Micropropagation of Canadensis Redbud in vitro Induction and Regeneration of Callus Initiated from Young Leaves of Maize Establishment of rapid propagation for sterile seedlings of grapefruit by tissue culture Study on the NaCl Concen tra tion and Subculture Times ofBluegra ss Sa lt-toleran t Ca llus Selection ANALYSIS OF VARIATION IN SUBCULTURED CALLUS AND ITS REGENERANT OF TUBER MUSTARD (Brassica juncea) Highly Efficient regeneration System for Multiple Shoots in Perennial Ryegrass Selection of Ginkgo biloba cell line for suspension culture and studies on stability of ginkgolide B in subculture An Efficient Axillary Bud Multiplication System of Acacia mangium × A. auriculiformis In Vitro Morphogenesis of Begonia tuberhybrida FACTORS INFLUENCING MATURE EMBRYO REGENERATION OF Zoysia sinica HANCE Effects of medium components and subculture period on plantlet regeneration of creeping bentgrass Chromosomal Variation in Callus Subcultures of Fritillaria pallidiflora CALLUS INDUCTION AND SUBCULTURE FROM ANTHERS OF UPLAND COTTON ( GOSSYPIUM HIRSUTUM L.) A Comparative Study on Protein Metabolism During Subculture and Differentiation of Tobacco Callus Identification of a new heterotrophic nitrobacterium strain Colloidessp. JZ1-1 and its nitrifying capability. Bud Micropropagation and Plantlet-transplanting Techniques for Breeding Cold-resistant strain of <i>Eucalyptus dunnii</i> Study on the Genetics Characters of Hu18, a Haploid Indica Rice Progeny Subcultured for 11 Years STUDY OF CHROMOSOME VARIATION AND DIFFERENTIATION FREQUENC IN CALLUS SUBCULTURES OF Fritiliariae pallidiflorae STUDY ON CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION FROM THE MATURE ORGANS OF Lilium longiflorum Thunb. IN QINLING MOUNTAIN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF REGENERANT-DERIVED SOMACLONES FROM COTYLEDONS AND HYPOCOTYLS OF BRASSICA NAPUS THE UTILIZATION OF IN VITRO CULTURE FOR THE SPECIES PRESERVATIVE PROPACATION OF LILIUM L.IN QINLING MOUNTAINS Induction of callus and plant regeneration of Zizyphus jujuba Mill. Effect of explant source from different maternal tree and medium composition on callus growth and paclitaxel yield of Taxus chinensis var. mairei Influence of subculture cycle on tube plantlet growth of Dendrobium huoshanense and medium composition Establishment and Optimization of High-frequency Shoot Regeneration System of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. EstablishmenTof tissue culture system of Sinopodophy emodi and identification of podophyllotoxin Effects of Subculture Times on Organogenesis Character istics of Apple inV itro Shoot Explants Effects of Subculture Times on Organogenesis Character istics of Apple inV itro Shoot Explants Optimization of tissue culture conditions for Pfaffia paniculata

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