STUDY ON CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS IN TWO SPECIES OF LICHENS PLANT FROM HEILONG-JIANG STUDIES ON THE POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF KALIMERIS STUDY OF LIMESTONE SEASONAL RAIN FOREST CLASSIFICATION IN GUANGXI STUDY ON THE SUBGEN.CERCIDOTHRIX BUNGE OF THE GENUS ASTRAGALUS LINN.FROM GANSU Carbon Density and Storage of Acacia mangium Plantation Ecosystem in Nanning, Guangxi ecay Hazard Classifications in China for Exterior Above Ground Wood Pollen Morphology and Cultivar Classification of the Genus Chaenomeles Characteristics of Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism of Phyllostachys heteroclada at Flowering Stage Quantitative Classification and Ordination of the Forest Communities in Three Gorges Reservoir Area Quantitative Classification and Ordination Aiming to Realize Ecological Land Classification for the Mountainous Region in Eastern Liaoning Province RAPD Analysis of 23 Olive (Olea europaea) Cultivars Size-Class Structure and Distribution Pattern of Emmenopterys henryi in Different Habitats Effects of UV-B Radiation on Physiology of Cyclamen persicum Mill Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Wetland Vegetations in Danjiangkou Reservoir Region Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Plant Communities in Midpiece of Zhongtiao Mountains Cladistic Analysis of the Genus Porana s. l. (Convolvulaceae) A Summary on Phytogenetic Classification of Brassicaceae from China Studies on Classification and Geographical Distribution of Magnoliaceae Species in Hunan A SUMMARY ON PHYTOGENETIC CLASSIFICATION OF ULMACEAE FROM CHINA THE STUDY OF CLASSIFICATION AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF EVERGREEN BROADLEAVED FOREST IN GUANGXI A STUDY ON CLASSIFICATION AND BREEDING OF DOUBLE HARVESTING WATER BAMBOO (ZIZANIA CADUCIFLORA HAND.-MAZZ. The Numerical Classification of Flower Color Phenotype in Flare Tree Peony STUDIES ON THE QUANTITATIVE CLASSIFICATION AND DIVIDING INDICES OF POTENTIAL FIRE BEHAVIOR OF FOREST IN QINLING STUDY ON UTILIZATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF FOREST-GRASS SYSTEM FOR GRAZING IN LIAONING EASTERN MOUNTAINS Interaction of Drought and Pb on Growth and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Platycladus orientalis Seedlings Advances in studies on natural iridoids Optimization for ISSR-PCR reaction system on Schisandra henryi by orthogonal design Single Calcium Channel Analysis and ESR Spectral Study on the Myocardial Effects of Ginsenoside Rb2 Studies on the Preparation of Chinese Traditional Herbal Oral Liquid by Adsorption and Clarification-Ultracentrifugation-Microfiltration Method Studies on Chinese Medicinal Herbs:Shanziwan (Radix et Rhizoma Ligualariae) I .Survey on Resources and Identification of Original Plants Studies on the Changes of Blade Tissues in the Course of the Development of Chinese Gallnut Quantitative classification and ordination of Stipa purpurea steppe community in source region of the Yangtze River Population structure dynamics of Liriodendron chinensis, a case study on a natural population in Maoer Mountain, Guangxi Chemical constituents of Ancistrocladus tectorius Study on the Dissipation Structure of Identical Age and Single-storied Forest A Study on the New Overwintering Hosts (2 Species of Mosses) for Chinese Gallnut Aphids Discriminant Predictive Linear Regression Analysis Method for Astragalus Sensitivities of Magnaporthe grisea to isprothiolane, iprobenfos and tricyclazole Antifungal activity of endophytic fungi isolated from Taxus mairei A Study of Geographic Variation of Platycladus orientalis (L.)Franco Studies of Eluvial Cinnamon Soil under Pinus bungeana, P. tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis Plantations in the Suburb of Beijing DIVISION OF FOREST CLIMATIC REGIONS IN HAINAN ISLAND BY STEPWISE DISCRIMINATORY ANALYSIS STUDY ON THE ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF OLIVE FRUIT Ⅱ. FRUIT FOR TABLE CULTIVARS A STUDY ON APPLICATION OF SPACE REMOTE SENSING DATA TO FOREST INVENTORY AN EXPERT SYSTEM FOR FOREST AND LANDUSE CLASSIFICATION OF REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES THE STUDY ON THE SITE CLASSIFICATION AND ITS EVALUATION AT FOREST LAND IN THE PLAIN FORMERLY FIOODED BY THE HUANGHE RIVER A Study on the Classification of Seed and Seedling Vigour of Larix gmelini Effect of Cutting Length on Rooting and Growth of Two-year-old Plantlets of Larix kaempferi in Nursery Cloning and Expression Analysis of B Class MADS-box Genes from Cymbidium faberi Cloning and Expression Analysis of B Class MADS-box Genes from Cymbidium faberi Analysis of Disease Resistance Related Genes Expression in CucumbersInoculated by Cladosporium cucumernium Using cDNA-AFLP Method Numerical Classification of the Loquat Germplasm The Numerical Classification of Chrysanthemum Flower Color Phenotype Dynamic Changes of Starch Granules During Somatic Embryogenesis and Development in Cyclamen persicum Dynamic Changes of Starch Granules During Somatic Embryogenesis and Development in Cyclamen persicum Tree Classification for Pinus tabulaeformis Scenic Plantation Multi-Source Data for Forest Land Type Precise Classification Site Evaluation of Chinese Fir and Its Application in Hengyang Area Analysis of Platycladus orientalis Volatiles and Their Electroantennogram Responses with Semanotus bifasciatus Application of Remote-sensing Image Classification Techniques in Forest Landscape Classification and Evaluation STUDIES ON THE MICROSPOROGENESIS AND THE FORMATION OF THE MALE GAMETOPHYTE IN PLATYCLADUS ORIENTALIS A PRIMARY STUDY ON THE MICROSTRUCTURAL FEATURES OF NUTLET SURFACES OF LIPOCARPHA,BULBOSTYLIS AND FUIRENA IN CHINA Folk classification and indigenous management on bamboo resources Effects of the action of human being on physiologic and ecological characteristics of Platydadus orientalis in Huangdi tomb Quantitative Classification and Ordination of the Subalpine Meadows in Luyashan Mountain New Records of Desmid Plants from Zhalong National Nature Reserve,China Light Microscope Observation of Leaf Papillae and Mammillae in Pottiaceae and their Taxonomic Sense Study on pathogenesis and treatment of pre-hypertension in traditional Chinese medicine Numerical classification and species diversity of Cinnamomum burmannii community in karst hills of Guilin Secondary Metabolites of Gliocladium sp.,A Growth Accelerating Fungus for Anoectochilus roxburghii (Wall.) Lindl. Isolation and identification of flavonoids from Epimedium koreanum and their effects on proliferation of RAW 264.7 cell line SRAP Study on different varieties of Radix Curcumae Multi-Objective Genetic Based Pore Combination Recognition Identification of Gynostemma from their adulterant Cayratia japonica by PCR-RFLP DCA Ordination, Environmental Interpretation and Geographical Distribution Model of Spruce and Fir Plant Communities in Northwest Sichuan and South Gansu Canonical Indicator Species Analysis, A New Extrinsic Classification Technique Classification of Forest Communities in Daqinggou Landscape Classification and Cartography of Sandy Desertified Land: A Case Study in the Mu Us Sandy Region Investigation on the Growth Rule of Root System of Winter Wheat in Semiarid Red Clay Soil Hills COMMUNITY COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF GUTIANSHAN FOREST DYNAMIC PLOT IN A MID-SUBTROPICAL EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST, EAST CHINA

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