Spatial heterogeneity of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in a monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest in Dinghushan, Guangdong, China. Multi-scale correlation analysis of soil organic carbon with its influence factors using wavelet transform. Spatial distribution patterns of soil organic carbon under Elacagnus angustifolia-Achnatherum splendens community in an arid area of Northwest China. Effects of land use change on soil labile organic carbon in central Jiangxi of China. Effects of Chinese fir litter on soil organic carbon decomposition and microbial biomass carbon. Soil nutrient accumulation and its affecting factors during vegetation succession in karst peak-cluster depressions of South China. Using 137Cs and 210Pbex to trace the impact of soil erosion on  soil organic carbon at a slope farmland in the  black soil region Soil aggregate stability and soil organic carbon characteristics in Quercus variabilis and Pinus tabulaeformis plantations in Beijing area. Effects of broadleaf plantation and Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantation on soil carbon and nitrogen pools. Soil organic carbon storage in different aged Larix gmelinii plantations in Great Xing’an Mountains of Northeast China. Relationships of soil organic carbon with its active and non-active components under different land use types in the middle reaches of Heihe River, China. Characters of soil organic matter functional groups in the fields planted with alfalfa (Medicago sativa) for different years in hilly regions of south Ningxia, Northwest China. Effects of revegetation on organic carbon storage in deep soils in hilly Loess Plateau region of Northwest China. Research methods of carbon sequestration by soil aggregates: A review. Profile distribution of soil aggregates organic carbon in primary forests in Karst cluster-peak depression region. Spatial heterogeneity of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen concentrations in a Lithocarpus glaber-Cyclobalanopsis glauca evergreen broadleaved forest A meta-analysis of field experiment data for characterizing the topsoil organic carbon changes under different fertilization treatments in uplands of China Distribution characteristics of soil aggregates and its organic carbon in different tea plantation age The distribution of soil organic carbon as affected by landforms in a small watershed of gully region of the Loess Plateau SOC decomposition of four typical broad-leaved Korean pine communities in Xiaoxing‘ an Mountain Dynamics of soil physical-chemical properties and organic carbon content along a restoration chronosequence in Pinus tabulaeformis plantations Effect of Leucaena leucocephala on soil organic carbon conservation on slope in the purple soil area Composition and stability of organic carbon in the top soil under different forest types in subtropical China Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon in Alnus formosana Forest-Grass Compound Models Vertical Distribution and Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Organic Carbon in Phyllostachy edulis Plantations and P. edulis-Cunninghamia lanceolata Mixed Forests in the Hilly Region of Central Hunan, Southern China Vertical Distributin of Soil Organic Carbon and Carbon Storage under Different Hydrologic Conditions in Zoigê Alpine Kobresia Meadows Wetland Soil Organic Carbon Contents of Larix principis-rupprechtii Plantations in the Southern Part of Liupan Mountains Study on Soil Organic Carbon under Several Reafforestation Patterns in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Effects of Different Thinning Manners on the Soil Organic Carbon Content of Larix olgensis Plantations Scaling effect on spatial variation of soil organic carbon in mountainous areas of Guangdong Province Characteristics of soil organic carbon and enzyme activities in soil aggregates under different vegetation zones on the Loess Plateau. Spatial variations of soil organic carbon and available microelement contents in interlaced area of vegetable lands and grain lands----A case study in Shouguang City, Shangdong Province Effects of inter-row planting grasses on soil organic carbon fractions and soil microbial community of apple orchard in Weibei dryland Short-term effects of simulating nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon in a Stipa krylovii steppe Effects of fertilization reforming on the CO2 flux in paddy soils with different fertilities Soil organic carbon stocks and fluxes in different age stands of secondary Betula platyphylla in Xiaoxing‘an Mountain,China Effects of lucerne-crop rotation patterns on soil aggregate stabilityand soil organic carbon Mineralization characteristics of soil organic carbon under long-term fertilization management Effects of plant diversity on soil organic carbon under different reconstructing patterns in low efficiency stands of cuprssus funebris in the hilly region of central Sichuan A review of effects of fire on soil organic carbon in forests The variability of soil organic carbon content in Larix gmelinii forests after fire disturbances Review on soil carbon sequestration potential in grassland ecosystems Effect of different land-use patterns on physical characteristics of the soil in the Yellow River delta region Evolution of soil organic carbon and crop yield under long-term fertilization in grey desert soils Spatial variability of soil organic carbon and related controlling factorsin Renshou County, Sichuan Province Distribution characteristics of organic carbon and total nitrogen in dry farmland soil aggregates under different tillage methods in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu Province Spatial heterogeneity and storage assessment method of surface soil organic carbon in high bulk-rock ratio slopes of Karst Regions Effects of land cover change on soil organic carbon and light fraction organic carbon at river banks of Fuzhou urban area. Effects of short-term fencing on  organic carbon fractions and physical stability of sandy sierozem in desert steppe of Northwest China. SOC spatial distribution at small Wangdonggou watershed in gully region of the Loess Plateau Changes in land use and land cover and soil organic carbon storage in the densely populated village landscapes of China′s Yangtze Plain from the 1940 to 2002 Variation of Soil Non-labile Carbon under Different Forest Types in Heshan Carbon Stock and TOC Stability in Soils of Four Typical Plantations in South China Changes of carbon storage in vegetation and soil during different successional stages of rehabilitated grassland Soil Carbon Sequestration and Its Relationship with Soil pH in Qinglangang Mangrove Wetlands in Hainan Island Contribution of Fine Root Production and Turnover to Soil Organic Carbon in Tamarix ramosissima Community in Sangong River Basin of Xinjiang, China The influence of hydrothermal factors on soil respiration and soil temperature sensitivity of Stipa krylovii steppe, Inner Mongolia, China Effects of simulated acid rain on soil organic carbon fractions in southern subtropical forests Soil particle size distribution and its relationship with soil organic carbons under different land uses in the middle of Heihe river CARBON CONTENTS AND ITS VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION IN ALPINE GRASSLANDS IN BAYINBULAK, MIDDLE STRETCH OF THE TIANSHAN MOUTAINS OF XINJIANG Changes of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen at Different Altitudes in West Slope of Sejila Mountain of Tibet Temporal and spatial distribution of soil organic carbon and its storage in the coastal wetlands of Jiaozhou Bay, China. Estimation of soil organic carbon storage and the characteristic of carbon spatial distributions in karst area, Chongqing, China Changes in vegetative patches and characteristics in soil properties in the valleys of Qilian Mountains Impacts of exotic plant invasions on terrestrial ecosystem below-ground carboncycling and carbon pool Comparison of Carbon Storage and Distribution in Different Poplar-Crop Intercropping Patterns The Response of Potential Carbon Sequestration Capacity to Different Land Use Patterns in Alpine Rangeland Characteristic of Organic Carbon Density and Organic Carbon Storage in the Natural Grassland of Center Loess Plateau Study on the Soil Organic Carbon Density of Alpine Meadow with Different Degradation Degrees in Eastern Qilian Mountains THE EFFECTS OF LAND USE CHANGES ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF SOIL ORGANIC CARBON IN PHYSICAL FRACTIONATION OF SOIL Effects of Land-use Change on Vertica l D istr ibution and Storageof So ilOrgan ic Carbon in North Subtropica l Area s Changes in Soil Organic Carbon after Bamboo Afforestation in Cropland Effects of Ecosystem Conversion on the Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon in Ziwuling Forest Region Effects of different fertilization modes on paddy field topsoil organic carbon content and carbon sequestration duration in South China. Effects of litter and mineral nitrogen input on soil organic carbon decomposition in subtropical mixed forest in Dinghu Mountain, South China. Effects of converting cultivated land into forest land on the characteristics of soil organic carbon in limestone mountain area in Ruichang, Jiangxi. Soil organic carbon content and its distribution pattern in Hangzhou Bay coastal wetlands. Soil organic carbon density of Eucalyptus plantations in Guangdong Province of China and related affecting factors. Effects of climate change on forest soil organic carbon storage: A review. The effects of Spartina alterniflora seaward invasion on soil organic carbon fractions,sources and distribution

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