Validation of names of Leptodermis pilosa var. acanthoclada and L. pilosa var. spicatiformis (Rubiaceae) Systematic significance of seed morphology in the genus Veronica (Plantaginaceae), with special reference to the Egyptian taxa The Classification of the Cyatheaceae in China A Taxonomic Study on the Genus Dryopteris Subgenus Erythrovariae (H. Ito) Fraser-Jenkins from Yunnan Systematic analysis of agro-ecoclimatic resources in Gansu Province Ecological study on relationship between desertification process and vegetation dynamics in west of northeast China:Vegetation classification Research and development of planting trees and killing oncomelania expert system in Hubei Province Ecological principles of landscape classification and assessment Preliminary study on classification of forest site in Lulang region of Tibet Growth stage and classification of poplar shelterbelt Application of multivariate analysis on studying relationship between plant morphological structure and ecological environment CONSTRUCTION OF RNAI PLANT EXPRESSION VECTORS FOR INTERFERING LYCOPENE CYCLASE-β/ε GENES AND ITS EXPRESSION ANALYSIS Effects of 137Cs γ-rays Irradiation and NaN3 Treatment on Germination Rate and Protective Enzyme Activity for Seeds of Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. Pubescens IRRADIATION CONTROL OF PATHOGENIC BACTERIA AND THEIR GROWTH DURING STORAGE IN SHORT NECKDE CLAM IMPACTION OF GRASSLAND RECLAMATION ON THE COMPOSITION AND DERIVATION OF SOIL ORGANIC CARNON POOL INFLUENCE OF RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION ON TURFGRASS GROWTH AND SOIL The Effect of Silvicultural Management on the Production of Moso Bamboo Plantations for Pulp-making A Study on Growth and Rational Density Management Model of Cunninghamia lanceolata Forest Study on the Effect of Fertilization on the Growth of P.×euramericana in Reclaimed Area by Coal Ash Land Use Classification Using Remote Sensing Data in Protection Forest Region of Loess Plateau Study on Remote Sensing in Tropical Forests:Classification Method and Inventory Plan A Study on the Biomass Production of Populus,Salix,Ulmus and Robinia on the Reclaimed Arca by Coal Ash A Study on Growth Structure of Clump of Daemonorops margaritae Color Region Classification of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Based on the Image Rapid determination of 34 chemicals illegally added into Chinese patent medicines and health foods with blood pressure lowering function by UPLC-MS/MS Application and prospect of biotechnology in research and development for medicinal plant So il Respira tion of the Representa tive Artif ic ia l Forests Dur ing theM inor Growing Sea son in the Hilly Reg ion of North-China Analysis of Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Trees with Different Diameter Classes in Natural Korean Pine Broad Leaved Forest Studies on Landscape Classification and Changes Based on Forest Resource Inventory Data of Jingouling Forest Farm Genetic diversity and classification of domestic yaks inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences Classification of plant functional groups based on the energy attributes: a casestudy on the steppe community in Xilin River basin, Inner Mongolia TWO POLYTHETIC-AGGLOMERATIVE CLUSTERING STRATEGIES CLADISTIC ANALYSIS OF CALYCANTHACEAE Advances in Historical Biogeography: a Brief Perspective Effect of Stand Density on Community Structure and Ecological Effect of Eucalyptus urophylta×E.eamalducensis Plantation Caryopsis Micromorphology of Eleusine Gaertn. (Poaceae) and Its Systematic Implications A Prileminary Study on Species Classification of the Genus Phyllostachys (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) Based on Vegetative Characters in Nonsprouting State Cultivar Sort of Neosinocalamus affinis Visual Simulation of Growth Process in Cunninghamia lanceolata Based on Competition Index Characteristics of Temporal and Spatial Tissue Development During the Rapidly Growing Stage of Moso Bamboo Culms Emergy analysis of the value of grassland ecosystem services in the Three Rivers Source Region Population Structure and Life Table of the Endangered Population of Taxus yunnanensis List of Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Classification System Study on Classification System for Wetland Types in China Study on the Application of RPA in Aerial Seeding The Research and Development on Bamboo/Wood Composite Materials Chemical Composition of the Leaf Essential Oil of Platycladus orientalis and Its Resistance to Termite Research on Quantitative Taxonomy of Cultivars in Pingyin Rose Studies on Pollen Submicroscopic Morphology and Cultivars Classification inPingyin Rose Genetic Diversity Analysis in Cut Chrysanthemum Cultivars Based on Morphology and SRAP Markers Detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis in imported corn by PCR Resistance to Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol accumulation in various tissues of wheat heads Root-layer soil nitrogen use of greenhouse tomato under reducing nitrogen topdressing with reclaimed water irrigation Effects of long-term fertilization on soil microbial community structure and aggregate composition in yellow clayey paddy field Effects of tricyclazole on the pathogenicity of Setosphaeria turcica Classification of Pueraria lobata in different geographical regions Review on experiment of traditional Chinese medicine treating to osteoporosis Treatment of premenstrual syndrome with Chinese medicine formula, Baixiangdan capsule: implications for neuron viability and GABAA receptor modulation in rat cortex Analysis of flavonoids in Platycladi Cacumen by UPLC-MS Rubrofusarin glucosides of Berchemia polyphylla var. leioclada and their scavenging activities for DPPH radical Effect of freeze-thaw on clarify performance of extracting solution with silkworm dropping Classification and Ordination of Fengshui Woods on Karst Hills of Guilin Analysis of deoxynivalenol ( DON ) accumulation in wheat grains Design and analyze mathematical algorithms of intestinal absorption and metabolism of multicomponent drug Construction of biopharmaceutics classification system of Chinese materia medica Filtration of active fractions with hemostasis effect from Platycladi Cacumen Carbonisatum Study on decoction‘s effect of different processed rhizomes of Cibotium barometz on retinoic acid induced male rats osteoporosis Fragaria viridis Duch. Distributed in China was Certified by Classificatory Observation and RAPD Analysis High Temperature Induced Resistance to Cladosporium cucumerinum in Cucumbers Fragaria viridis Duch. Distributed in China was Certified by Classificatory Observation and RAPD Analysis High Temperature Induced Resistance to Cladosporium cucumerinum in Cucumbers Classification Study of Xinjiang Peach Using RAPD Markers Quality Evaluation of Organic Manure from Wild Polygonaceae Green Manures Quality Evaluation of Organic Manure from Wild Compositae Green Manures Research Progress on the Carbon Cycle and Impact Factors of Grassland Ecosystem Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate and Growth-Development Type on Milling Quality in Japonica Rice Cloning of lyc-b Gene from Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) and Transferring the Gene into Tobacco THE CLASSIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF SECT. MUCRONIFERAE FEDDE OF CORYDALIS VENT.IN CHINA PRELIMINARY STUDY OF CLASSIFICATION ON CHINESE CAULTHERIA A TAXONOMIC REVISION ON LEPISORUS CLATHRATUS(CLARKE) CHING C0MPLEX IN THE SINO-HIMALAYAN REGION

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