Soil organic carbon under different planting structures on the tablelands of Loess Plateau Effects of Land Uses on Soil Organic Carbon and Carbon Pool Management Index The Var ia tion Character istics of So ilOrgan ic Carbon and Its InfluenceFactor in D ifferent Developing Stages of Chinese f ir Planta tion s Effect of tillage system on soil organic carbon, microbial biomass and enzyme activities EffectsoffencingonvegetationcommunitycharacteristicsandsoilpropertiesofatypicalsteppeinInnerMongolia Plant community characteristics, soil organic carbon and soil biological properties of grassland desertification sites in Northwest Sichuan Soil carbon fraction differences under different grass-crop rotations on the Loess Plateau, Central Gansu Differences in biomass, litter layer mass and SOC storage changing with tree growth in Larix gmelinii plantations in Northeast China Soil carbon sequestration efficiency of different particle-size fractions after long-term fertilization Soil aggregate and organic carbon contents with different surface mulching under dryland farming system Combined addition of crop residues and their biochar
increase soil organic C content and mineralization rate
Simulating trends in soil organic carbon of in calcareous fluvo-aquic soil under long-term fertilization using the DNDC model Carbon Sequestration in Two Alpine Soils on the Tibetan Plateau Distribution and enrichment characteristics of organic carbon and total nitrogen in mollisols under long-term fertilization. Effects of different land-use types on soil organic carbon and its prediction in the mountainous areas in the middle reaches of Lancang River. Profile distribution and storage of soil organic carbon in a black soil as affected by land use types. Carbon and nitrogen distributions and microbial characteristics in the soils of four types of wetlands in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Variation of soil respiration and its underlying mechanism in grasslands of northern China. Changes in soil organic carbon and soil microbial functional diversity of Carya cathayensis plantations under intensive managements. Effects of forest gap on seasonal dynamics of soil organic carbon and microbial biomass carbon in Picea asperata  forest in Miyaluo of Western Sichuan, Southwest China. Vertical distribution of soil active carbon and soil organic carbon storage under different forest types in the Qinling Mountains. Accumulation of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in Pinus yunnanensis forests at different age stages. Stability and organic carbon characteristics of soil aggregates under different ecosystems in karst canyon region. Effects of coupling film-mulched furrow-ridge cropping with maize straw soil- incorporation on maize yields and soil organic carbon pool at a semiarid loess site of China Response of soil organic carbon sequestration to the "Grain for Green Project" in the hilly Loess Plateau region Effects of soil erosion control measures on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in a small watershed Variance analysis of soil carbon sequestration under three typical forest lands converted from farmland in a Loess Hilly Area A review of carbon cycling and sequestration in urban soils Carbon dynamics of fine root (grass root) decomposition and active soil organic carbon in various models of land use conversion from agricultural lands into forest lands Effects of land use on distribution and protection of organic carbon in soil aggregates in karst rocky desertification area The spatial distribution of soil organic carbon and it’s influencing factors in hilly region of Loess Plateau Distribution and stability of soil aggregates and carbon sequestration in purple paddy soil under long-term fertilization Balance characteristics of soil organic carbon under different long-term fertilization models in the upland fluvo-aquic soil of North China Effects of long-term conservation tillage on soil organic carbon,maize yield and water utilization Distribution Pattern of Organic Carbon and Black Carbon from Different Soils in Wuyi Mountains Carbon Stock Changes of Successive Rotations of Plantations Effects of Fire on Soil Organic Carbon of Cunninghamia lanceolata Stands in North Subtropical Area Uncertainty Effect of Forest Harvest on Soil Carbon Pool:A Review Effect of Improvement Measures on Soil Labile Organic Carbon of Low-efficiency Pinus massoniana Forest Mineralization of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Motivating Factors to the Dragon Spruce Forest and Alpine Meadows of the Qilian Mountains Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen of Grassland in Yunwu Mountain of Loess Plateau Effect of Introducing Biennial Legume Species,Melilotus officinalis,on Plant Community in the Early Stage of Vegetation Succession and Soil Nutrients in the Semiarid Loess Plateau of China Dynamic changes of surface soil organic carbon and light-fraction organic carbon after mobile dune afforestation with Mongolian pine in Horqin Sandy Land. Spatial distribution of soil organic carbon in apple orchards on Loess Tableland The impact of land reclamation and management practices on the dynamics of soil organic carbon in the arid region of North-western China as simulated by CENTURY model Characteristics of nitrogen content between rhizosphere and bulk soil under seven shrubs in arid desert area of China Profile distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon in secondary forests in depressions between Karst hills Effects of fertilization on soil organic carbon and carbon pool management index Soil organic carbon sequestration rate and its influencing factors in farmlands of semi-arid regions—A case study in Zhuanglang County, Gansu Province Soil carbon storage  affected by long-term land use regimes and fertilizationin  manural loess soil Effect of long-term fertilization on organic carbon fractions and contents of cinnamon soil Effects of Disturbances on Organic Soil Carbon in the Typical Grassland of Loess Plateau Effects of Converting Degraded Cropland to Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Grassland on Soil Physicochemical Properties Vertical distribution and storage of soil organic carbon under long-term fertilization Spatial distribution of soil carbon and nitrogen in urban greenspace of Beijing Fine root biomass, decomposition and turnover of Reaumuria soongorica communities in the Sangong River basin Distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon and its physical fractions under the different land uses in Jinyun Mountain Soil organic carbon density and stock at the catchment scale of a hilly region of the loess plateau Characteristics of soil organic carbon components in a secondary Castanopsis platyacantha-Schima sinensis evergreen broad-leaved forest, Wawushan Mountain Altitudinal changes in active and recalcitrant soil carbon pools of forests in the Dinghu Mountains Effects of spatio-temporal changes of land-use on soil organic carbon in Yangjuangou watershed in Loess Plateau, China Characterization of soil organic carbon fractions at Spartina alterniflora saltmarsh in North Jiangsu Response of soil microbial community composition to vegetation types Controls over soil organic carbon content in grasslands Evaluating tillage practices impacts on soil organic carbon based on least limiting water range Changes of organic carbon and its labile fractions in topsoil with altitude in subalpine-alpine area of southwestern China Characteristics of soil organic carbon at 38°N ecological transect of Hebei Province Using DNDC model to simulate and predict changes in black soil organic carbon Effect of no-tillage on soil aggregate and organic carbon storage Soil carbon sequestration characteristics of plantations and influencing factors in Loess Hilly Semiarid Region Effects of riparian vegetation on soil organic carbon andtotal nitrogen distribution - a case study of Wenyu River, Beijing SOIL ORGANIC CARBON REDISTRIBUTION AND BUDGET OF EROSION AND DEPOSITION IN A SLOPING FIELD The Effects of Litterfall on Soil Organic Carbon and Nutrient in Artificial Forests of Hilly Red Soil Region of Southern China Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon in the Major Grasslands of Xilinguole, Inner Mongolia, China Review of researches on soil aggregate and soil organic carbon Effect of conservation tillage on soil quality in the piedmont plain of Mount Taihang A review of researches on evolution of soil organic carbon in mollisols farm-land Soil organic carbon and nutrient content under different land use patterns in Jingdian Irrigation Zone Effects of different conservation tillage measures on soil organic carbon pool in two sequence rotation systems of spring wheat and pease Storage and distribution of soil organic carbon in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve

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