Early warning theory on regional eco-environmental issues and its application HOST PLANT CHARACTERISTICS ASSOCIATED WITH THE DISTRIBUTION PATTERN OF THE PINE SAWFLY, NEODIPRION XIANGYUNICUS Regulations of berberine on gene expression of BMP4 transcriptional pathways to improve visceral white adipose tissues insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic hamsters Degradation of cyanide by woody plant tissues Variation in Different Forms of Calcium Distribution Rate in Different Tissues and Organs of Wild Cerasus humilis During Growth Stage ANAC005 is a membrane-associated transcription factor and regulates vascular development in Arabidopsis A Method of Total RNA Isolation in Lotus Tissues Root Meristematic Karyon Size: Possible New Index in the Evaluation of Plant Invasiveness Effect of Cinnamomi Ramulus on distribution kinetics of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine from Ephedrae Herba in brain tissues of mice Key issues for the development of a forest ecological compensation mechanism Valuation of ecosystem services: characteristics, issues and prospects Analysis and counter measures on security issues of Chinese materia medics injection Key issues in restoration on earthquake-damaged ecosystem at the ecotone between dry valley and montane forest of the Minjiang River Molecular Cloning and Information Analysis of ANS Genes Encoding Anthocyanin Synthases from Mulberry (Morus alba) Classification of Glutamine Synthetase Gene and Preliminary Functional Analysis of the Nodule-Predominantly Expressed Gene GmGS1β2 in Soybean Boosting Seed Development as a New Strategy to Increase Cotton Fiber Yield and Quality Study on rapid propagation and germplasm conservation in vitro of five species of genus Gynostemma in Guangxi Cloning and Expression Analysis of Banana ACC Oxidase Gene (MAO3) Forestry Knowledgization——the Developing Way of Chinese Forestry in the New Epoch Cryo-sectioning Conditions and Histochemistry Comparison with Paraffin Sectioning Cloning and Expression Analysis of Banana ACC Oxidase Gene (MAO3) Effects of Yishenjiangyafang on Blood Pressure and Protecting Renal Function in RPH Rats Correlations between the characters of the mycelium vegetative growth and the formation of the fruiting body of Ganoderma luciderm Expression analysis of NTMADS1 gene in Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis and study on its transformation in Arabidopsis thaliana Expression analysis of NTMADS1 gene in Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis and study on its transformation in Arabidopsis thaliana Structures, Components and Functions of Secretory Tissues in Houttuynia cordata Correlation between Rice Plant Aerenchyma System and Methane Emission from Paddy Field Distribution characteristics of camptothecin in branches and leaves of harvest pattern Camptotheca acuminata‘Hisum-I‘ Rapid Propagation and Germplasm Conservation in vitro of Artemisia annua L. Abnormal Development of Regenerated Bark in Eucommia ulmoides The key issues on plant phenology under global change Effects of pH value on yield of flavonoids in callus tissues of Sophora japonica fruits OPTIMUM TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS FOR REGENERATION SYSTEM OF ENDOSPERM OF Actindia chinese CV. ‘JINTAO’ Global and Local Issues in (Agro) Biodiversity

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