest in Luya Mountain
The changes of soil organic carbon and carbon management index in alpine steppe
Long-term tillage effects on soil organic carbon and microbial biomass carbon in a purple paddy soil
Spatial variation of soil organic carbon of croplands in hilly Loess Plateau region of China——A case study in Zhuanglang County, Gansu Province
Soil organic carbon in cropland across different terrains on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Seasonal dynamics of soil microorganisms and soil nutrients in fast-growing
plantation forests of different ages in Yili, Xinjiang, China
Response of soil organic carbon and nutrients to simulated nitrogen deposition in
Pleioblastus amarus
plantation, Rainy Area of West China
Effects of understory removal on forest carbon storage in
Cinnamomum camphora
plantation ecosystem
Effects of tree species on soil organic carbon density: A common garden experiment of five temperate tree species
Effects of external nitrogen additions on soil organic carbon dynamics and the mechanism
Soil organic carbon density and influencing factors in tropical virgin forests of Hainan Island, China
Spatial pattern of soil organic carbon of the main forest soils and its influencing factors in Guangxi, China
Characteristics of soil organic carbon mineralization at different temperatures in severely eroded red soil
Effects of plant process on soil organic carbon concentration
Dynamics of organic C in black soil of Northeast China,simulated by CENTURY model I.Accumulation of soil organic carbon under natural conditions
Impact of land-use change on soil carbon storage
Influence of cultivation on organic carbon in three typical soils of China Loess Plateau and Canada Prairies
Distribution of soil microbial biomass within soil water-stable aggregates and the effects of tillage
Soil organic carbon distribution in densely populated village landscape of different regions
A review on mechanisms of soil organic carbon stabilization
Effects of Different Management Measures on Soil Carbon in Bamboo Forest Ecosystems
Simulation of soil organic carbon dynamic after changing landuse pattern in hilly red soil region
Vertical distribution characters of soil organic carbon and soil enzyme activity in alfalfa field with different growing years
Effect of different vegetation types on soil organic carbon in Mu Us desert
Effects of different tillage methods and straw-returning on soil organic carbon content in a winter wheat field.
Effects of coal dust and temperature on CO
emission in two soil types in Shanxi Province
Effects of straw addition on decomposition, transformation and composition of soil organic carbon pool
Spatial variability of soil organic carbon sequestration rate and its influencing factors in Fengqiu County, Henan, China.
Distribution characteristics of soil carbon and nitrogen in different land use types changed from urban wetlands.
Effect of land consolidation on soil microbial community diversity.
Differences in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen and their impact factors under different restoration patterns in the Loess Plateau.
Modelling the changes of soil organic carbon under different management practices using Daycent model in North China.
Content and density of soil organic carbon under different land use types in Shenzhen
Measurement of Organic Carbon Stable Isotope Composition of Different Soil Types by EA-IRMS System
Impacts of Litter on Soil in the Natural Evergreen Broadleaved Forests after Artificial Regeneration in Southern Sichuan
Impact of grassland recovery and reconstruction on soil organic carbon in the northern Loess Plateau
Effects of different fertilization on soil organic carbon distribution and storage in micro-aggregates of red paddy topsoil
The Impossible Relationships Between Plant Functional Groups and Organic Carbon Content under Different Land Utilization Types in Alpine Grassland
Influence of Grassland Ecosystems Shift on Soil Organic Carbon in the Karst Mountain Area of Guizhou Province
Soil Organic Carbon Profile Distribution of Rehabilitated Grasslands on the Opencast Coal Mine Dump of Loess Area
Response of Soil Organic Carbon and Nutrients to Simulated Nitrogen Deposition in Typical Mixed Broadleaved-Korean Pine Forest
Effects of nitrogen application on carbon metabolism of soil microbial communities in eucalyptus plantations with different levels of soil organic carbon
Fraction changes of oxidation organic carbon in paddy soil and its correlation with CH
emission fluxes
Contribution of Root Respiration to Total Soil Respiration in a Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. Grassland of Northeast China
Spatial characteristics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen storages in Songnen Plain maize belt.
Seasonal variations of soil organic carbon and microbial biomass carbon in degraded desert steppes of Inner Mongolia.
Spatialtemporal variation of soil organic carbon and its relations to soil physical properties in degraded alpine grasslands
Soil microbial biomass |and |activity in relation to stand age of poplar shelterbelts.
Construction and application of a depth distribution model for soil organic carbon in forest areas
Compositions and contents of active organic carbon in different wetland soils in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China
Spatial distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon density in a tropical mountain rainforest of Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China
Characteristics of soil carbon density distribution of the
Kobresia humilis
meadow in the Qinghai Lake basin
Scale effect analysis of the influence of land use and environmental factors on surface soil organic carbon:a case study in the hilly and gully area of Northern Shaanxi Province
Altitudinal distribution rule of
Picea schrenkiana
forest’s soil organic carbon and its influencing factors
Effects of land use on soil organic carbon and soil respiration in soils reclaimed from wetland in the Chongming Island
Soil organic carbon storage and profile inventory in the different vegetation types of Luya Mountain
Effect of wood vinegar on soil properties and plant growth
Dynamic accumulation of soil organic carbon of terrace changed from slope cropland in the hilly loess plateau of eastern Gansu Province
Modeling impacts of alternative farming management practices on carbon sequestration and mitigating N
O emissions from spring maize fields
Response of soil organic carbon and its particle-size fractions to different long-term fertilizations in red soil of China
Effects of slope aspect and position on soil organic carbon and nitrogen of terraces in small Watershed
Changes of soil organic carbon storage under long-term fertilization in black and grey-desert soils
Effects of Fencing on the Soil Organic Carbon of Desert Grassland in the Northern Slope of Tianshan
Effect of revegetation on functional groups of soil organic carbon on the Loess Plateau
Dynamics of the small-scale heterogeneity of the soil carbon and nitrogen resources associated with
Caragana microphylla
in Inner Mongolia degraded steppe
Effects of land use change on soil organic carbon:a review
Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in An Xilin River Basin Grassland, Inner Mongolia
Spatial distribution characteristics and ecological effects of carbon and nitrogen of soil in Huolin River catchment wetland
Characteristic of
Picea crassifolia
forest soil organic carbon and relationship with environment factors in the Qilian Mountain
Background organic carbon storage of topsoil and whole profile of soils from Tibet District and their spatial distribution
Soil organic carbon changes as influenced by different agricultural land use types and management practices: A case study in Yanqing Basin, Beijing
Landscape structure, management and soil organic carbon in the densely populated village landscapes of China‘s Yangtze Delta Plain
Spatial heterogeneity in soil carbon and nitrogen resources, caused by Caragana microphylla,in the thicketization of semiarid grassland,Inner Mongolia
Soil organic carbon dynamics:wind erosion effect
Soil carbon storage and flux of temperate forest ecosystems in northeastern China
Content and distribution of unprotected soil organic carbon in natural and monoculture plantation forests of Castanopsis kawakamii in subtropical China
Organic carbon content in major grassland types in Alex, Inner Mongolia
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