Cloning and Sequencing of Antifreeze Protein Gene in Daucus carota var. sativus Hoffm Deutschl PROSPECT AND CURRENT SITUATION SURVEY OF NUCLEAR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN CHINA Research Advances of Orchidaceae Plants in Phylogeny and Genetic Relation Progress on molecular biology of Isaria farinosa, pathogen of host of Ophiocordyceps sinensis during the artificial culture Advances in conservation methods of endangered species How to Prepare Figures in Articles of Molecular Biology? Mycorrhizal studies and their application prospects in China Molecular Analysis of T1 and T2 Generations of Red Clover Expressing Coat Protein Genes of Alfalfa Mosaic Virus(AMV) and White Clover Mosaic Virus (WCMV) Culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches for studying airborne microbial diversity Research Advances on Molecular Techniques for Improving Microbial Tolerance to Organic Solvents Response Mechanism of Plant Cuticular Wax Involving in Drought Stress Response Molecular Biology Research of Amur Grape(Vitis amurensis Rupr.) Advances on 0rchid Tissue Clllture and M olecular Bi Advances on 0rchid Tissue Clllture and M olecular Bi Phytochelatin and its function in heavy metal tolerance of higer plants Advances in functional gene diversity of microorganism in relation to soil nitrogen cycling Advances of molecular biology and biotechnology used in gramineal forage species Advances in chemistry,molecular biology and pharmacological of Cangzhu Research Progress on UDP-glycosyltransferases in Grape Secondary Metabolism Pathway Microbial mechanisms responsible for the effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on methane uptake and nitrous oxide emission in forest soils:a review Recent Progress in DNA Molecular Markers and Gene Functions of Rehmannia glutinosa Studies on essence of clearing away heat and toxic material of Radix Isatidis Acid corrosion mechanism of the sulfate-reducing bacteria and protecting studies in oilfield Advances in the studies on molecular biology and genetic engineering of Helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus Research progress in classification and identification of Sect. Cruciata Gaudin in Gentiana (Tourn.) L. Advances in studies on genetically engineered microorganism ecology Progress in research on plant ferritin REVIEW OF THE STUDY ON BIOTECHNOLOGY OF COTTON II.STUDY IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF COTTON Cloning and homological comparison analysis on DNA fragments of processed pieces and fresh roots of Saussurea lappa Cloning and homological comparison analysis on DNA fragments of processed pieces and fresh roots of Saussurea lappa Molecular biology and metabolic engineering of tropane alkaloids biosynthesis Molecular biology and metabolic engineering of tropane alkaloids biosynthesis Progress in the Molecular Biology of Solanum peruvianum Methods to measure the microbial community structure and functional diversity in polluted soils Progress in bryological research Progress in the Molecular Biology of Solanum peruvianum Cloning and Sequencing of Antifreeze Protein Gene in Daucus carota var. sativus Hoffm Deutschl

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