Population Structure and Regeneration of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata in Shennongjia Ecological Gradient Analysis and Environmental Interpretation of Mountain Vegetation in the Missle Stretch of Tianshan Mountain Division of Successional Phase in The Platycladus orientalis Forest in the South Loess Plateau of the Northern shanxi Province The Plant Community Highness Class Construction of Yangtze River Shelter Forest In Guansi River Valley, Mianyang City The Ecological Classification and Ordination of Maowusu Sandy Grassland Landscape Stepwise Clustering and Its Application to Vegetation Classification Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Vegetation in Maxian Mountain Forest Region The Preliminarily Investigation on the Vertical Distribution of the Forest Vegetation on Hualongshan Mountain, Shaanxi Province Age Structure and Regeneration Characteristics of Pinus densifolia Forest in the Su Cheng Reserve of the Yuntai Mountains in Jiangsu Province The Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Haibei Alpine Meadow The Ordination and Numerical Classification of Montane Coniferous Forests in Warm-Temperate Region Classification and Ordination of Tropical Limestone Seasonal Forest of Guangxi Indirect Gradient Analysis, Quantitative Classification and Environmental Interpretation of Plant Communities in Ngari, Xizang(Tibet) An Application of Fuzzy Isodata to the Classification of Grassland Communality of Songlun Plane The Characteristics and Classification of Oak Durisilvae in the Himalayan Region of China A Study on Numerical Classification and Ordination of Tropical Grassland in Hainan Island A Classification of the Wild Grass Communities on Mount Tai The potential Evapotranspiration (PE) Index for Vegetation and Vegetation-Classification (I) ——An Introduction of Main Methods and PEP Program The Potential Evapotranspiration (PE) Index for Vegetation and Vegetation-Climatic Classification (2) -an Introduction of Main Methods and PEP Program Primary Analyses of Regeneration Communities on the Cutting Blanks of Tropical Mountain Rain Forest on the Jianfengling Ridge’ Hainan Island Classification of Vegetation on Hills and Lower Mountains in Vicinity of West Lake in Hangzhou Numerical Classification and Ordination of Flood Land Meadow Vegetation Numerical Classification for the Forest Vegetation of the Liupan Mountain Classification and Ordination of Plant Communities in the South of Song-Nen Plain Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Thuja sutchuenensis and Platycladus orientalis Seedlings to Natural Cooling Study on Remote Sensing Classification Method of Long Baotan Wetland Based on CHRIS/PROBA Evaluating the performance of the UCLA method for spatially downscaling soil moisture products using three Ts/VI indices. Remote sensing analysis of forest resources characteristics in main ecological restoration counties in the Three-Gorge Area based on the 2nd-class inventory  data. Species composition and main populations spatial distribution pattern in Korean pine broadleaved forest in Xiaoxing’an Mountains of Northeast China. Using kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) to reclaim multi-metal contaminated acidic soil. Annual dynamics of cladocera community structure in Backshore Wetland of Expo Garden, Shanghai. Measurement accuracy of Granier calibration based on transpiration of Platycladus orientalis. Effects of cadmium stress on the activities of antioxidant enzymes, digestive enzymes and the membrane lipid peroxidation of the mangrove mud clam Geloina coaxans (Gmelin) Root morphology characteristics under alternate furrow irrigation Research on the Quantitative Analysis of the Natural Grassland Types in Hutubi Cow Breeding Farm The Application of Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling in Community Classification EFFECT OF ~ (60) Co γ IRRADIATION STERILIZATION ON CALCIUM LACTIVE ACID THE MOVING FEATURE OF 15 N IN COTTON FIELD WITH DIFFERENT SOIL TEXTURE A taxonomic revision of Lepisorus sect. Hymenophyton (Polypodiaceae) from China Typification and new synonyms of taxa in Dalbergia (Leguminosae) A phylogenetic analysis of the Smilacaceae based on morphological data A revision of Clematis sect. Meclatis (Ranunculaceae) A critique on the “Eight_Class System” of the classification of Angiosperms proposed by Wu et al. Notes on the genus Clematis (Ranunculaceae) (Ⅳ) Phylogenetic reconstruction of Burmannia L. (Burmanniaceae): a preliminary study Quantitative taxonomic analyses of Actinidia (Actinidiaceae) in China based on micromorphological characters of foliar trichomes The reclassification of Lycopodiaceae (s. str.) in China On the taxonomy of Phlegmariurus (Herter) Holub sect. Huperzioides H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang (sect. nov.) with notes on the infrageneric classification of the genus Phlegmariurus in China Validation of some Chinese species of Ilex L. (Aquifoliaceae) Two new species of the Lauraceae from Guangxi, China A Taxonomic Study of Huperzia Bernh.(s. s.) Sect. Huperzia in China The Correct Author Citation for Cycas hongheensis and C. parvula (Cycadaceae) Davalliaceae of China Phylogenetic Analysis of the Family Taxodiaceae A Phylogenetic Analysis of Gentiana (Gentianaceae) On Classification of Hilliella warburgii and Cochleariella zhejiangensis Biosystematic Studies on Adenophora potaninii Korsh. Complex (Campanulaceae) III. Genetic Variation and Taxonomic Value of Morphological Characters A Classificatory System and Geographical Distribution of the Genus Gynostemma BL. (Cucurbitaceae) New Plants of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi and Guizhou of China (Cont. II) A Study on Pollen Morphology of the Genus Viburnum from China Comparison of the Cladograms Produced by Li‘s Method and Farris‘ Method A Review on Cladistics Taxonomic Study on Genera of Tribe Lactuceae (Compositae) from China A Classification Synopsis of the Genus Dryopteris from Yunnan On the Genus Euchresta Benn. (Leguminosae) with “Wallace‘s Line” An Algorithm for Cladistics—Method of Minimal Parallel Evolution On the Current Classification System of Paleozoic Seeds Systematics of the Genus Cyananthus Wall. ex Royle Spatial distribution pattern of Picea schrenkiana var. tianshanica population and its relationships with topographic factors in middle part of Tianshan Mountain. Species composition and point pattern analysis of standing trees in secondary Betula albo-sinensis forest in Xiaolongshan of west Qinling Mountains. Soil seed bank research of China mining areas: Necessity and challenges. Soil organic carbon content and its distribution pattern in Hangzhou Bay coastal wetlands. Evolvement of soil quality in salt marshes and reclaimed farmlands in Yancheng coastal wetland. The sapflow dynamics of Platycladus orientali in the semi\|arid Loess Plateau region Imposex of Thais clavigera and Cantharus cecillei in the coastal waters of Xiamen Species composition and classification of natural vegetation in the abandoned lands of the hilly-gullied region of North Shaanxi Province Modern pollen distribution in the middle and north of Luliang Mountains, Shanxi Province A comparison of light environmental characteristics for road greening plants communities in Beijing Shunyi District Effect of Disturbance on the Community Species Diversity in Yunding Mount. Subalpine Meadow Classification Analysis for Italian Ryegrass DUS Testing Quantitative Traits

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