Advances in studies on chemical constituents of Garcinia mangostana and bioactivities of xanthenones Chemical Constituents from the Twigs of Calophyllum inophyllum Linn. Isolation and identification of xanthones from Gentianella acuta Purification technology of iridoid glycosides and xanthones from Swertia mussotii by macroporous resin THE IS0LATI0N AND IDENTIFICATION OF XANTHONES FR0M SWERTIA MILEESIS Chemical constituents of Swertia bimaculata Isolation and structure identification of chemical constituents from Polygala hongkongensis Xanthones of Comastoma pedunlulatum Chemical constituents of Polygala tenuifolia Research progress on Polygalae Radix Chemical constituents from leaves of Swertia atroviolacea Antioxidant xanthones from Securidaca inappendiculata STUDIES ON THE XANTH0NES 0F VERATRILLA BAILLONII FRANCH. ⅡTHE STRUCTURE OF A NEW XANTH0NE Chemical constituents and antiviral activity of Polygala fallax A new xanthone from Cratoxylum cochinchinense Chemical constituents from herbs of Swertia mileensis
Chemical constituents of Swertia kouitchensis Franch. Advances in studies on xanthones Determination of six active components in three species of  genus Swertia by HPLC multiwavelength with detection Chemical constituents of Swertia patens Chemical constituents of Swertia angustifolia Chemical constituents of Halenia elliptica Chemical constituents of Swertia hispidicalyx