STUDIES ON POPULATION STRUCTURE OF PAEONIA SUFFRUTICOSA ANDR,VAR.SPONTANEA REHD. Effects of light intensity contrast on clonal integration of Spartina anglica. Phenotypic Plasticity in Response to the Heterogeneous Water Supply in the Rhizomatous Grass Species, Calamagrostis epigejos in the Mu Us Sandy Land of China Effects of Clonal Plants on Community Structure and Function along a Restorational Gradient in Horqin Sandy Land Diversity and spatial distribution of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi of phalanx clonal plant in the Mu Us desert The effects of water stress on water translocation and photosynthetic characteristics between clonal ramets in Strawberry Compensatory growth of Carex scabrirostris in different habitats in alpine meadow Clonal Plasticity in Response to Partial Neutral Shading in the Stoloniferous Herb Potentilla reptans var. sericophylla Clonal Plasticity in Response to Nutrient Availability in the Stoloniferous Herb, Duchesnea indica Relative Importance of Clonal and Non-Clonal Plants in the Landscape Dynamics of Mu Us Sandy Land Clonal Plants Along the Sandy Hill-Slope in Ordos Plateau and Relation of Their Importance to Plant Species Diversity Architectural Plasticity in Response to Varying Light Intensity in the Stoloniferous Herb, Duchesnea indica Focke Patterns of ramet population of Iris japonica Thumb. and their effects on herb diversity in different micro-habitats on Jinyun Mountain Division of Labor in Clonal Plants and Its Ecological Effects Intraclonal spatial division of labour in two stoloniferous plants with different branching type in response to reciprocal patchiness of resources Genetic variability and genetic structure in clonal population of Arundinella hirta The translocation of photosynthate between clonal ramets of Leymus chinensis population Genet Features and Ramet Population Features in the Rhizomatous Grass Species Psammochloa villosa Studies on the Dynamics of the Bamboo shoots in Phyllostachys pubescens Architectural Plasticity in Response to Soil Moisture in the Stoloniferous Herb, Duchesnea indica Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with clonal plants in Mu Us Sandy Land Hierarchical responses to grazing defoliation in a clonal plant Kobresia humilis Fine-scale spatial genetic structure of Glechoma longituba Lab. of Quantitative Vegetation Ecology; Institute of Botany; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing; China Role of clonal growth of the rehizomatous grass Psammochloa villosa in patch dynamics of Mu Us sandy land The clonal integration of photosynthates in the rhizomatous half-shrub Hedysarum laeve Plasticity of clonal architecture in response to soil nutrients in the stoloniferous herb Duchesnea indica Focke Effect of partial shading on the morphological plasticity and biomass allocation of Potentilla anserina Genetic Diversity of Endangered Plant Monimopetalum chinense in China Detected by ISSR Analysis PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY OF THE CLONAL PLANT TRAPA BICORNISIN RESPONSE TO SEDIMENT PHOSPHORUS CONCENTRATION AND PLANT DENSITY HIERARCHICAL PLASTICITY OF CENTELLA ASIATICAIN RESPONSES TO MICROSITES WITH DIFFERENT HERBACEOUS COVERAGE OF FOREST EDGE AND ABANDONED GRASSLAND SLOPE CLONAL DIVERSITY AND STRUCTURE IN POLYGONUM VIVIPARUM CLONAL ARCHITECTURE OF PHYSOCARPUS AMURENSISIN NATURAL CONDITIONS POPULATION QUANTITATIVE DYNAMICS OF THE RHIZOMATOUS WOODY CLONAL PLANT EREMOSPARTON SONGORICUM IN CHINA’S GURBANTUGGUT DESERT Architectural plasticity of the stoloniferous herb, Duchesnea indica in response to different elevation Response of clonal plasticity of Fargesia nitida to different canopy conditions of subalpine coniferous forest The classify of the liquorice life cycle form Photosynthate integration and regulation within clones of buffalograss under heterogeneous water supply Effects of grazing disturbance pattern and nutrient availability on biomass allocation and compensatory growth in Kobresia humilis Intraclonal resource sharing of stoloniferous herb Lysimachia christinae in response to reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients in the eastern edge of the Qing-Zang Plateau in China Genetic Diversity and Clonal Structure of Hedysarum laeve in Mo Us Sandland Effects of the growth of clonal plant Psammochloa villosa Trin. bor on ecological distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Mu Us Sandland Clonal diversity and structure in natrual populations of Blumea balsamifera Molecular Genetic Variation in a Clonal Plant Population of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. Responses of desert soil factors and dark septate endophytes colonization to clonal plants invasion Dynamics of module structures on Arundinella hirta populations in Songnen Plains of China A review of adaptive strategies of clonal plants to interspecific competition Effects of fertilization on the relations of diameter at breast height between different-aged ramets of Phyllostachys edulis population Water Physiology Integration and Its Ecological Effect of Clonal Plants RAPD Analysis for Mating System in Caldesia parnassifolia Grading Responses of Clonal Kobresia humilis to Grass Cutting Clonal Plasticity in Response to Reciprocal Patchiness of Light and Nutrients in the Stoloniferous Herb Glechoma longituba L. Spatial pattern of sandy vegetation and two dominant clonal semi-shrubs in the Ordos Plateau Importance of Clonal Plants in Community Effects of Nutrients Availability on Linked Two-Ramets of a Stoloniferous Herb, the Buffalograss Age Structure of Rhizomes of Artemisia argyi,a Clonal Plant Population in China’s Songnen Plain Remediation of blowout pits by clonal plants in Mu Us Sandland Effects of the growth of clonal plants on the diversity of AM fungi and mycorrhizal formation in Mu Us sandland Age structure of Pennisetum flaccidum populations during vegetation restoration in coal ash storage pools of Coal Power Plant in the Kerqin grassland region Phenotypic responses of a clonal plant (Buchloe dactyloides) to nutrient heterogeneity Clonal Plants and Their Importance of Different Alpine Grasslands in Haibei Region, Qinghai Province Allozyme Variance and Clonal Diversity in the Rhizomatous Grass Psammochloa villosa(Gramineae) Multiscale Distribution Pattern of Natural Ramet Population in the Rhizomatous Herb, Thermopsis lanceolata Morphological responses to different nutrient supply in the stoloniferous herb Glechoma longituba Hetergeneityies of Leymus secalinus ramet population and it‘s soil resources in the Otindag Sandland Effects of Soil Nutrients on Plasticity of Floral Characteristics in Iris japonica Thunb. Population ecology of Acanthopanax senticosus Ⅰ. Population structure Morphological adaptability of clonal herb Iris japonica to changed light condition Morphological character of growth cycle for Epimedium acuminatim and icariin content analysis

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