Studies on the Increments of Two Mangrove Species, Kandelia eandel (L.) Druce and Bruguiera texangula (Lout.) Poir., in China Study on phenylpropanoids from hypocotyls of the mangrove plant Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Impact of salinity on accumulation of several metal elements in Bruguiera gymnorrhiza seedlings and Ca effect Effects of Inoculation with Plant Growth-promoting Bacteria on Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Seedlings Effect of salinity on the growth and eco-physiological characteristics of Bruguira Sexangula var. rhynchopetala seedlings Construction of a Mathematic Model for Forecasting Viviparous Propagule Yield of Bruguiera gymnorriza Inhibitive effects of organic solvent extracts from mangrove plant Bruguiera gymnorrhiza on Phaeocystis globosa Studies of eco-physiological characteristics of three mangrove species in constructed wetland sewage treatment system Purifying effect of mangrove constructed wetlands on domestic sewage Impact of substrate salinity on caloric value, energy accumulation and its distribution in various organs of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza seedlings PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON MICROCLIMATE OF TWO MANGROVE COMMUNITIES IN YINGLUO BAY OF GUANGXI Transformed Rice with Salt Tolerance-related Genes of Bruguiera sexangula by Agrobacterium Meditation Early Screening Trials of Provenance on Bruguiera gymnorrhiza in Shenzhen Bay of China Studies on Dynamics of C, H and N Elements for Bruguiera sexangula Mangrove Forest in Hainan Island, China The Grey Dynamic Forecast of the Biomass of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Stand Studies on the Biomass of Mangrove Plantation of Sonneratia apetala and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza in the Wetland of Nansha in Guangzhou City Comparison of ionic equilibrium and photosynthesis in introduced Laguncularia racemosa and two native mangrove species in China Root biomass and its spatial distribution of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza in the mangrove of Shenzhen Bay, South China Biomass and Productivity of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Stand Leaf Anatomical Changes of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Seedlings under Salt Stress Textual Research on Chinese Mangrove Bruguiera cylindrica (Rhizophoraceae) Effect of salinity on the growth and some eco-physiological characteristics of mangrove Bruguiera sexangula seedlings Studies on differences in growth and physiological responses to waterlogging between Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Kandelia candel A STUDY ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL-ECOLOGY OF BRUGUIERA GYMNORHIZA SEEDLINGS AFTER INTRODUCED TO SHENZHEN BAY FROM DIFFERENT AREAS Analysis on Volatile Components and Fatty Acids in Hypocotyl of Bruguiera gymnorhiza Peroxidase in two Mangrove Species, Kandelia candel and Bruguiera sexangula Seedlings, in Response to Variation of Salinity Condition Study on Dynamics of Litter Fall of Bruguiera sexangula Mangrove in Hainan Island,China Studies on Energy in Two Mangrove Communities, Bruguiera sexangula and Kandelia candel, in China Preliminary study on introduction of three mangrove species to Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai city Compounds from marine mangrove plant Bruguiera sexangula var. rhynchopetala Fractal Characteristics of the Height Structure of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Population Mating System of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Populations of Mangrove, China Construction of cDNA Library from Leaves of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Seedlings and Its Expressed Sequence Tags Analysis Anatomical Characteristics of Leaves in Three Mangrove Species